
Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab


Tomato smoked salmon

Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab

Ingredients: salmon 150 g, organic tomatoes 150 g

Excipients: 20 g of hydrangea fungus, 15 g of iceberg mussels

Seasoning: 10 grams of Meiji umami sauce, 5 grams of fresh spicy sauce, 20 grams of olive oil


1, hydrangea fungus, iceberg mussel blanched water through the ice water to change the knife for backup

2: Peel and cut the organic tomatoes into small pieces, add 20 grams of original sparkling water, put them in a vacuum bag, put in ice water to extract, drain 30 grams of tomato liquid and set aside

3: Put the cut salmon into the seasoning and 40 grams of tomato liquid and stir well, put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration and marinate

4: Add 3 grams of chicken juice to the remaining juice. , stir well with hydrangeas and iceberg mussels, refrigerate and set aside

5, put the salmon into the bottom of the bowl, hydrangea fungus, iceberg mussel on the top, add the appropriate amount of decoration can be

6: Prepare three apple-flavored aromatherapy and smoke it out

Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab

Xiguan beef brisket

Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab

Ingredients: beef brisket 1000 g, gluten 100 g

Accessories: 50 grams of ginger slices, 50 grams of garlic grains, a little spice

Seasoning: 20 grams of seafood sauce, 15 grams of peanut butter, 40 grams of braised soy sauce, 10 grams of prince sauce, 5 grams of salt, 10 grams of fresh food

1: Blanch the brisket in advance, wash and change the knife for later

2: Stir-fry ginger slices and garlic in the pan, add beef brisket and continue to sauté until slightly brown

3: Add water and spices and simmer for 40 minutes

4, gluten bottom, high heat juice plate can be

Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab

Braised crabs

Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab

Ingredients: 8 crabs in season

Accessories: 40 grams of peppercorns, 5 grams of chili pepper segments, 10 grams of star anise, 200 grams of Meiji umami sauce: 150 grams of Steamed Fish Sauce of Meiji, 50 grams of Meiji Fresh Spicy Sauce, 100 grams of Seafood Soy Sauce, 200 grams of shrimp oil, 300 grams of high liquor, 200 grams of rock sugar

1. Wash the crab and control the water for later use

2: Mix all the spices well, heat the oil and oil, and then pour the spices into the mixed juice

3. After controlling the water, the small crab is put into the prepared juice and soaked for 24 hours to eat

Tomato smoked salmon, Xiguan beef brisket, stewed crab

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