
Is it good to blend the oil? Do you want to buy it? What is Blending Oil? Are blending oils all poor quality oils? Do you want to eat blending oil? How to choose a blended oil

author:China Medical News
Is it good to blend the oil? Do you want to buy it? What is Blending Oil? Are blending oils all poor quality oils? Do you want to eat blending oil? How to choose a blended oil

Recently, when I ran out of oil at home, I went to the supermarket and bought a bucket of blended oil. When I came home, I saw that I was buying blending oil, and my mother said, "Why don't you buy blending oil instead of peanut oil?" Others say that the blending oil is of poor quality, don't buy it and eat it, peanut oil is more fragrant. I said, "That's not true, and it's not healthy to always eat peanut oil." ”

So what exactly is blending oil? Is blending oil really of poor quality? Can I eat blending oil? Today we're going to talk to you about blending oil.

Is it good to blend the oil? Do you want to buy it? What is Blending Oil? Are blending oils all poor quality oils? Do you want to eat blending oil? How to choose a blended oil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >what is a blending oil? </h1>

Blended oil, as the name suggests, is actually a cooking oil made of several oils in a certain proportion, to put it bluntly, it is a mixture of several oils. But many people look at the word and think that it is mixed, and the first impression is not good. In fact, not only oil, everyone always feels that the things that are manually blended are not good, in fact, it is not, and the blended oil that has been scientifically blended may be better.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > blend oils are poor quality oils? </h1>

Fats are made up of different fatty acids, and different fatty acid compositions will make the properties of fats different. Through a scientific ratio of fatty acids, the performance of blended oils may be improved.

Improve usage performance

For example, in terms of frying, most of the time people use palm oil. But palm oil contains too many saturated fatty acids and is not healthy. However, if fried with peanut oil or rapeseed oil, they do not have palm oil to withstand high temperatures, and the number of frying times is easy to become bad and viscous. What to do? That's when scientists thought of blending oil. For example, Jiangnan University has developed a blending oil, which is based on unsaturated fats, such as high oleic rapeseed oil, sunflower oil and other vegetable oils for scientific rationing, and the safety and stability under frying conditions are comparable to palm oil. This blending oil has now been applied in many restaurants, and the effect is also very good, and there is no need to worry about too many saturated fatty acids.

In addition, scientists also use rice oil, cottonseed oil, olive oil, etc. to mix the oil used for frying. Many studies have found that through the scientific ratio of blended oil, the frying performance can be very good.

Changes in nutritional composition

In addition to improving the performance of use, it is also possible to change the nutritional composition of the oil by harmonizing and changing the fatty acid ratio of the oil. For example, some studies now believe that higher n-3 fatty acid ratios are healthier, and more N-6 fatty acids are consumed in our daily diet, so scientists can increase the proportion of n-3 fatty acids in fats and oils.

Improves flavor

Chinese eating food pays attention to color and flavor, and attaches great importance to the flavor of oil, so all kinds of sesame oils are also loved by people. Blending oil can also adjust the flavor of the oil, for example, some grain oil itself has a good fatty acid composition, but the flavor is insufficient, you can increase the peanut oil or sesame oil by blending, enhance the flavor, and promote appetite. Therefore, from the original design point of view, blending oil is actually a good oil, it can be scientifically formulated to improve the nutritional value and use performance of the oil. Everyone has a bad impression of blended oil, and even thinks that the quality is poor, in fact, it is mainly because there are many types of blended oils on the market, which is also the reason why everyone is secretive about blended oils.

Is it good to blend the oil? Do you want to buy it? What is Blending Oil? Are blending oils all poor quality oils? Do you want to eat blending oil? How to choose a blended oil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > should I eat blending oil? </h1>

In fact, for ordinary people, choosing blending oil may be a more convenient way.

Edible oil is an important source of energy and fatty acids, edible oil contains saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (that is, essential fatty acids), these three fatty acids have their own benefits for the human body, one is indispensable. In order to obtain rich fatty acids, the Chinese Dietary Guidelines recommend that we change the oil frequently.

However, for many people, changing oil may be more troublesome, and even if you don't know how to change it is better; and even if you change, many people buy a big bucket, the average family may have to eat 1-2 months, eat for a long time, in fact, in a long time fatty acid intake is relatively monotonous. At this time, blending oil is a better choice. It is equivalent to helping you adjust well, saving you the trouble of changing. Therefore, the blended oil can still be eaten.

Is it good to blend the oil? Do you want to buy it? What is Blending Oil? Are blending oils all poor quality oils? Do you want to eat blending oil? How to choose a blended oil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to choose a blending oil</h1>

1. Look at the ingredients: See the ingredients clearly and avoid confusion.

According to the national standard "GB 7718-2011", all kinds of ingredients should be arranged one by one in the order of decreasing amount of addition, that is to say, the higher the ranking in the ingredient list, the more content.

For example, olive blending oil, sometimes the packaging will be "olive" two words written very large, "blended oil" three words but written very small, if not carefully look at it is likely to be directly mistaken for olive oil. However, olive oil may be the last in the ingredient list, which means that this blend oil has the lowest amount of olive oil.

The new national standard "GB 2716-2018 vegetable oil" requires that the packaging must be marked, so when buying blended oil, you must look at the ingredient list, it is not easy to be fooled. If you label the proportion of fatty acids, also pay attention to see if its ratio is scientific.

2. No need to tangle in the process: chemical leaching and physical pressing are safe

Many friends like physically pressed oil, thinking that this is the traditional health; but they are disgusted by chemical leaching oil, because it will retain chemicals and affect health.

In fact, these two oils are just different processing methods, as long as the edible oil that meets the national standard is safe, it can be eaten with confidence. Usually buy oil do not care too much about the process, choose the regular supermarket of the big brand oil is safe.

3. Look at the date: Select the date of the nearest oil

Many people buy oil will ignore the shelf life and production date, like the shelf life of oil is generally 18 months, in order to avoid buying back to eat and eat on the expiration, it is recommended to choose the nearest oil to the production date.

4. Look at the packaging: give priority to small packaging products

It is best to buy small packages, such as the common packaging on the market is 0.9 liters, 1.5 liters, 4 liters, 5 liters, it is best to buy 0.9 liters, eat and then buy, especially families with fewer people and less fire, because the oil oxidation reaction after opening will accelerate, and it is easy to oxidize the rancidity for a long time, and the taste of Harrah appears.

(Ruan Guangfeng, Director of Science and Technology Department, Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center)

Is it good to blend the oil? Do you want to buy it? What is Blending Oil? Are blending oils all poor quality oils? Do you want to eat blending oil? How to choose a blended oil

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