
Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

author:Wen Zijie

#打卡美好生活 #

I once came to Beijing that meeting, it was also in 2004, living in the Huguo Temple, next to a lot of play, food.

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

A street, back and forth I don't know how many times I have walked. The most vivid memory is the snacks of the Gokokuji Temple. Now passing by, I still go in and eat a little!

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

Bean juice, rubber rings, pickles, donkey rolling, pea yellow, almond tofu, old Beijing snacks! I don't know if there is anything you like to eat!

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice
Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

The taste has not changed, and now things are not human. Remembering good memories.

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

There are still a lot of people

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

Beef sauce

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

Almond tofu

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall, ticket 10 yuan, are on Huguosi Street

Gokokuji snacks, bean juice

Beijing Normal Court

The former site of Fu Jen University in Beijing, the campus environment site was originally Tao Belle Mansion, with the mansion as the campus building. Later, a new building of Fu Jen University was built in the southern part of the mansion garden and the old site of the horse circle, which was completed in 1930. The new building is a 2-storey brick-concrete structure with a three-storey main entrance, four enclosures and two courtyards enclosing the middle building. The outer wall is made of grinding bricks on the seam, and the wall is thick and heavy, and the score is obvious. The main entrance is a large arch of Han white jade, 3 mountain-style roofs, a cross in the middle of the roof ridge, and a four-corner Jasche-style corner tower. The façade is mixed with the use of ancient Chinese architectural techniques, including green glazed roofs, White Jade Sumi seats, mixed with southern fire sealing walls, sealing cornices and small mud imitation wooden bucket arches, and the pattern is basically complete.

Address: No. 1 Dingfu Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (near Pine Street)

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