
A seasoning that is always available in the kitchen makes the Chinese have the highest mortality rate in the world?

author:Healthy Britney

Salt is inseparable from everyone, but recently, Peking University experts said that Chinese are the first in the world in terms of mortality because they eat too much salt. And Chinese also eat too much salt, which brings a lot of harm to the body. It is important to know that the intake of table salt is 5 grams per day, and China has reached 9.3 grams.

A seasoning that is always available in the kitchen makes the Chinese have the highest mortality rate in the world?

Although table salt is necessary for the human body to metabolize, if the intake cannot be controlled and the intake is excessive, it will also increase the incidence of many diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc. Nowadays, many people are advocating "sugar control", but in fact, the most important thing to control is salt. According to the survey, about 68% of people want to control sugar, but only 31.4% want to control salt, which is enough to show that everyone's awareness of salt control is still very weak.

Salt intake should be moderate, once excess, salt may become poison!

Long-term excessive intake of salt will undoubtedly bring great harm to the body, increase the prevalence of many diseases, and increase the risk of death.

1. Respiratory diseases

A seasoning that is always available in the kitchen makes the Chinese have the highest mortality rate in the world?

In fact, if we eat too much salt, we will first feel throat discomfort, because high salt will damage the throat mucosa, so that its mucus secretion is excessive, it will make people feel unrefreshing, and even cause coughing, which is easy to cause bacterial infection.

2. High blood pressure

One of the causes of high blood pressure is eating too much high-salt food, so if you eat high-salt foods for a long time, the salt intake will increase, which will increase the blood volume, which will increase blood pressure.

3. Vascular diseases

High-salt foods can cause damage to blood vessels, reduce blood vessel function, and further block blood vessels, resulting in arteriosclerosis. In the long run, it will also lead to more serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Stomach problems

A seasoning that is always available in the kitchen makes the Chinese have the highest mortality rate in the world?

Food needs to enter the stomach for decomposition, if the salt intake is too much, it will affect the secretion of gastric acid, stimulate the gastric mucosa, make the gastric parietal cells lack oxygen, and reduce the resistance of the stomach. Therefore, if you eat high-salt food for a long time, it may induce many stomach diseases, such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, etc.

5. Kidney problems

If you eat too much salt, it will increase the burden on the kidneys and keep them in a state of high osmotic pressure, which will increase the metabolic pressure of the kidneys, affect the normal kidney function, and lead to nephritis diseases.

Therefore, it is not nonsense that Chinese eat too much salt and rank first in the world in terms of mortality, and it is also recommended that everyone pay attention from now on and take the initiative to "control salt".

What can be done in daily life to help "salt control"?

1. Learn to identify high-salt foods

A seasoning that is always available in the kitchen makes the Chinese have the highest mortality rate in the world?

When buying bagged food, check the nutrition facts list on the bag, which will contain sodium. For example, most of the instant noodles, bread, and biscuits that we often eat are high-salt foods.

2. Choose high potassium and low sodium salts

If you have organ dysfunction, such as kidney, heart and other dysfunction, it is recommended to choose low-sodium salt to buy, which will help reduce mortality.

3. Reduce the use of high-salt seasonings

A seasoning that is always available in the kitchen makes the Chinese have the highest mortality rate in the world?

In fact, many spices usually contain salt, such as our commonly used Vertamix, oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, etc., if these seasonings are used in cooking, then the amount of salt used should be reduced accordingly.

4. Eat less pickled food

Pickled or smoked foods such as sausages, bacon, and pickles are made with a lot of salt, so try to eat as little as possible.

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