
The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

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The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict in 2023 has caused a new round of turmoil in the Middle East.

The Hamas group, which controls the Palestinian Gaza Strip, enjoys unanimous support from Islam and the Arab world. Among them, Iran and Yemen's Houthis are important supporters of Hamas.

In retaliation against Israel, Yemen's Houthi rebels have targeted Israeli ships passing in the Red Sea since October 2023.

After December, the Houthis sparked the Red Sea crisis by expanding their attacks to include some countries that support Israel.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The Cape of Good Hope route is 10,000 kilometers longer than the Red Sea route, and the sailing time is more than half a month

Many merchant ships passing through the Suez Canal to and from Europe and Asia were forced to avoid and circumnavigate the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, and costs skyrocketed.

Starting on January 12, 2024, the United States and Britain launched several rounds of airstrikes against Yemen's Houthi rebels, including the capital Sana'a.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ The United States and Britain attacked Sana'a

The incident has once again put Yemen in the international headlines.

It is worth noting, however, that the representative government of Yemen is not the Houthis, both internationally and at the United Nations.

The Houthis are considered rebels and separatist forces by the Yemeni government. From 2014 to 2015, Yemen's civil war broke out, and Yemen occupied the capital Sana'a, which currently occupies about 30% of Yemen's land, mainly in the north.

After losing control of the capital, the Yemeni government moved the capital from Sana'a to the southern coastal city of Aden.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, is occupied by Yemen

So why did the Yemeni government lose control of the capital?

1. Yemen, sectarian antagonism

Yemen is located at the junction of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and is the only way for the Suez Canal to and from the Indian Ocean.

However, Yemen is the only least developed country in the Arabian Peninsula, with an annual per capita GDP of less than $1,000.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The geographical location of Yemen guards the main route in and out of the Suez Canal

All of this is closely related to the sectarian separation of religions in Yemen.

Yemen has a population of 30 million, of which 65% are Sunnis and 35% are Shiites. Although the Shia population is in the minority, it is mainly concentrated in the northern regions.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Distribution of Yemenis

In 630 AD, the Arab Empire founded by Muhammad unified the entire Arabian Peninsula.

Arab and Islamic culture took root in the Arabian Peninsula. The word Yemen comes from the Arabic word meaning "right side". Yemen is named because it is located on the right side of the holy city of Mecca in the direction of sunrise.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Yemen, named after the right side of Mecca

After that, the Arab Empire began to expand abroad. The Arab Empire seized Palestine from the Eastern Roman Empire in the north, and the region was gradually Arabized and Islamized.

To the east of the Arab Empire was the much more powerful and ancient Persian Empire (Second Empire). The Persian Empire was an obstacle to the eastward expansion of the Arab Empire.

In 650 AD, the Arab Empire collapsed the Persian Empire. With the conquest of Persia by the Arab Empire, the Persians abandoned their original religion of Zoroastrianism and converted to Islam, gradually Islamizing.

However, the Arab Empire was not monolithic internally.

After the death of Muhammad, Islam split into two factions because of the question of succession. One of them mainly advocated the succession of the patriarchs who followed Muhammad, the Sunnis. The other group mainly advocates Muhammad's lineage, the Shia.

In the secession of Islam, the majority of the Arab population chose Sunni. The Persians, in order to show their differences, chose Shia.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Islam is divided into Sunni and Shia

The northern part of Yemen is dominated by highlands and mountains, with high altitudes and low temperatures, which are suitable for human habitation.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Topographic map of Yemen, the population is concentrated in the mountainous areas around the capital

As a result, the mountainous areas of northern Yemen have always been population concentrations. Sana is a major city in northern Yemen. The mountainous interior became the stronghold of the Zaid, a branch of the Shiite sect.

During the Arab Empire, the Zaidists established a Shiite regime with Sana'a as the core. As a result, northern Yemen has long been a stronghold of Shiism.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Traditional scriptures unearthed in Sana'a

Southern Yemen has a Sunni majority.

In 1258, the Arab Empire was destroyed by the Mongol Empire. With the fall of the Arab Empire, two factions in Yemen are at loggerheads for power.

In addition, Arab areas were at risk of alien invasion. Yemen's location on the Red Sea's main route to and from the Indian Ocean has made it a target for various powers.

In the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire occupied northern Yemen and occupied three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa.

About 50% of the inhabitants of northern Yemen are Sunnis, as are the Turks, the dominant Ottoman Empire.

Thus, the Ottoman Empire supported the Sunni majority, against the Shia forces, against the Shia Zaidists.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ The Ottoman Empire, which briefly occupied northern Yemen

At the same time, the Third Persian Reich (the Islamic Shiite Empire) arose. After the fall of the Arab Empire in the 7th century, Persia regained its independence after nearly a thousand years.

The Third Reich of Persia provided arms aid to the Zaidites and financed the Zaidite's war against the Sunnis.

The Shiites took advantage of the geographical topography of the mountainous region north of Yemen and expelled the Ottoman Empire in 1634.

Northern Yemen became one of the few Shiite regimes on the Arabian Peninsula, with Sana'a as its seat.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ The Shiite regime, which established a regime in Yemen

After the 16th century, artifacts were changed in the West through great geographical discoveries. The weapons of the Ottoman Empire stuck in the cold weapons era of the past and gradually declined.

The Ottoman Empire occupied an important outlet to the sea in Eurasia and became a target coveted by Western countries such as Britain and the United States.

In the middle of the 19th century, Britain occupied the Indian colony. In order to communicate the trade between India and the Mediterranean.

Britain strongly encouraged Egypt's independence from the Ottoman Empire in order to build a canal on the Isthmus of Suez.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The location of the Suez Canal

From the 18th to the 19th centuries, there was a lot of ocean-going trade near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. This has led to frequent piracy in the area. The high frequency of piracy severely affected Britain's ocean-going trade.

The prevalence of Arab pirates gave the British an excuse to expand in the region. In 1839, the British occupied Aden in the southern coastal region of Yemen as their own colonial stronghold.

After that, the British used the port of Aden as a base to expand their influence into the southern coastal areas of Yemen, occupied the southern part of Yemen, and designated it as the Aden protectorate.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ From the port of Aden to the colony of Aden, it expanded into today's southern Yemen

In 1869, the Suez Canal was opened, and Aden flourished as a trading base from the Suez Canal to the British Indian colonies. At one time, it became the second largest port after New York.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The port of Aden in the 19th century

In 1849, northern Yemen was reoccupied by the Ottoman Empire. The administrative centre of the region remains Sana'a. During World War I, the Ottoman Empire joined the Allied Powers and fought against the Entente powers, mainly Britain and France.

In order to dismember the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France fully supported the independence of the Arabs in northern Yemen from the Ottoman Empire. Zaidism is a branch of Shiism that is deeply at odds with the Sunni faith of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, the Zaide faction was the target of the British and French support.

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed. The kingdom of Yemen, with the Islamic Shia Imam Yahya Muhammad al-Din (the Rashid family) as its monarch, was established in northern Yemen. Sana'a became the capital of the Kingdom of Yemen.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲After World War I, Yemen became independent in the north and became a British colony in the south

The northern part of Yemen has been ruled by Shiites for thousands of years, and Sana is the center of Shiism. Although Yemen is independent in the north, it is still a British colony in the south. Aden was one of the trading centers.

Second, the rise of the Houthis

The landscape of the Middle East changed after World War I, and after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey gradually normalized the country through secular reforms.

At the same time, Persia (renamed Iran in 1935), with the blessing of the Pahlavi dynasty, also began secularization reforms and established a secular regime.

After World War I, Turkey and Iran became one of the few secular states in the Islamic world.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ After World War I, Iran established a secular regime, and women could not wear a hijab

The landscape of the Middle East after World War II has changed. The traditional colonial empires of Britain and France were in decline, and the Anglo-French trust colonies of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon were all moving towards independence.

The United States and the Soviet Union were the only two superpowers. In order to demonstrate its power in the Middle East, the United States fully supported the establishment of Israel (a Jewish state) after World War II against the Arabs in Palestine. A confrontational situation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has developed in the Palestinian areas.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The Palestinian-Israeli conflict after World War II. The United States is considered the biggest supporter of Israel

In addition, the United States has established alliances with Iran and Saudi Arabia to consolidate its dominance in the Middle East.

At the same time, with the decline of the traditional colonial powers of Britain and France. A wave of national liberation has been set off in the Middle East. In 1952, Egypt's Nasser staged a coup d'état that overthrew the Anglo-French and supported Farouk dynasty and established a republic.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Nasser, Egypt

In 1956, Egypt recovered the Suez Canal from Britain and France. Nasser became a national hero in the Arab world. Egypt has also become a model for some Arab countries.

In 1962, under the influence of Egypt's independence and the establishment of a republic, military officers in North Yemen staged a coup d'état against the Rashid family, deposing the royal family and establishing a republic.

The Rashid family went into exile and established power. The royalists were dissatisfied with the loss of power, and a civil war broke out with the republicans. The civil war lasted for 8 years. On December 1, 1970, a compromise was reached between the republican government and the former monarchy.

North Yemen was a republic and power was placed in the hands of secular (predominantly Sunni) factions. After the establishment of the republic in North Yemen, the capitalist system was fully implemented.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Location of the Republic of North Yemen (red)

At the same time, an uprising against Britain broke out in southern Yemen. The outbreak of an anti-British uprising in southern Yemen gave the Soviet Union an opportunity. The Soviet Union fully supported the anti-British uprising in southern Yemen.

In 1967, a pro-Soviet regime was established in southern Yemen: the Democratic People's Republic of Yemen, with a socialist system.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲British troops surrendered in southern Yemen

Power in North Yemen is in the hands of the secular, predominantly Sunni, and the Shiites are repressed. The North is largely in the hands of the Shiite and Sunni secular factions, pursuing a pro-American policy. The South was in the hands of pro-Soviet forces.

In the 70s of the 20th century, the secularization reform of Iran, a traditional ally of the United States in the Middle East, infringed on the interests of the clergy and aroused strong dissatisfaction among the clergy. At the same time, Iran's oil resources have to be distributed with the United States, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of the vast number of Iranian people.

In 1977, under the leadership of Iranian priest Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, an Islamic revolution broke out in Iran against the Pahlavi dynasty. In 1979, Iran overthrew the secular Pahlavi dynasty and established a Shiite theocratic regime.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Islamic Revolution in Iran

In 1979, Saleh came to power in a coup d'état. Although Saleh himself is a Shiite origin, Saleh himself adheres to a policy of secularization and mainly supports Sunni forces as his own support force. Externally, Saleh continues to pursue pro-American diplomacy.

After the establishment of a theocratic regime, Iran also began to export revolutions. North Yemen has historically been established by the Zaydites (the Shiite offshoot) and has become a key target for Iran. Iran supported the Shiites in North Yemen to develop their own power and eventually seize state power.

In the 1980s, a well-known cleric in northern Yemen called Allama Saeed al-Houthi, with funding from Iran, put forward the idea that the local population would return to the Shia faith. In the early days, the Houthis carried out their revival movement mainly through propaganda, publishing, and teaching the Qur'an.

In the 1980s, Israel was isolated by the Arab and Islamic worlds after five wars in the Middle East. The United States is seen as Israel's biggest supporter. In order to develop their power, the Houthis raised slogans against Israel and the United States in order to gain the support of ordinary Yemenis.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The initiators of the youth of faith - the Houthi family

The Houthis formed the "Faith Youth" group, hoping to peacefully enter the cabinet and gain the right to govern.

In 1989, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe underwent drastic changes. The USSR withdrew from the Arabian Peninsula. South Yemen, which had lost Soviet support, was annexed to North Yemen on 22 May 1990. Yemen unified. A united Yemen gained international recognition and joined the United Nations.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲In May 1990, Yemen was reunified

After the reunification of Yemen, a capitalist multi-party system was implemented, with former North Yemen President Saleh as the president, and the former president of the South as the vice president, and the capital is still Sana'a, the former capital of North Yemen.

The lifting of the ban on the party in Yemen has made it easier for young people of faith to participate in politics.

After reunification, Yemen is nominally multi-party, but in reality, the north is in a strong position in many fields, including politics and economics. Saleh has always relied on his political skills to control Yemen's power.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Saleh, who has been in charge of Yemen for 30 years

Faithful youth arise in northern Yemen, where 30% of the population is Shia. This 30% of the Shia population is mainly concentrated in the mountainous areas of northern Yemen. The youth of the faith, who advocated the establishment of a Shia-dominated theocratic state, won the support of Shiites in northern Yemen and became a political force to be reckoned with in northern Yemen.

Iran is fully committed to providing financial support for the participation of young people of faith in politics in order to gain influence in the Arabian Peninsula.

Although Saleh himself is a Shia, he has pursued a secular policy and opposed a theocratic regime. Young people of faith advocate anti-American and anti-Israeli views. Saleh not only pursues a pro-US policy, but also advocates good relations with Sunni countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Saleh used political tactics to suppress young people of faith and exclude them from the cabinet in the parliamentary elections. This has exacerbated discontent among young people of the faith with the secular government of Yemen dominated by Saleh. Saleh is even more regarded as a traitor by the youth of faith.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Shiite armed forces

Although Yemen holds the Red Sea, access to the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean, trade points. However, the protracted civil war has led to a low level of economic development in Yemen.

In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates on the Arabian Peninsula used oil resources to become rich countries. The contrast between Yemen and other Arab countries has exacerbated the discontent of young people with the Saleh government.

In 2004, a large-scale insurgency in northern Yemen by young people of the faith, backed by Iran's covert weapons, was suppressed by the Saleh government. On September 11 of that year, Houthis, the leader of the Young Faith, were killed by the Yemeni government in a battle with government forces. After the Houthis were killed, their followers changed the name of their organization to the Houthis, or Houthis.

The Houthis are extremely Shiite and live up to slogans against the United States and Israel. It has been declared a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

In the Middle East, internal Islamic conflicts are mainly concentrated in the conflict between Shiites and Sunnis. The Shiite power is Iran, and the Sunni power is Saudi Arabia. Iran's support of Shiite forces in the Arabian Peninsula is a great provocation for the Sunni bigwig, Saudi Arabia. As a result, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Arab countries have also declared the Houthis a terrorist organization.

Saudi Arabia and other countries have fully supported the Yemeni government in this war. Saleh pushed the Houthis back to the north. Yemen's capital remains in the hands of the government.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Houthi uprising

With Iranian support, the Houthis have developed Shiites in northern Yemen and have become de facto local warlords in northern Yemen.

Saudi Arabia and other neighboring Sunni countries have been pursuing a policy of suppressing Shiites and fully supporting the Yemeni government's crackdown on the Houthis and other Shiite groups. However, the Yemeni government has not been able to eliminate the Houthis because of the deep contradictions between the north and the south.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Yemen before the Yemeni Civil War was largely peaceful

Third, the Yemeni government lost its capital

The protracted civil war has left Yemen economically lagging behind among the countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

In many Arab countries, including Yemen, power has long been held by leaders. The leader's long-term grip on power has caused discontent among the population.

The global subprime mortgage crisis that erupted in 2008 exacerbated public dissatisfaction with the government. In December 2010, a hawker in Tunisia was forced to commit suicide after being brutally treated by the police, causing dissatisfaction among the Tunisian public with President Ben Ali. The Jasmine Revolution broke out in Tunisia. This is seen as the starting point of the Arab Spring.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The Jasmine Revolution, which originated in Tunisia, is considered the beginning of the Arab Spring

In January 2011, Ben Ali, who had been in charge of Tunisia for 21 years, had to relinquish power and flee to Saudi Arabia. The Arab Spring has spread to other countries, including Yemen.

Yemen is a country with a low level of economic development in the Arab world, and President Saleh has been in power for more than 30 years. Saleh lives a drunken life, causing discontent among the Yemeni population.

In January-February 2011, a civil war broke out in Yemen against President Saleh.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The Arab Spring spread to Yemen

The Houthis and the extremist al-Qaeda have taken advantage of popular dissatisfaction with the Yemeni government to participate in the war against Saleh.

In 2011, Yemeni President Saleh announced that he was stepping down from office amid the onslaught of the opposition, handing over power to Vice President Abd-Rabbu Hadi (from the south).

However, Saleh's alternation of power did not bring lasting peace to Yemen. After Hardy came to power, he continued to support Sunnis. This has exacerbated the contradictions between Shiites and Sunnis.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Hardy

At the same time, the Houthi anti-US and anti-Israeli policies have a strong influence among the Yemeni people. In addition, he previously owned a large area of land in the north as his base.

After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, it fully supported the Shiites in Arabia. The Houthis are a key target for Iran. With the support of Iran, a major Shiite power, the Houthis have grown through the war and become a formidable rebel force in Yemen.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Houthi forces

The Houthis and the Yemeni government have formed a pattern of confrontation. In 2014, Yemen's economy was in trouble. The Yemeni government's announcement of the abolition of fuel subsidies has sparked popular discontent and social unrest.

In August 2014, the Houthis seized the opportunity to invade Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, and seized the Yemeni government headquarters building, demanding the removal of the Yemeni prime minister.

In October 2014, under the mediation of the United Nations, Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Hadi and the Houthis reached a tentative agreement to reshuffle the cabinet and remove the prime minister.

However, President Hadi still uses Sunnis, which has caused displeasure among the Houthis. The Houthis refused to join the new government.

In January 2015, the Houthis simply laid siege to the presidential palace. On February 6, 2015, the Houthis announced the deposition of President Mansour Mansour Hadi and the establishment of the Presidential Council and the National Transitional Council.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The Houthis occupy Sana'a

At the same time, Yemeni President Abs-Hadi announced the temporary relocation of the capital from Sana'a in the north to Aden, the former capital of South Yemen. The Houthis have been declared a terrorist organization by many countries, so many embassies in Yemen have moved from the original capital, Sana'a, to the interim capital, Aden, to express their support for the Yemeni government.

The Houthis are not recognized by the United Nations. The Yemeni government is seen as the legal representative of Yemen.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?


Extremist al-Qaeda has taken advantage of the civil war in Yemen to occupy the central region. It has become a separatist force on the Yemeni side.

Iran, as a Shiite state, is the backer of the Houthis. Behind it is provided with financial and weapons support. Because the Houthis are not recognized by the international community.

Thus, Iran, while supporting the Houthi rebellion, has not declared its recognition of the legitimacy of the Houthis.

The Houthi occupation of the capital means the emergence of a Shiite regime in the Arabian Peninsula, which has put Sunni countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on pins and needles.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Sunni Arab countries have fully supported Yemeni government forces, and in March 2015 launched airstrikes against the Houthis, codenamed Decisive Storm, to help stabilize the Yemeni government.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Operation Decisive Storm

The Yemeni government has its own turf in the south.

Although the Yemeni government army has received support from the United States, Saudi Arabia and other countries. However, the lack of discipline in the Yemeni government army and the contradiction between the north and the south of the army have made it impossible for the Yemeni government army to gain an advantage on the battlefield and recover the capital Sana'a.

The defeat on the battlefield caused discontent within the Yemeni government. In May 2017, Zubaidi, the former chief executive of Yemen's cabinet, fled Aden to form the Southern Transitional Council.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Southern Transitional Council

As an oil-rich country in the Gulf, the UAE actively supports the Southern Transitional Council regime. In order to assert their influence in the Arabian Peninsula.

The establishment of the Southern Transitional Council has established a general pattern in Yemen of a "four-legged alliance" of government forces, Houthi rebels, the Southern Transitional Council, and extremist groups.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲Yemen is divided into four

Currently, 30% of Yemen's northern territory, including Sana'a, the capital and largest city of Yemen, and Hodeidah, the fourth largest city, is occupied by the Houthis. Aden, the interim head of the Yemeni government, is the second largest city in Yemen.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲ Houthi-controlled areas

Iran, as a Shiite power, did not recognize the legitimacy of the Houthis in view of its international implications. But it has long been the Houthis' largest financial and military donor. The Houthis, backed by Iran, have captured the capital, Sana'a, and have become a force to be reckoned with in the Middle East.

However, the Houthis are not recognized internationally by the United Nations and face sanctions from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, as well as the United States.

Since October 2023, the Houthis, under the banner of Gaza supporters, have repeatedly looted passing Israeli, American and other multinational ships. Given the important location of the Red Sea, the cost of navigation in the countries of the world increases.

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

▲The Red Sea, the geographical location is very important

While the United States and other Western countries formed the Red Sea escort group, they repeatedly accused Iran of being behind the scenes. This accusation has been refuted by Iran. Iran, for its part, accuses the United States and Israel of being the main culprits in undermining peace in the Middle East.

In January 2024, areas controlled by the Houthis were hit by a joint U.S. strike. Under the attack of the United States and Britain and other countries, the Houthis are facing the risk of being attacked from many sides, and their ties with Iran may be cut off by the United States and Britain, and the living conditions of the Houthis will be even worse.

Even so, the Yemeni army, plagued by internal corruption and infighting, will struggle to reclaim the capital directly from the Houthis.

(This article only represents the author's point of view and does not represent the position of this number)

The most failed state: the Yemeni government, why did it lose control of the Yemeni capital?

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