
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

The Spring Festival holiday is also the longest meat holiday, idle every day, either sleeping or eating, the biggest activity of the day is the bedroom to the table, the fat on the body is accumulated in a circle;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Remember the little girl who was 30 pounds fat at home during the epidemic, after the epidemic started school, fat enough to wear the school uniform, was mercilessly ridiculed by her mother;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Of course, we are also fifty steps of laughter and a hundred steps, a forum issued a soul Q&A, during the epidemic quarantine at home, how many pounds did you gain?

This Q&A post is as high as 17480 answers, fat a few pounds are not eligible to answer, fat ten pounds is really fat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

As the saying goes, a fat destroys all, a few years ago or a few years ago is still a light and cute little fairy, after the holiday belly is bulging, thighs are thick, there are swimming rings around the waist;

This comparison is simply a realistic seller show and a buyer show!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

As the saying goes, every Spring Festival "fat three pounds", and this year is the rhythm of eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, I am afraid that I am sorry for this Spring Festival if I don't have ten pounds;

Is there any way to eat, not exercise, not to be fat, or even to lose weight?

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Before we want to eat fat, let's first figure out why people get fat.

After the human body consumes food, food will be converted into various nutrients to provide energy for the body's daily calorie consumption, but when the intake of nutrients is far greater than the amount consumed by the body, the excess will be converted into the source of obesity - fat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Therefore, whether it is to lose weight or want to maintain a body, we must meet the intake of nutrients≤ the daily consumption of calories by the human body;

If we want to lose weight without exercising or dieting, we only need to do two things: low intake and high consumption.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

No exercise, no diet can also maintain low intake, high consumption of the secret weapon, today Xiaobian to give you Amway this star are secretly eating - magic probiotic SOSO sugar

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

This SOSO is currently a very hot scraping enzyme sugar, a book, a sound on the very fire, fire to many stars are eating;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Really fire to the whole people are eating, just a book on the thousands of reviews, eat the sisters are unabashedly like it, directly call it "regret medicine after the meal", "weight loss cheat" and "ten pounds a month".

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

More than one buyer recommends, and 90% of people feedback that it will be effective in 3 days!

@Yan Wuxu: soso sugar is really fantastic, eat 3 days on the light 2 pounds more, the key is even my constipation is good, now a total of one course of treatment, the overall weight of 9 pounds, will continue to eat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ SpongeBob: During the epidemic period at home rested for half a year, more than 16 pounds, in order to lose weight without less exercise, but there is no effect, in the live broadcast room to see Li Jiaqi sold, eat a course of treatment effectively and then eat, now 2 months of weight loss of 19 pounds, thinner than the original.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ Gollum Twitter: I was originally relatively fat, in order to lose weight stepped on a lot of pits, girlfriends are very distressed about me, did a lot of homework to find this SOSO sugar, ate 6 courses, about three months more, lost 22 pounds!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

What is the magic of magic probiotic SOSO sugar, not only the praise rate is as high as 90%, but so many stars are eating?

This is because SOSO sugar can block the absorption of sugar and oil in the body, cut off the back road of fat from the root, and can also regulate the stomach and intestines, clear the stool, burn fat and slim down, and also improve the body's metabolic power to achieve rapid weight loss.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Strong Amway reason

1. Sugar barrier & oil resistance after dinner, reduce 76% sugar + 90% oil absorption;

2. Supplement enzymes in the body, enhance the body's metabolic consumption, and burn fat quickly;

3. Regulate the intestines, clear the intestines, defecate, and improve constipation;

4. Fruit and vegetable dietary ingredient extraction, safe and additive-free, rest assured to eat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Blocks sugar oil absorption after a large meal

1 hot pot = 2 apples

More than 90% of the body's calorie source is sugar and oil, so controlling the absorption of sugar and oil is equivalent to controlling the accumulation of fat;

Magic probiotic SOSO sugar adds two patented ingredients such as white kidney bean powder and enoki mushroom extract to help the body create an "anti-sugar" and "anti-oil barrier" to block the absorption of starch sugar and fat in food from the source;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

"Natural starch blocker" - white kidney beans

When digesting food, our body will convert the food we eat into sucrose through a type of α-amylase, and α-amylase can control the absorption of sugar in the intestine;

In 1987, the American LEONARDO CELLENO experimental group successfully extracted α-amylase blocker from white kidney beans, which was the world's first clinically verified starch blocker.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

The α-amylase blocker acts as a "calorie sieve", blocking 76% of sugar from being absorbed by the intestine, thereby inhibiting the absorption of sugar from the source and controlling the accumulation of fat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

"Fat blocker" - Enoki mushroom

Enoki mushroom extract is a patented product of Ricom Co., Ltd. of Japan, β-glucan compound chitosan food fiber;

Among them, the complex fiber has significant saturation adsorption characteristics for fat entering the human intestine, which can block the absorption of 90% of fat metabolism, so as to achieve the effect of oil drainage and fat reduction.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Whether eaten before, during, or after meals, it can inhibit the absorption of fat eaten in the diet (the best effect of eating before meals) and can break down body fat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Japan's Ricom Co., Ltd. provides screenshots of the official experiment

The main source of human calories (fat) is fat and sugar in food, and SoSo sugar blocks 76% sugar and 90% oil from the source, which is equivalent to cutting off the source of fat from the source.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

A hot pot consumes about 4700Cal/, and SOSO sugar can help it filter 76% sugar, 90% oil, and the calories you really absorb after eating it are only 470Cal, while an apple is about 230Cal.

That is, after eating SOSO sugar, the intake of calories for 1 hot pot ≈ the calories of 2 apples.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Like the usual diet is more greasy, love to eat high-calorie food, eat before and after the big meal, including the little sisters of big fish and big meat during the New Year, come to a bite of SOSO sugar, help you filter "sugar" and "oil", how to eat are not afraid of fat.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Highly active synthase

Improves metabolism and accelerates fat breakdown

SOSO sugar can not only make you eat not fat, but also make you lose weight quickly;

As we all know, our daily calorie consumption, fat decomposition are inseparable from the catalysis of enzymes, to put it bluntly, that is, the sugar and oil we eat into the stomach, including the fat that has been generated, all need enzymes to burn decomposition;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

We will produce enzymes in the body, but with the increase of age, the rate of enzyme production in the body is far from keeping up with consumption, which directly leads to a decline in metabolism and a decrease in calorie and fat consumption;

This is also the reason why many women begin to be blessed as they get older.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

(Enzymes are also called enzymes, enzymes and enzymes are the same thing)

In addition to its own production, enzymes can also be supplemented by food, which is often referred to as "supplementary enzymes" in medicine, which can also participate in the metabolism and fat burning in the body;

Stars can't move to lose dozens of pounds, eat less is only one aspect, the most important thing is to enhance metabolism through supplementation of enzymes, consume calories and fat, this is the secret of rapid weight loss!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

SOSO sugar is also rich in a large number of highly active supplementary enzymes, which are extracted from more than 70 kinds of A-grade fruits and vegetables and fermented after more than 300 days of condensation and fermentation;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

1 SOSO sugar enzyme, need 40 kg of fruit and vegetable fermentation, so the enzyme activity is higher, the variety is more abundant, its main function is to promote the body's metabolism, catalytic decomposition of fat cells, with excellent cell loss effect;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

After soso sugar is eaten in the stomach, its enzymes are absorbed through the intestine, penetrate into fat cells, and break down fat and sugar into water and carbon dioxide, which are then excreted;

Subcutaneous fat and intestinal fat can be quickly broken down to achieve a true fat-burning slimming effect.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

According to official data, the enzyme content of a SOSO sugar can consume about 1200cal, which is equivalent to swimming for 2 hours, running for 90 minutes, and 120 sit-ups;

That is to say, you do not need to exercise to achieve the effect of others swimming for 2 hours.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ Miss Fang: The whole body is not fat, there is a small belly, and the prominence is very obvious, may be related to sitting for a long time to work; bought 2 courses of SOSO sugar, which is the effect after eating, really love!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ Ms. Chen: I am usually have the habit of supplementing enzymes, but some of the effect is not very good, this is our office teacher sent me, after eating the effect is very good, SOSO sugar + usual yoga, only more than 2 months, the whole person lost a circle, after slimming down the temperament is much better!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ Ms. Yu: After giving birth to a child, it was "swollen" a circle, although the husband comforted that it was okay, but looking at the figure of the girlfriends, it was inevitable that it would be sad, seeing that there were people in the circle of friends Amway This SOSO sugar, I bought a few boxes, ate for more than 3 months, and lost 28 pounds!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

One SOSO sugar per day

Cleans the intestines, excretes intestinal poison, and stool

As the saying goes: if you want to be thin, the intestines move first.

The intestine controls the body's nutrient absorption, if the intestine is in trouble, the whole person's metabolism and absorption will be a problem, and the general obese population has mild or severe intestinal problems;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

THE SOSO stick adds konjac powder, polydextrose and inulin powder to the three major laxative ingredients, which can clean the intestines, excrete stool, intestinal toxicity, and restore intestinal health and peristalsis.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Konjac comes out of Shuzhong, eats it, and the abdomen disappears as before." "Konjac is also what we often call konjac, which has been a good medicine for laxative since ancient times, which can not only promote intestinal peristalsis, but also prevent fecal adhesions to the intestinal wall;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Polydextrose is a kind of water-soluble dietary fiber, which can supplement the water-soluble dietary fiber required by the human body, which can not only promote intestinal peristalsis, but also open the intestinal folds, and the metabolic waste and stool hidden in the folds can be taken out of the body.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Inulin has the effect of detoxification and detoxification, it can promote the decomposition and discharge of toxins in the intestine, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the large intestine, known as the intestinal "scavenger";

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

If you have stool and toxins in your intestines, or have constipation problems, SOSO sugar can also help you clean up your intestines, and after pulling the abdomen empty, people become light and comfortable;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ Ms. Zhang: The lower abdomen has been rising, and the fart is very smelly, read the health article that it may be stool, eat SOSO sugar the next day to pull out a lot of smelly and black stool, now half a month, defecation is normal, the stomach is eliminated a circle;

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

@ Miss Wu: I have constipation problems, sometimes a week without defecation, very curious about where to eat things, after eating SOSO sugar, the first time I ate it pulled a lot, weighed the weight of more than 4 pounds, now every day will defecate, there is no more constipation!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

German multilayer embedding technology

Directional delivery of probiotics to regulate the balance of intestinal flora

In addition to cleaning the intestines, SOSO sugar can also regulate the balance of intestinal flora;

It uses German multi-layer embedding pharmaceutical technology to hide probiotics in SOSO sugar and deliver them directly to the intestines to replenish intestinal probiotics.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

The three-layer package can avoid the erosion of stomach acid, bile, etc., and safely transport probiotics to the intestine;

It can be stored directly in the intestine as a nutritional supplement for probiotics, increasing the number and activity of probiotics, thereby enhancing intestinal absorption, digestion and immunity!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Intestinal health, can improve the absorption and digestion of the intestine, can effectively avoid the absorption and accumulation of excess oil in the intestine;

At the same time, it also helps to improve the overall metabolism of the body, so that your body forms a high rate, high consumption, and becomes a thin physique that is not easy to eat and is not easy to be fat!

As women grow older, their body metabolism seriously declines, and they are particularly prone to fat accumulation and body shape;

Two soso sugars a day, eat for two weeks, easily regulate the stomach and intestines, clear stools, oil, reduce absorption, improve metabolism, so that you always maintain a good body, good looks!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

1 day effect, remove intestinal garbage, stool, toxins

Rich dietary fiber and probiotic ingredients into the intestines, quickly exert the effect, colleagues tried to eat a piece, the effect is simply stunned! The next day I got up with obvious pooping, went to the toilet and pulled out greasy black stools, and it was smooth, no diarrhea!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Lose 3 pounds a week, lose weight every day!

After eating, every day on the scale, weight has decreased, even if you do not diet, do not exercise, you can still throw 3 pounds of meat a week! The weight really looks down, the extra flesh is gone, and the slim curve is back!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

1 month to empty the body toxins, acne, rotten face is all right

More effective than any skin care product, removing aged toxins from the inside, promoting the body's metabolism, not only losing fat and belly, but also getting better and better skin, getting rid of acne and rotten face!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

More than 10 patent certifications escort

Independent vacuum packaging, hygienic and safe

SOSO sugar tastes like fudge, the taste is a mixed fruit flavor, safe, healthy, delicious, women's preferred brand.

Laxative, weight loss, party dinner, peace of mind and effort A SOSO candy is simply a blessing for beauty-loving women and weight managers.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

SOSO sugar does not add synthetic flavor pigments and preservatives, each box has ten bags, are used in independent packaging, easy to carry safe and hygienic.

According to the official data given, four boxes and one course of treatment can probably lose 10-20 pounds!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

The professional team has obtained more than 100 patent certifications around the world, so that more people around the world can use good products!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

In order to better ensure safety, it has passed China's strict production standards and professional testing certification. Safe and effective products, of course, must be fully qualified to withstand any test.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Using transparent factories, sterile workshops and traceable origins, all of which have been qualified by CTI and certified by the Food and Drug Administration, the big brands are indeed more assured.

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Magic SOSO sugar, very suitable for sedentary office workers or socializers with many meals and poor stomach, as well as people who are keen on late-night snacks and do not like to eat vegetables and fruits, wall crack recommended!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

Magic SOSO sugar Tmall official flagship store, a box price of 69.9 yuan, and we in order to give back to fans, after a month of hard work, get the lowest price, now four boxes only 99 yuan;

Because the number is limited, grab it while you need it!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

To thank the fans for their continued support,

Now the benefits are released!

Magic Trace Probiotic SOSO Sugar

The original price was 269 yuan,

Now fan special offers crazy rush,

Only 99 yuan / 4 boxes

Limited to only 200 boxes sold out to restore the original price

There is no slow hand!

Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants
Can you lose 20 pounds without dieting? Eat it before meals, the grease is scraped away, thin enough to lose pants

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