
Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

author:Tao Ge gourmet snacks

There is a very strange phenomenon in our country, some century-old shops used to operate very well, since the merger of the state private reform and state-owned, the reputation has fallen off a cliff, such as the current dog does not pay attention to buns, Quanjude roast duck and other well-known snacks, has long been unworthy of the name. Beijing is a thousand-year-old capital, the past dynasties of snacks and delicacies are innumerable, almost all the old shops that have been preserved so far have been merged and acquired, and there are only a few old shops that are still popular at present, let's take a look at why the popular Beijing Huguosi snacks have endured, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people.

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Huguo Temple's Beijing snacks have dozens of kinds, the price of each store is slightly different because of the geographical location, today share the Small Editor often go to the Madian store, the storefront is located in the third ring road, next to Qingfeng buns and California beef noodles, compared to these two well-known restaurants, Huguo Temple here from the morning to open the door on the popularity, to sit down to eat and the takeaway window at the door, are need to queue up to buy. The following is a one-by-one introduction to the various snacks and delicacies of The Gokokuji Temple, all of which are the latest prices.

1: Sesame roast cake 1.5 yuan / piece, add beef 8 yuan / piece

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Gokokuji's sesame roast cake is large, golden color, crispy skin, soft inside, generally early to eat the best point one, more can not eat, just out of the pot of the baked cake fragrant, break open the flammy cake layers are clear, a layer of mahjong a layer of skin, many people are more than 10 packed away, the only fly in the ointment of this mahjong baked cake is sometimes too salty, it is estimated that the salt is not stirred. The meat is added for 8 yuan a piece, and the beef is very authentic, very flavorful and chewy.

2, oil cake 1.8 yuan / piece, sugar oil cake 2 yuan / piece

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

His family's oil cake click rate is very high, every morning queue to buy difficult to buy sugar oil cake, need to wait again, once served up 20 or so, are robbed by seconds, mainly very delicious, oil cake side soft and strong, brush sugar side is scorched and crisp, generally the right amount of 2 oil cake is enough, now in Beijing oil cake is both delicious price and affordable is really not much, the Goguo Temple is definitely worth the money.

3: Beef scallion buns 2 yuan / piece, cabbage egg noodles, leek eggs, carrot eggs and other vegetarian stuffed buns 2.2 yuan / piece

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

His family's bun is characterized by a thin skin and large filling, beef scallion buns with soup, the taste is slightly salty, but the porridge can still be accepted, the taste of vegetarian stuffing is light, the taste is very fragrant, the unified feature is that they are very large, generally two buns plus bowls of porridge can be eaten.

4. Hemp ball 3 yuan / piece

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Hemp dough is also called fried heap, the northern region is called hemp dough, the Fujian region is called fried jujube, the Sichuan region is called mayuan, Hainan is also called Zhenbao, Guangxi is also known as oil heap, is an ancient traditional characteristic fried noodles. The hemp balls of the Gokokuji Temple are very affordable, the bean paste filling inside is full, it is recommended not to eat more, generally eat one at a time, and the sticky noodles will burn the heart and stomach acid.

5. Fried cake 2.5 yuan / piece

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Fried cake is a very famous snack in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area, the most famous fried cake in Beijing is made of niu street, although the fried cake of the Huguo Temple is not as famous as that of niu street, but the taste is not inferior, golden crisp, after a bite, yellow, white and black are clear, yellow is fried brown skin, white is glutinous rice skin, chewy head, and not sticky teeth, black is sweet bean paste filling.

6. Mending meatloaf 5 yuan / piece

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Mending patties are a halal food from old Beijing. Legend has it that the Qing Imperial Dining Room made a dish of stuffed dim sum for Cixi, and Cixi felt very tasty after eating it, looking like a door nail on the city gate, and named it Mending Meat Cake. In Beijing Dongsi Liu tiao there is a family made of door ding meat cake is very delicious, but the environment is noisy, huguo temple is clean and affordable, the outer burnt tender, thin skin and large filling of the door nail meat cake is very fragrant to eat while hot, but be careful when eating, so as not to be burned by the soup.

7, fried vegetarian balls 10 yuan / catty

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Gokokuji's fried vegetarian balls can be described as a must, come to buy diners in an endless stream, in the big winter in the takeaway window, just out of the pan more than 10 pounds of croquettes, not waiting for the cold to be swept away, each time have to wait several times to buy. His family's vegetarian balls are carrots and vegetables stirred to make, the added various ingredients taste very fragrant, the outside is tender, golden crisp, just out of the pot is very delicious, is not soft after the cold, buy back as soon as possible open mouth to place, otherwise the heat will make the balls soft, affecting the taste.

8, millet porridge 2 yuan / bowl, eight treasure porridge 4 yuan / bowl

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

After saying the staple food, let's take a look at the soup of the Huguo Temple, millet porridge is definitely worth the money, his family boiled millet porridge does not add any starch, some merchants cut corners in order to make profits, put less millet and more powder to make the porridge appear viscous, his family millet porridge is thick and sweet, very delicious. Eight treasure porridge is full of ingredients, lotus seeds, cinnamon balls, red dates, peanuts and other spoonfuls can be eaten.

9, tofu brain 3 yuan / bowl

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Tofu brain and bean blossom are both intermediate products of making tofu, and there is not much difference in composition. Tofu brain is the first to come out, relatively tender and soft, the north loves salty food, while the south prefers sweet, and some regions such as Sichuan like sour and spicy taste. The tofu brain classic of Gokokuji Temple lies in the marinade he made, which is made of yellow flowers, fungus, eggs, and mutton, and is not enough to add the marinade for free.

10, ball soup 3.5 yuan / bowl, bean soup 3.5 yuan / bowl

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Old Beijing's ball soup is made of bean noodles, also called bean noodle ball soup, bean soup is fried after dry tofu boiled soup, to a bowl of their own need to go to the location of the seasoning to add, leek flowers, tofu milk, salt, monosodium glutamate, balsamic vinegar, chili oil combined with their own taste added, soup is not enough can be added for free, this bowl is relatively small, like Xiaobian such a moderate amount of large a few bites to drink out.

11: Stir-fried shredded pickles 1 yuan / dish, mixed with shredded pickles 0.5 yuan / dish

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Huguo Temple's stir-fried pickle shreds inherit the old Beijing practice, is fried with soy sauce and soybeans, large ingredients, ginger, garlic, scallion pot, when eating you can see the ingredients used, the taste is not very salty, you can eat more, pickles before is blanched water, mixed pickles are generally drunk bean juice gifts, a single point is 5 cents a dish, add some balsamic vinegar and chili oil is very delicious, Xiaobian often buy a few plates to pack away, desperate to add chili oil, his home chili oil is very fragrant.

12, noodle tea 3 yuan / bowl

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Beijing noodle tea, may be some friends do not know what is noodle tea, think it is a cup of tea, in fact, it is similar to porridge a kind of liquid food, the clerk in the bowl to put hot millet noodle porridge, and then on the top with a small colander poured with fragrant, incomparably mellow sesame sauce, the final finishing touch is sprinkled on the peanut sesame pepper salt, ho, the entrance is first mellow sesame sauce, and then sesame peanuts burst out of the tip of the tooth, on this bowl, it is very full. The real "eater" is to use the bowl in one hand, and the mouth rotates along the edge of the bowl to drink. It is said that this is so that every sip of noodle tea can taste the aroma of sesame sauce and sesame salt.

13, bean juice 3 yuan / bowl

Why the popular Huguosi snacks in Beijing have endured for a long time, the taste is the key, and the price is more close to the people

Bean juice is a specialty of the Gokokuji Snack Bar. Since the 1950s, it has been operating continuously. The drinking of bean juice by Beijingers began in the eighteenth year of the Qianlong Dynasty, around 1753 AD. Originally a drink for the Imperial Diet of the Qing Dynasty. Although the "taste" is individual, it has a health effect. Summer can quench thirst and quench heat, winter can clear the heat and warm sun, drink it in all seasons, beneficial to appetizers, spleen, detoxification and dryness. Drinking bean juice is exquisite, and it must be accompanied by scorched rings and pickle shreds.


Huguosi snacks are one of the representatives of beijing's local snacks, known for their rich variety, outstanding characteristics, and profound historical and cultural heritage. The above is only a small part of the list, there are dozens of kinds of Beijing snacks, friends who come to Beijing can try it, Beijing snacks are grounded in the eating of ordinary people, now a lot of internet red short videos have tarnished Beijing snacks, people who wear them like dogs, a mouth is: Guess what, the old Beijingers have long been out of this, really covered the hat, here omitted hundreds of words, early in the morning is boiled, large intestine, stewed hanging, do not feel panic?

What kind of snack do you like to eat in Beijing? Today's sharing is here, like friends remember to pay attention to the next 2021 good luck will make a fortune!

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