
The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

author:The flying fart in the air

01 The leopard easily picks up a huge wild boar

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

02 A possum kills a snake

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

03 Black-backed jackals eat baby zebras alive

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

04 The tiger gave the cow the final blow

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

05 Climbing perch can crawl on land for 6-10 hours

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

06 The crab claws kill a meerkat

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

07 The lion tore the gazelle to pieces

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

08 The crow uses a trick and then can take a bath by himself, this trick is called ......

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

09 The crow swallows a mouse

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

10 Suffocation, antelope

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

There will be 10 GIFs in each issue, not much, but every day must be there, 365 days are basically every day, you come to see every day, come and communicate with me is my biggest motivation every day, I have read all your comments and private messages, I still remember a few months ago, a netizen said to me: Cruel Jun, thank you for your company along the way, I finally went ashore for the graduate school entrance examination, in the tormented days when I was preparing for the graduate school entrance examination, I had to wait to watch an issue of "Cruel Animals" at five o'clock in the afternoon every day. Thank you very much, I went ashore, my life is about to start a new journey, I am very grateful for this time, whenever I can't hold on, I will silently reflect on myself, cruel Jun can insist on sending an issue every day, although no one reads it, but you are still insisting, why can't I persevere. In the future, I may not come to see it very often, but I will come back to see you once in a while...... Cruel Jun almost burst into tears, your words are cruel and inspirational, graduate school is a very valuable experience, where you can not only learn the major, but also develop your own network, especially the tutor and classmates, I hope you will face cruelty bravely in the next life, because you know that this world is cruel. No one is going to be nice to you for no reason, everyone is here to survive, although there are a very few extremes, when you understand this basic point, you know how to do a lot of things.

What else do you want to see here in Brother Cruelty, you follow me, I believe you are mentally prepared, you are trying to understand this more real world. This is the cruel gentleman's zoo, a world of curiosity, shock, and brain-opening.

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces


dEat the lion cub killed by the crocodile

The black-backed jackal eats a baby zebra alive / The crab claws kill a meerkat / The lion tears the little antelope to pieces

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