
The first time you do it, you can succeed in the old Beijing mustard pier

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The first time you do it, you can succeed in the old Beijing mustard pier

Needless to say about this dish, right?! The classic of old Beijing cuisine! Sour and spicy, a feeling of flying in a second! Specialize in all kinds of nose ventilation, all kinds of no appetite haha! My husband and I must order every time we go to a Beijing restaurant! Especially with roast duck is so boring! Eat at the restaurant where there is affordable at home, make it at home! Learn this vegetable mustard duck palm and learn it!

By hungry crazy foodies


Baby cabbage three

One bag of mustard powder

Three scoops of sugar

Five scoops of white vinegar

Salt grams

Extremely fresh taste one scoop

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The first time you do it, you can succeed in the old Beijing mustard pier

1, supermarket bought mustard powder into the sealed box to add a spoonful of sugar to promote fermentation. Pour in 70 or 80 degrees of hot water in parts to stir in a paste-like shape, as shown in the figure, do not put too much water. Stir well and seal the lid and leave it in a warm place to ferment for more than three hours.

The first time you do it, you can succeed in the old Beijing mustard pier

2: Wash and break open the leaves, add a spoonful of salt to the boiling water, put in the cabbage leaves, blanch for about a minute and carry the water out and put it into the basin. Pour in the mustard, sugar, vinegar and salt while hot. Stir and apply well

The first time you do it, you can succeed in the old Beijing mustard pier

3, after applying evenly, roll up the cabbage leaves and put them together, and the remaining juice is also poured in and sealed, put into the refrigerator to keep the taste fresh, for an hour. This dish is cold and cold to eat and delicious!

The first time you do it, you can succeed in the old Beijing mustard pier

4. Let's eat!


Mustard can be sent more at a time, the rest of the mustard sauce in the refrigerator, eat dumplings, eat pie, make mustard duck paws and so on! Mustard flour is generally sold in large supermarkets, and if you can't find it, you can also sell it online.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of baby cabbage</h2>

1. Enhance resistance: Baby cabbage enhances the body's resistance, which has the effect of preventing colds and eliminating fatigue.

2. Thirst quenching diuretic: baby cabbage is also low in calories, contains β - carotene, iron, magnesium, can enhance the calcium absorption of the required ingredients, in addition to the potassium in the baby cabbage can excrete salt out of the body diuretic effect.

3. Tongli gastrointestinal: After stewing, baby cabbage helps digestion, so it is most suitable for patients with poor stomach and or disease.

4. Promote digestion: Baby cabbage can promote intestinal wall peristalsis, help digestion, prevent stool dryness, maintain the effect of patency of stool, and also prevent silicosis (a disease that causes extensive fibrosis of the lungs due to long-term respiratory inhalation of silica dust, with shortness of breath as the main symptom) breast cancer, bowel cancer and other diseases.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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