
Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

author:One Elemental World
Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

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△ Follow Chris Ding in search of Beijing - Issue 3

If you've been to Beijing, you probably won't be unfamiliar with Huguosi snacks.

This time-honored Chinese snack bar, which gathers the halal specialties of old Beijing, makes many travelers have to go to punch in for this purpose.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

In the office, there happened to be a beijing friend, and when asked about her snacks about the Huguosi Temple, she also got a blurted out 'evaluation':

"Beijing's most famous snack chain brand, affordable and delicious, authentic Beijing flavor, the public loves the civilian cuisine."

Whether it is donkey rolling, Ai Wo Wo, or row forks, Jin cakes, etc., these are childhood memories for Beijingers or people who have lived here since childhood.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?
Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

In the third phase of "Seeking Vegetarian Beijing", we will accompany @ALittleVegan Chris Ding to the Huguosi Snack Bar on Beijing's Huguosi Street to see what traditional delicacies vegetarians have to choose from.

Vegetarian at the gokokuji snack bar

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Here, 30 yuan per capita can eat so many kinds of snacks, eat well and full, the popularity of the store is also very strong, so often encounter the scene of queuing.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?
Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

When ordering, Chris Ding confirmed to the staff whether the food he wanted to order was fried in vegetarian oil, and immediately got a positive reply.

In addition, the staff also clearly informed that the vegetarian oil and meat oil are fried separately, which is also a very friendly care to dispel the choice of vegetarians.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Finally, Chris Ding ordered a bunch of delicious food: noodle tea, bean soup, ball soup, fried cake, vegetarian balls... All are snacks specialized from old Beijing.

Can I finish eating after ordering so much? Don't worry, the rest will be packed back and eaten.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Vegetarian pills

Old Beijingers love to eat vegetarian balls, which mainly have carrots and a little coriander, which looks very fragrant.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Row forks

Steak forks, also a traditional snack in old Beijing, are fried with flour.

And it is not only a traditional snack in Beijing, but also a variety of Beijing tea dishes. Tea dishes are Manchu and Hui ceremonial foods. When the Manchus set up banquets for guests, they used to use tea and tea first. The Hui people do not drink alcohol, but for etiquette, they often substitute tea for wine, so tea dishes are indispensable.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Noodle tea

Noodle tea is not tea, but a traditional flavor snack popular in the Beijing-Tianjin region. It is a paste made of yellow or millet noodles, drizzled with tahini on the surface, and the tahini is lifted up and pulled into a silky shape and poured on the noodle tea in a circle.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Bean soup

Bean bubble soup, also known as fried tofu, is a kind of breakfast snack that old Beijingers love very much. But for the soup base, Chris Ding is suspicious of this, because it smells really meaty

Friends who have been vegetarian for a long time may also resonate with this, and their taste will begin to become sensitive. After asking the staff, I also got a reassuring reply.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Bean noodle ball soup

Old Beijing's early breakfast pays attention to drinking thin, and the choice of types is also very rich, and bean noodle ball soup is one of them.

There will be vermicelli in the balls in the soup, which will look a bit like fat meat, but they are actually vegetarian, and vegetarians can also eat them with confidence.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?
Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Fried cakes

The seemingly unremarkable fried cake is actually one of the famous traditional snacks in Tianjin, and it is called "Jinmen Three Absolute" food along with dog buns and Gui Fa Xiang twist flowers.

Fried cakes made from glutinous rice flour, ordinary flour and other raw materials have chewy heads and non-sticky teeth, and the bean filling inside is also made of real beans, which is really a very satisfying snack to eat.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

Because of the contact with some foreign friends, Chris Ding often hears the doubts of some international vegetarian friends, worried that there is no vegetarian food to eat in China.

Old Beijingers love to eat "Huguosi Snacks", what are the delicious vegetarian foods?

After reading this issue of Chris Ding's vegetarian search experience, you should also be able to feel from it, in fact, vegetarian food in China, is a very popular dietary choice.

And many times you will feel that there is no vegetarian food to eat, and you may really not find the right way~

So the next time you go to Beijing, if you don't know what to eat, you can try to go to this long-established snack bar 'punch card' and find more traditional and delicious vegetarian food!


If you also want to find your own city or place, or what vegetarian food you like to eat when you go out, you are welcome to leave a message to tell us

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