
Holiday diet therapy | fragrant over chestnuts, glutinous sweet potatoes, with crispy powder glutinous spleen and stomach first tonic "taro" in the golden autumn

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Xu Youjia

In the long, dry late autumn, people's emotions are prone to ups and downs, but balancing the body and mind may only require a delicious dish. Many people's first reaction is "seasonal food", and the most suitable food at present is the taro that is fragrant with chestnuts and sticky sweet potatoes.

The cooked taro does not need to add any auxiliary materials, put it to the mouth and gently pinch it with your hand, and the white and tender taro meat slides into the mouth. After a little chewing, it slid into the stomach, and after eating it, the whole body was full of satisfaction. Qing Dynasty diners Yuan Ming repeatedly described the delicacy of taro in the "Suiyuan Food List", and specially wrote a "taro soup", which is enough to prove its charm.

Chinese medicine believes that taro tastes sweet and spicy, is flat in nature, has the function of eliminating fistula and loosening knots, laxative and detoxifying, improving qi and strengthening the spleen, and adding lean essence. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" once recorded that taro can "benefit the spleen and stomach, regulate the qi, and dissolve the stasis and scatter the knots". "Yunnan Materia Medica" also has a record of "taro cures insufficient qi, long-term service to tonifies the liver and kidneys, and adds lean essence". According to the study, the starch particles of taro are as small as 1/10 of potato starch, and its digestibility can reach more than 98%, which is especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, so ancient Chinese medicine also often used taro into medicine to assist in the treatment of patients with spleen and stomach disease.

Holiday diet therapy | fragrant over chestnuts, glutinous sweet potatoes, with crispy powder glutinous spleen and stomach first tonic "taro" in the golden autumn

Visual China

And unlike the general tonic food, taro in the "supplement" at the same time also has the role of "diarrhea", this is because taro contains a wealth of dietary fiber, not only can moisten the intestine laxative, but also neutralize stomach acid, oil and grease, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, assist in regulating indigestion.

Modern pharmacological studies have found that taro is a good low-calorie and low-fat food, and its rich natural polysaccharide colloid can enhance appetite and help digestion. In addition, among the many minerals contained in taro, the content of fluoride is high, which can play a role in cleaning teeth and preventing caries.

Replenish the mid-air

The rich nutritional value of taro can neutralize the modern life diseases brought about by various partial foods in daily life, improve the human body in essence, enhance the immune function of the human body, and contain rich mucus saponin and a variety of trace elements, which can help the body correct the physiological abnormalities caused by the lack of trace elements, enhance appetite, help digestion, and apply to fatigue, mental atrophy, premature aging and other symptoms.

Regulates homeostasis

As an alkaline food, taro itself can neutralize the acidic substances accumulated in the body, adjust the acid-base balance of the human body, alleviate symptoms such as joint swelling and pain in gout patients, and can also be used to prevent and treat hyperacidity, and gradually lead to normal conditioning effects on various chronic diseases such as three highs, constipation, and chronic nephritis.

Anti-cancer and anti-tumor

The mucus protein in taro can produce immunoglobulins after being absorbed by the human body, improving the body's resistance, so Chinese medicine believes that taro can detoxify, and the carbuncle and pain of the human body, including cancer poison, have inhibitory and digestion effects, can be used to prevent and treat tumors and lymph nodes and other diseases, and help to recover after illness, most suitable for people with weak constitutions to eat. Clinically, taro is also often used in the diet of patients undergoing cancer surgery or postoperative radiotherapy, chemotherapy and its rehabilitation.

Rejuvenating beauty

Taro is rich in collagen, its sticky and slippery nature can prevent the premature production of wrinkles, maintain skin moisture, enhance skin elasticity, achieve the purpose of tightening the skin and delaying aging. Among them, mucus protein also has the effect of balancing female hormones, lowering blood sugar and blood cholesterol, achieving the effect of beauty and beauty, dark and shiny hair.

How to buy a good taro

➤ When purchasing taro, you should choose a spherical shape, the size of an egg, the skin is round and has no holes, and the surface hair can also be long.

➤ Observe whether the appearance of the taro is complete, and whether there are traces of moldy rot, hardening, dry wilting, and spots.

➤ Check whether the taro is fresh, the fresh taro must have the smell of wet earth, and itself carries a little moisture.

➤ Observe the overall integrity and size of the two ends of the taro, generally speaking, the larger the taro, the better.

➤ Taro of the same size, lighter weight is better quality, better taste.

➤ Cut the root whiskers with a knife, if thick mucus appears, and can quickly form a small white powder, this is a good product.

Small taro, eat the same way every day

The most classic way to eat taro is boiled or steamed, can be called "simmered taro", can retain the fresh taro aroma and sweetness to the greatest extent, at the same time it is also the "universal player" in the food industry, boiling, steaming, simmering, roasting, roasting, roasting, frying, braising can be, so that the salt can be sweet soul delicious, anyone who looks at it has to be moved!

But when the taro is peeled, it is easy to make the hands sticky and itchy, and here is a little trick to teach you. Just apply a little salt or white vinegar with both hands before peeling the taro; after steaming the taro, you can first pass through the cold water and then peel it, so that the peeling speed will also be accelerated! Here are a few delicious dishes about taro, let's learn it together!

Steamed pork ribs with taro

Holiday diet therapy | fragrant over chestnuts, glutinous sweet potatoes, with crispy powder glutinous spleen and stomach first tonic "taro" in the golden autumn

Ingredients: pork chops, taro, salt, soy sauce, starch, vegetable oil, sesame oil, sugar


Peel the taro and cut into cubes.

The ribs are prepared with a little salt, soy sauce, a little sugar, vegetable oil, a spoonful of starch, mix well, and marinate.

Add the diced taro to the ribs, mix well and pour a little sesame oil.

Bring water to a boil in a steamer, put it in a pot, and steam it for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Efficacy: Nourish yin and dryness, improve sperm and replenish blood, suitable for those with insufficient qi and blood, yin deficiency and poor nutrition.

Osmanthus sugar taro

Ingredients: 5 fresh taro, a small amount of edible alkali, lotus powder, osmanthus sauce to taste.

Rinse off the sediment on the surface of the taro, steam in a steamer for 5 to 10 minutes, then peel and cut into pieces after steaming.

Bring the processed taro pieces to a boil over high heat and then turn to medium-low heat and cook slowly, adding less alkali noodles to brighten the color.

Pour the appropriate amount of lotus flour in a small bowl, stir in cold water and add when the taro is soft and rotten to increase the thickness.

Add osmanthus sauce to the pot and stir well.

Effect: It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing the qi, invigorating appetite and enhancing human immunity.

Taro lean porridge

Ingredients: 50 grams each of rice, taro, diced pork lean meat, green onion, salt, sesame oil, pepper.

Peel the taro, wash, cut into chunks and blanch; rinse the rice.

Put the rice in a pot with an appropriate amount of water and cook it into a thin porridge.

Start another pot, put it on the fire, pour sesame oil and heat it, put the lean diced pork and fry it.

Put the diced pork lean meat in the porridge pot, add the taro pieces and cook until the rice porridge is thick, add salt to taste, sprinkle with green onion and pepper.

Efficacy: Healthy spleen tonic deficiency, loose knot detoxification, can moisten the intestine laxative, nourish yin and dryness, especially suitable for people with qi deficiency and yin deficiency physique.

Pumpkin taro barley dew

Holiday diet therapy | fragrant over chestnuts, glutinous sweet potatoes, with crispy powder glutinous spleen and stomach first tonic "taro" in the golden autumn

Ingredients: 200g taro, 20g barley, 200g pumpkin, 100ml coconut milk, water, rock sugar to taste

Peel the pumpkin and taro, cut into chunks and wash again.

Then put the pumpkin pieces, taro pieces, and barley into the cooking pot.

Add the right amount of water, cover the pot and simmer for 20 minutes.

Add 100ml of coconut milk, an appropriate amount of rock sugar, stir well, cover the pot and simmer for 10 minutes.

Effect: Taro with pumpkin, coarse grain with crude fiber can effectively reduce the edema caused by moisture, coupled with barley dehumidification and heat, moisture is swept away.

Taro kelp fish ball soup

Ingredients: 2 taro, 3-5 fish balls, dried kelp, coriander, salt, sugar, pepper

Peel, wash and cut the taro; soak the dried kelp in advance with cool water, wash it, and cut it into strips; cut the fish balls in half.

Put the water in the pot to an appropriate amount, pour in the taro, bring to low heat and cook until cooked, put the kelp and fish balls in and bring to a boil.

Season with salt, sugar, and pepper, cook for another 10 minutes and sprinkle with parsley.

Efficacy: Taro spleen deficiency, loose knot detoxification; kelp contains iodine, lowers blood lipids, is most suitable for conditioning after the holiday big fish and meat, can regulate immunity, antioxidant, nourish yin and supplement the kidneys, improve endocrine disorders, qi deficiency physique is particularly good.


➤ Taro likes to be warm and cold, and is not tolerant of low temperatures, so when storing taro, it is not recommended to put it in the refrigerator, which is suitable for storage in a warm and ventilated place.

➤ Tao Hongjing, a physician of the Liang Dynasty, pointed out in the "Catalogue of Famous Doctors": "Taro is eaten raw and poisonous. "After eating raw taro, the mucus on its appearance will irritate the throat, causing tingling in the mouth and tongue and gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, taro must be cooked.

➤ Those with phlegm, sensitive constitution, pediatric food stagnation, poor stomach absorption, and diabetic patients should eat less taro; at the same time, people with stagnant stomach pain and hot stomach should avoid eating taro. In addition, eating taro and bananas together will cause bloating, so avoid cooking together.

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Source: Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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