
"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor", the classic good taste of crispy texture, brings you back to the taste of childhood

author:Hangzhou foodie

Previously, we recommended Wang Ji's new products this year, pecan kernel crisp and pecan kernel peach crisp (☜ details poke here), everyone's response is very good.

"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor", the classic good taste of crispy texture, brings you back to the taste of childhood

Pecan kernels are thin and crispy, 200 g*2 box: ¥69.6

Pecan bean crisp, 175g*2 box: ¥69.6

Today, I continue to recommend Wang Ji's explosive product - pecan kernel frozen rice candy


People's taste buds often worry about the first delicacy,

Mom's dish, grandma's dish, and childhood flavors.

Do you remember the deepest childhood flavors you remember?

Is it the aroma of rice candy handmade in the streets and alleys?

Is it the sweet and sour taste of a rock sugar gourd in the mouth?

Believe in everyone's memory

All have their own unique childhood taste,

Behind that little sense of taste in my hometown is the imprint of the memory of several generations.

The fragrant years that have solidified on the tip of the tongue - frozen rice candy

In the era when there were no French fries and chips, the children were worried about the frozen rice candy, taking advantage of the opportunity of adults to get up early to cook, secretly taking out one or two pieces from the drawer, and enjoying it. Frozen rice sugar is a symbol of happiness. Turning over the memories of childhood, the group of people who are now fifty or sixty years old will always say that although it was bitter at that time, it felt very warm with a small piece of frozen rice candy in hand.

"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor", the classic good taste of crispy texture, brings you back to the taste of childhood

I remember when I was a child, I went into any New Year's greeting, and there would be it in the assorted candy box on the table, and now the times have progressed, people's living conditions have improved, and there are fewer and fewer people who eat frozen rice candy in the New Year, and fewer and fewer people are willing to make frozen rice candy by hand.

Poke the picture above to purchase now

【Wang Ji pecan kernel frozen rice sugar】130g/box

1 box: ¥28 /2 box: ¥55

Traditional handmade, classic good taste

This frozen rice candy recommended to you today is traditionally handmade, with millet and pecan kernels as the main raw materials, white sugar, edible salt, maltose, trehalose, and vegetable oil as auxiliary raw materials. The first step in making frozen rice candy is to use millet with full grains and pecan kernels with full nuts, followed by more than a dozen processes such as boiling sugar, fried rice, shelving, molding, slicing, and slicing, and finally becoming a delicious frozen rice candy.

"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor", the classic good taste of crispy texture, brings you back to the taste of childhood

The master who made frozen rice candy told us that the raw materials are much more sophisticated than before, and the frozen rice candy made is also made of millet with a better taste, rather than the glutinous rice used before, because the glutinous rice is too sticky.

Preferential selection of nuts, fine selection of materials

The pecan kernels in frozen rice candy are also one of the reasons I like it. The plump pecan kernels are added to the frozen rice candy, and the frozen rice candy that overflows with the aroma of the pecan kernels is eaten in one bite, and the crispy and mellow aroma of the millet is added to make people have a long aftertaste, and I want to eat another piece.

"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor". This small pecan kernel not only touched my taste buds, but also evoked nostalgia for my hometown and childhood.

Foodie Select Mall No. 99,2021

Photo: Tesco Heart Choice

Edit: Fairy tales

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"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor", the classic good taste of crispy texture, brings you back to the taste of childhood

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"A piece of frozen rice candy, a bite of hometown flavor", the classic good taste of crispy texture, brings you back to the taste of childhood

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