
Write an essay on the love in your heart, purpose: to spread positive energy, spread sunshine, spread love, promote purity and kindness, and retain an innocence and true love...... With love and kindness, ignite the hope in your heart

author:The old lady's heel

Write about the love in your heart

I write articles,


Spread positive energy,

spreading sunlight,

Spread love,

Purity and goodness are celebrated,

Keep a bit of innocence

and true love......

With love and kindness,

Igniting hope in my heart,


One more love in the world,

One less hate......


There is more understanding in the world,

One less suspicion......

Li Wenlong

January 23, 2024

#Life Insight# #Humanities# #Psychology# #情感#

Write an essay on the love in your heart, purpose: to spread positive energy, spread sunshine, spread love, promote purity and kindness, and retain an innocence and true love...... With love and kindness, ignite the hope in your heart
Write an essay on the love in your heart, purpose: to spread positive energy, spread sunshine, spread love, promote purity and kindness, and retain an innocence and true love...... With love and kindness, ignite the hope in your heart
Write an essay on the love in your heart, purpose: to spread positive energy, spread sunshine, spread love, promote purity and kindness, and retain an innocence and true love...... With love and kindness, ignite the hope in your heart

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