
The mousetrap on the stamp is an owl

author:Soldiers who learn from the scriptures


The mousetrap on the stamp is an owl

Owl (xiāo), commonly known as "owl" in mainland China, is a general term for about 130 species of birds, mostly nocturnal birds of prey. It is an expert rat catcher, a forest ranger, and its contribution to the balance of the animal ecology in the natural biosphere and to human beings is significant.

In order to raise people's awareness of the protection of rare wild animals, on March 22, 1995, the former General Post Administration of China issued a set of 4 special stamps of "Owl" with the number of 1995-5, of which (4-2) "Long-eared Owl" face value is 20 points, (4-3) "Snow Owl" face value is 50 points.

The mousetrap on the stamp is an owl

(4-2) is the "long-eared owl". It depicts the long-eared owl that inhabits the woods. The long-eared owl on the picture hides behind the tree trunk, only showing a close-up of the head, the two clusters of long feathers erecting like ears, and the pair of vigorous round eyes of the tiger and tiger, which not only show the alertness of waiting for predation, but also reveal a bit of naughtiness.

The long-eared owl, also known as the long-eared owl and the night owl, belongs to the family of owls. Medium-sized birds of prey, with well-developed discs, two clusters of long feathers with black markings on the top of the head, erect in the shape of ears, hence the name long-eared owl. The body feathers are brownish-yellow, and the upper body is densely covered with black-brown coarse feathers and worm-like fine spots. The mouth is leaden brown, and the apex is black. Claw black. Inhabits mountain forests or plain forests. Except for a few areas such as Xining in Qinghai, Kashgar and Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, they are migratory birds in most other areas. It is also widely distributed in Eurasia and northwest Africa. It is also diurnal and nocturnal, hunting rats and other food for food. In winter, small groups of 10 to 20 individuals often inhabit together, and it is also a large sight.

The mousetrap on the stamp is an owl

(4-3) for "snow owl". The image of a snowy owl perched on a rock is depicted. The picture is set against a dark background, vividly showing the white and beautiful feathers of the snow owl, and the round and shining eyes show a kind of alertness and bravery, full of three-dimensionality.

The snow owl, also known as the white owl, the arctic owl, the snow owl, the white night owl, is a large owl of the owl family. Among the owls, it is a very beautiful bird. In winter, the plumage is plump and white, with a small number of light brown spots, and in summer, brown markings increase. The body length is about 50-71 cm, the wingspan is 125-165 cm, the weight is 1.6-3 kg, the head is rounded, and there are no ear feather bundles. The iris is yellow, the beak is black, the feet are yellow, strong and powerful, covered with dense feathers, the claws are black, hooked, 2.5-3.5 cm long, and can quickly conquer large prey. It is a resident bird in the Arctic tundra region, not afraid of ice and snow, and its staple diet is lemmings, snow hares, and ptarmigans. Migrated south due to food scarcity. It does not have a true nest and usually lays its eggs in recesses of the ground or in low-lying places at the base of rocks, with 3 to 11 eggs per litter. In the mainland, the snow owl is a winter migratory bird, distributed in the northern part of Northeast China and the cold areas of the Tianshan Mountains and Altai Mountains in Xinjiang, and its number is scarce.

The mousetrap on the stamp is an owl

In terms of the overall color concept, this set of stamps uses dark colors of nature as the background, which not only alludes to the nocturnal habits of the owl, but also highlights its sharp and sensitive demeanor, creating a harmonious realm between the owl and nature.

One of the stamps is used, the other is new, and there is a postmark stamp on it when it was mailed, but there is no trace of human repair, no obvious defects, no pier corners and rounded corners, no obvious yellowing, no mildew spots and obvious stains, no water ripples, and neat corners.

The specific specifications of these two stamps are 40×30mm, the number of perforation is 11., the use of photocopy printing, the anti-counterfeiting material is the exclusive adhesive coating stamp paper, specifically blue anti-counterfeiting fiber paper, special-shaped perforation, colorless fluorescent inkjet code and microtext.

The mousetrap on the stamp is an owl

As a nocturnal bird, the owl's entire body structure gives it extraordinary ability to catch rats and defeat its enemies unmatched by other birds. This beneficial bird should be protected by humans, and the mainland has listed it as a second-class national key protected wild animal.

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