
Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

author:Sichuan Culinary Magazine
Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

The beauty of the dish, in addition to the color and aroma of the dish itself, is also very important. These dishes, starting from the characteristics of the dish itself, are reasonably matched with containers, colors, decorations, and each plate is beautiful.

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion


Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Cuisine provided: Chengdu IF Art Aesthetics Restaurant Chen Peng/Wen

Ingredients: Dried sea cucumber 1 green onion 100 g chives 100 g ginger 50 g coriander 20 g sugar 15 g dark soy sauce 30 ml a pint of fresh 10 ml Mei Ji fresh 8 ml head soup 300 ml green wheat kernels, brandy, 15 years of flower carving, oyster sauce, salt, chicken powder, flavor powder, edible oil each appropriate amount


1. Raise the dried sea cucumber with pure water, add brandy, sugar, soy sauce and salt into the pot of water, and remove the dried water.

2. Cut the green onion and chives into strips, cut the ginger into strips, remove the leaves of the coriander and set aside.

3. Heat the pot until it is 50%, add shredded shallots, shredded shallots, shredded ginger and coriander stalks and fry until golden brown, remove the draining oil.

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the oyster sauce and stir-fry, fry the fried shallots, shallots, ginger stalks, cook into the fifteen years of flower carving, and then add the head soup, add salt, chicken powder, flavor powder, dark soy sauce, a poinsettia, beautiful and fresh, boil for 1 hour until the soup is thick, remove the residue, put in the sea cucumber and green wheat kernels to burn into the flavor, out of the pot plate, slightly embellished.

Crispy pigeons

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Ingredients: 2 white sesame seeds, 20 grams of egg white, 2 suckling pigeons, 30 grams of crispy water, paprika, salad oil

1. First remove the internal organs of the pigeon, wash it with water, add the pigeon ingredients and mix well, marinate for 2 hours, then wash it with water and hang it with an iron hook.

2. Boiling water in the pot, put the pigeon with the iron hook into boiling water and blanch it slightly, let its skin tighten, then drizzle the crispy water, blow dry with a fan, then beat the egg white, evenly apply to the surface of the pigeon, and then sprinkle the white sesame seeds, and blow with the fan until the skin is dry.

3. When cooking, put the oil in the pot and burn it to 120 ° C, put in the pigeon at low oil temperature and fry for 5 minutes, then turn the oil to the middle temperature, fry until the skin of the pigeon is date red, that is. When serving the plate, use a mold to draw a circle in the pan, place the pigeons cut in half, and decorate them slightly.

Spicy Sydney foie gras

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

The traditional cooking method of French foie gras is generally fried, red wine juice, black pepper juice, milk dip, etc., Sichuan cooking is very little, this dish is to combine the spicy taste of Sichuan cuisine with French foie gras, colliding with a different wonderful.

Ingredients: 100 grams of French foie gras, 50 grams of Sydney pears, 10 grams of chopped crispy peppers, 10 grams of salt-baked chicken powder, 10 grams of carrageenan, 50 grams of light cream, 150 ml of pure milk, 10 grams of sugar, 10 grams of edible gelatin, 50 ml of Sprite

1. Steam the French foie gras for 20 minutes, take it out and put it in the wall breaker, add pure milk and melted edible gelatin to make a puree, then filter with a silk drain, add the light cream that was sent in advance, then add salt baked chicken powder and sugar and stir evenly to set aside.

2. Take a clean tray, pour in the mixed foie gras puree (thickness is 3 cm), refrigerate for 1 hour and set.

3. Stir well with a net container of Sprite and carrageenan, pour into a net tray, steam for 5 minutes, remove, naturally cool into crystal skin, cut into 5 cm long and wide square pieces.

4. Remove the refrigerated foie gras when cooking, change the knife into a 3 cm square piece, roll it in the chopped crispy pepper until it is full of chopped crispy pepper, then put it on the plate, cover the crystal skin one by one, put the knife on the surface to a 3 cm long and 0.3 cm wide sherry strip, and garnish it with flowers and plants.

The key to making: French foie gras should be beaten into mud with a wall breaker to remove its tendons and make its taste silky smooth.

Black duck with ancient sauce

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Produced by Baqiao/Turo Army

Ingredients: 1 duck (weighs about 1200 grams) Ginger, green onion knots, flower carving wine, chicken rice soy sauce, char siu sauce, seafood sauce, spiced brine, cooked sesame seeds, salad oil

1. Clean the duck, add ginger pieces, green onion knots and flower carving wine to the pot and marinate for about 2 hours, and set aside. After the marinated duck is colored with chicken rice soy sauce, it is fried in a hot oil pan until it is tightly peeled, and then drained.

2. Put the fried duck in a spiced brine pan, marinate for about 30 minutes until the meat is soft and cooked, and remove it.

3. Make duck sauce. Pour char siu sauce and seafood sauce into the pot, add a little brine, harvest the sauce over high heat, sprinkle part of the cooked sesame seeds as a dipping dish, and part of it is used to spread evenly over the marinated duck. Finally, chop the duck into pieces, plate and garnish.

Cheese baked lobster razor

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Ingredients: 1 lobster baby (about 300 g) mozzarella cheese crumble 30 g Kraft Wonderful Sauce 20 g sweet salad dressing 15 g pepper 3 g lemon 1 green mustard 10 g fresh chicken head rice, green beans, orange cloves, chopped onion, green and red pepper rice, orange caviar, black caviar, salt each appropriate amount

1. Clean the lobster and split it in two from the middle. In addition, squeeze in a bowl of Kraft's wonderful sauce, sweet salad dressing, and green mustard sauce and mix well.

2. Add water to the pot, put an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, cook the lobster, fish out to separate the meat from the shell, then put the meat into the shrimp shell, put it on the baking sheet, and evenly coat the shrimp meat with the adjusted salad sauce.

3. Put it in the oven, bake at 180 ° C for 10 minutes, until the skin is slightly yellow, take out and sprinkle with mazulella cheese, minced onion, green and red pepper rice, and bake until the cheese is completely melted and golden in color, take out the side of the plate with orange cloves, garnish with black caviar, put fresh chicken head rice and green beans on the other side of the plate, and garnish with orange caviar.

Golden melon steak

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

BaQiao / Figure Produced by Li Jie

Ingredients: 100 grams of fine steak, 50 grams of golden melon, 50 grams of mango, 100 grams of sugar, 100 ml of balsamic vinegar, 50 ml of dark soy sauce, 10 grams of salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 100 grams of butter, 100 ml of salad oil, rock sugar to taste

1. Cut the golden melon into pieces after initial processing, put it into a pressure cooker, add salad oil, butter, rock sugar, water (a little), steam and press for two minutes, turn off the heat and open the lid, fish out and set aside. In addition, the mango is made into capsules using molecular cooking techniques and set aside.

2. Drain the fine drain, cut into knots, put into a pot of boiling water, rinse the water, fish out and drain. Then add the oil pan that is 50% hot, fry until the meat of the ribs is tightened, remove and drain and set aside.

3. Add sugar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, salt and MSG to the pot and bring to a boil, then add the fried pork ribs, simmer over low heat, until the soup is thick, clip it out and plate it with the golden melon, and put the mango capsules, slightly decorated, you can.

Eggplant with fish

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Ingredients: 1 eggplant box of 6 ginger slices, ginger rice, green onion knots, garlic rice, cooking wine, watercress, second soup, crispy paste, pickled cowpea grains, pickled radish grains, pickled ginger rice, pickled pepper, homemade fish spicy seeds chopped pepper, red amaranth starch, green onion, herbs crushed, lard, vegetable oil each appropriate amount

1. Slaughter the river balls and clean them, add ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine to the pot, marinate for about 20 minutes, and set aside.

2. Put the pot on the heat, put the vegetable oil to heat, add watercress, ginger rice and garlic rice to fry until fragrant, add the appropriate amount of soup, pour it into the pot and put it on the pot stove, then put the marinated river balls into it and cook for about 5 minutes, put it on the plate and set aside.

3. Wrap the eggplant box well and add the crispy paste with green onions, fry in the frying pan until it is set and crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, drain the oil and set aside.

4. Add vegetable oil and lard to another pot, when it is 40% hot, add the pickled cowpea grains, pickled radish grains and pickled ginger rice to fry the aroma, quickly add watercress, pickled pepper and homemade fish spicy pepper, stir-fry again and mix in the second soup to taste. Add green onion and chopped herbs with red amaranth starch, pour into the fish on the plate, place 6 fried eggplant boxes on the side, and serve.

The key to making: the sauce should not be too thick when hooking, and the color should be red and bright.

Kung Fu Mavericks

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Ingredients: 500 grams of beef melon strip meat, 300 grams of peas, 200 grams of red millet peppercorns, 220 ml of rattan pepper oil, 80 grams of fresh vine peppers, 50 grams of coriander root, 50 grams of chives, 150 ml of flower carving wine, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, olive vegetables, olive oil, ginger, salt, minced green onion, salad oil

1. Change the beef into 5 cm long strips, add an appropriate amount of carved wine, salt, ginger and chives, steam them in a steamer, take them out to cool, tear them into shreds by hand, fry them in a hot oil pan until the shredded meat is set, drain the oil and set aside.

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, sauté the minced green onion and coriander root until fragrant, then the red millet pepper and fresh vine pepper continue to stir-fry, then the shredded beef, monosodium glutamate, flower carving wine, fry until the water is dry, add the vine pepper oil, and soak in the pot overnight. At sunrise, heat the shredded beef slightly.

3. Put the peas into a pot of boiling water and blanch them, drain them, add olive vegetables, olive oil and season in the basin, and plate them with sugar balls together with shredded beef.

Fresh abalone with vegetables and peppers

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion, crispy pigeon, black duck with sauce, baked lobster, golden melon steak, fresh abalone with gong pepper, chicken curry, spicy foie gras... 10 delicious and good-looking hot banquet delicacies

Wang Yong/Wen Lu Dandan/Figure Recipe Making: Wang Ping

Ingredients: fresh abalone 10 heads of red leaf lettuce 30 grams of western lettuce 30 grams of oil wheat vegetables 30 grams of red pickles 10 cherry tomatoes 10 hearts of grapefruit 25 grams of bitter lettuce 10 grams of gong pepper (peppercorns) brine 1 pot of brine to taste

1. Wash the abalone, put it in the pot of gong pepper brine, marinate for 3 minutes on low heat, turn off the heat and soak for 10 minutes, then fish into a basin filled with brine oil and soak, enter the next taste, and set aside.

2. Wash the red leaf lettuce, lettuce, oil wheat vegetables and bitter lettuce, cut the red tip and cherry tomato into two petals and set aside.

3. Mix the fresh vegetables well and plate them when they come out. When the marinated abalone is fried over low heat until golden brown on both sides, it is changed to a knife, placed in a clean abalone shell, placed on a plate containing fresh vegetables, and placed on a red tip, cherry tomato and red grapefruit, with a little embellishment.

The key to production: fresh seasonal vegetables should not be stored for too long to avoid dehydration. When frying abalone, use a low heat to avoid frying.

Crispy chicken curry

Chen Peng/Wen Chengdu Will Shadow Culture/Figure Cuisine Provided: Chengdu IF Art Aesthetics Restaurant

Chicken curry is combined with spring rolls to create a crispy texture on the outside and tender on the inside, with a unique shape. This dish can be served on or off.

Ingredients: 250 grams of fresh chicken thighs, 12 pieces of spring roll skin, 30 grams of yellow curry paste, green onion, spring shoots, water bean powder, salt, chicken essence, salad oil

1. Cut the chicken thighs into two coarse strips, cut the green onion into horse ear shallots, cut the spring shoots into two coarse strips, put into a pot of water, drain and set aside.

2. Shredded chicken thighs, shredded shallots, spring shoots, add yellow curry paste, salt and chicken essence, mix well into the curry chicken filling, wrap them into the spring roll skin one by one, and then seal them with water bean flour to make the curry chicken spring roll raw blank.

3. Put the net pot on the fire, add salad oil and burn until it is ripe, pour in the wrapped curry chicken spring roll raw blank and fry until golden brown, fish out the draining oil, open the knife into two, and put it into the plate decorated in advance.

Production key:

1. Do not be too tight when filling, otherwise it will affect the taste.

2. When frying, the oil temperature should not be too low or too high, and it is better to take 130 °C ~ 160 °C.

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