
Jiafu/Brief Commentary: [Flash of inspiration] "Love in decay" and "Wealth is scattered" are inevitable; "Fan Dai is indiscriminate" is just a reproduction of "Comedy Life" and "Les Miserables".

author:Jinghua Hakka Kofu

Jiafu/Brief Commentary: [Flash of inspiration] "Love is declining" and "wealth is scattered", it is inevitable; "Fan Dai is indiscriminate" is just a reproduction of "Comedy Life" and "Les Miserables"!

This is the most vivid example, and it is also the most typical example of a woman's foolishness: blindly attached to men, and only a little wisdom but not great wisdom.

As a woman, her mind has never been able to be independent and self-reliant, and the temporary scenery on the surface is actually just frost hanging on the donkey's dung eggs. As for the splendor of that moment, it completely concealed the embarrassment and greed of his thoughts.

Especially unwise, in fact, they do not know, and they never realize: the lack of the union of true love of spirit and flesh is tantamount to confusion. "Lust decays and love relaxation" or "wealth is exhausted and people are scattered", and "separation" is inevitable. And the ancients have long had a conclusion: "There are women who leave, and they sigh"!

What's more, at the beginning, it was greedy for money, greedy for pleasure, and trying to take advantage of the situation, and finally led to "fandel abuse", which is also an inevitable result, and it is also an inevitable outcome.

As for the fact that he is still obsessed with it, there are only the dramas of "Drama Life" and "Les Miserables".

In short, it can be concluded from this that he is sad in this life, and sad in the rest of his life. Abandon these two, dare to ask: all the gentlemen with clean faces, all the beautiful men, how can there be him!

· Portrait photography / Jiafu poetry inscription is attached:


Who knows my sorrow?

Erotic decay and love are sad!

3 - 诗文题照:程甲夫:

Love will be foolish and will see the truth.

Jinghua tired Ke Jiafu comics

The sixth day of the first month of the first month of the year is in Jinghua Lanshi Zhai/2024/2/15

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"The beautiful host is greedy for profit, marries a lot of money to the United States, and resolutely refuses to return to China after being subjected to domestic violence······"

Jiafu/Brief Commentary: [Flash of inspiration] "Love in decay" and "Wealth is scattered" are inevitable; "Fan Dai is indiscriminate" is just a reproduction of "Comedy Life" and "Les Miserables".
Jiafu/Brief Commentary: [Flash of inspiration] "Love in decay" and "Wealth is scattered" are inevitable; "Fan Dai is indiscriminate" is just a reproduction of "Comedy Life" and "Les Miserables".
Jiafu/Brief Commentary: [Flash of inspiration] "Love in decay" and "Wealth is scattered" are inevitable; "Fan Dai is indiscriminate" is just a reproduction of "Comedy Life" and "Les Miserables".

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