
Winter "heating sickness"? This special cup of "Lung Health Tea" can help you prevent it

author:The wisdom of wellness

What is a "heating disease"?

Winter "heating sickness"? This special cup of "Lung Health Tea" can help you prevent it

At this time, the north has long been heated, and friends in the south are not willing to show "cold", and various types of air conditioners, heaters, electric blankets, etc. have long been used to drive away the cold. However, when people enjoy heating freely indoors, some diseases quietly follow.

A certain lady recently felt dry mouth, dry cough, and often blocked nose. In addition, there were several nosebleeds, and after visiting the hospital, he was diagnosed with "heating disease".

Obviously it is a nosebleed, how did it become a "heating disease"? "In fact, the so-called 'heating disease' is just a common name, not a medical disease, mainly refers to a series of syndromes that are not healthy caused by heating."

The woman said that since the weather turned cold, whether at work or at home, the hot air conditioner around her was often turned on, and she slept with hot air conditioning all night, driving a car to and from work, and the car was also warm and melting.

Like this in the cold season, excessive use of air conditioning or heating equipment, coupled with the closure of the environment, leads to poor air circulation, making the indoor air more dry, pollution intensified, providing a hotbed for the breeding and spread of germs, which triggers fires such as dry mouth and tongue, nosebleeds and so on.

In this case, experts generally make the following recommendations:

Winter "heating sickness"? This special cup of "Lung Health Tea" can help you prevent it

1. Open the window frequently and ventilate more, the purpose is to maintain a certain air humidity in the room.

2. Reduce heating facilities or time, and it is not recommended to use heating facilities for a long time.

3. Pay attention to environmental hygiene, often clean the surrounding environment, the purpose is to avoid dust deposited on the ground, bacteria, etc. floating in the air with the increase of temperature, so that people nasopharynx dry, thereby inducing cough, respiratory diseases.

Winter "heating sickness"? This special cup of "Lung Health Tea" can help you prevent it

4. Using a humidifier, maintaining a certain humidity in the air is also a way.

4. Eat a light diet and replenish water. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to eat pears, kelp, lotus root, lilies, etc., and can also use dendrobium, wheat winter, sand ginseng and other tea. Eat more green vegetables, fruits with enough water and multivitamins, and eat less spicy foods.

For the fourth point, here Xiaobian especially recommends a "lung health tea"

Ingredient 1: lung moisturizing material

Mai Dong A, Yuzhu B, Yam C, Lotus Root D, Lily E, these are common Chinese medicinal herbs or ingredients that can be bought in major supermarkets.

Usage: The amount of each sample is about 15 grams, according to your preference, you can take 2-3 varieties of tea by yourself.

Recommendation: Yam + A/B/D/E (choose one or two)

Ingredients 2: a few dates and a slice of ginger (emphasis)

Everyone knows that the basic common sense of jujube is the work of replenishing blood and nourishing blood, why should I emphasize this?

According to the theory of Traditional Chinese medicine, people are divided into three focal points, the lungs are upper focus, and what to eat usually has to go to the stomach, or even go down, like Mai Dong, sand ginseng, these yin medicines are going down, if there is no one to lead the way, then this yin can not be replenished, so we have to think of ideas to prevent the medicinal properties from going down.

Jujube has a good delay in the downward effect of the drug, jujube is more greasy, easy to block the medium coke, the upper support drug upwards, plus ginger spice powder, more conducive to the spread of medicinal properties. (Some people take this idea, and there is a very set of lung nodules)

Ingredient one + ingredient two, both leading, and nourishing yin, play the work of moisturizing the lungs, if you have not drunk lung tea, or some of the lung tea has not been effective for a long time, add ingredients two to try it!

Of course, the human body's situation is complex, the above lung health tea is based on a normal person's preventive conditioning premise, north, central and south are different, specific body diseases, please take it under the guidance of a doctor or conditioner.

#Dr. Doraemon Super Group # #冬至 #

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