
The 4 major manipulative techniques of the Legalists are extremely ruthless, and they are in a cold sweat after reading it. The following 4 Legalist techniques for controlling people, people who don't understand it, only feel that "the six relatives don't recognize", and the wise leader understands the mystery

author:The world's cultural miscellaneous

The 4 major manipulative techniques of the Legalists are extremely ruthless, and they are in a cold sweat after reading it.

The following 4 Legalist techniques for controlling people, people who don't understand it read it, and only feel that "the six relatives don't recognize", and the clever leadership understands the mystery.

Legalist Han Feizi has always been a palace-level master of power schemes, and through a lot of reading and thinking, he summed up the four basic laws of Legalism's mastery of people.

1. Unkindness: do not believe in morality, are not constrained, and need to be decisive when managing people, and do not talk about feelings. Many modern entrepreneurs agree with Han Feizi's thoughts, believing that leaders should be a bad person in front of their subordinates and must not be soft-hearted.

2. Not close: the leader and his subordinates keep a certain distance, there is a sense of mystery and authority at a distance, and subordinates cannot easily guess the leader's thoughts. Being too close can lead to disrespect and even take advantage of subordinates.

3. Disdain: trust subordinates but can't believe them thoroughly, and keep a hand. Even those who reuse it can't be completely trusted, and they have to keep a hand on whoever they are.

Fourth, it is not expensive: the leader cannot promote his subordinates too quickly and too highly, in case the power is too large and weakens the monarch's power. It is necessary to balance the subordinate forces, use containment techniques, and let subordinates fight among themselves. Only the monarch can sit back and relax, this is "not expensive".

If you are familiar with these 4 rules, you can have a deep understanding of the art of controlling people, which sounds thick and black, but it is actually very useful, looking at thousands of industries, strategies are everywhere.

The beautiful woman went on a business trip to catch the car, but she brought out her husband's car keys. The beauty didn't know how to return the key to her husband, so in a hurry, she found high-speed rail customer service, security and other staff, but without exception, no one refused to take her key. After pondering for a while, the beauty took a picture of the car key and sent it to her husband, and then handed the key to the high-speed rail customer service, saying that he picked it up at the station. After that, the beauty got on the high-speed train, and after a while her husband went to the lost and found office to get the key.

There's more to come. , Xiao Wang came to the big city, penniless, but bought a car of 200,000 yuan in a year by buying lottery tickets. Xiao Wang first found the owner of the lottery shop, and the boss recommended him a lottery player with a particularly high winning rate of buying football lottery. Xiao Wang told the boss that every time this person buys a lottery ticket, I have to buy the same copy as him.

Then Xiao Wang found a friend of his own, told this friend that he has a channel to buy lottery tickets, has a great winning rate, and promised his friend that every time he wins the lottery, we score, if you don't win, I will compensate you 50% of the investment. In this way, Xiao Wang invested a penny, but the odds of winning doubled, and even if he failed, he only wasted half of the money. Over the past year, Xiao Wang has undergone a makeover.

The most powerful thing in the world is not money, not power, but a way of thinking that deeply understands people and the environment and skillfully applies them to life and decision-making. Those who really excel are actually experts who have mastered this mental skill.

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Chinese history masters control the game

The 4 major manipulative techniques of the Legalists are extremely ruthless, and they are in a cold sweat after reading it. The following 4 Legalist techniques for controlling people, people who don't understand it, only feel that "the six relatives don't recognize", and the wise leader understands the mystery
The 4 major manipulative techniques of the Legalists are extremely ruthless, and they are in a cold sweat after reading it. The following 4 Legalist techniques for controlling people, people who don't understand it, only feel that "the six relatives don't recognize", and the wise leader understands the mystery
The 4 major manipulative techniques of the Legalists are extremely ruthless, and they are in a cold sweat after reading it. The following 4 Legalist techniques for controlling people, people who don't understand it, only feel that "the six relatives don't recognize", and the wise leader understands the mystery

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