
TCM treatment is recommended for two-flavor TCM health tea

author:39 HealthNet

Chinese medicine believes that there is a close relationship between lifting and not being strong and having a close relationship with the liver, kidneys, and yangming. Because of the genus of the yin liver wood, it is also the gathering of the zong tendons; Yang Ming mainly runs the Zong tendons, Yang Ming Qi deficiency is zong tendons are not vibrant, kidney main hides essence, kidney deficiency is Yang things do not move. The causes of its onset are mostly caused by juvenile injuries too early, or excessive lust, which damages the kidney qi; There are also thoughts that hurt the gods, and the heart and spleen are depressed; or people with lost will, depression hurts the liver; Or panic injuries to the kidneys, or life fire is suppressed by wetness, as well as wet and hot bets, etc., can cause this disease.

Recommended two-flavor TCM health tea:

Fine spice tea

【Ingredients】Fine spices 5 g.

【Function】It is suitable for patients with impotence who have insufficient kidney and yang and are full of yin and cold. It should not be taken by people with yin deficiency and excessive yang fever.

【Directions】Boiling water to brew tea substitutes. 15 days is a course of treatment. Use 2 to 3 courses in a row.

Ground yellow tea

【Ingredients】Fresh ground yellow 25 grams, yuan ginseng 10 grams, Shou Wu 10 grams.

【Function】Nourish yin and clear heat, nourish blood and improve sperm. It is mainly used for patients with impotence of kidney yin deficiency and yin deficiency and yin deficiency and fire.

【Method】 Decoction instead of tea, 15 days for 1 course of treatment. Use 2 to 3 courses in a row.

Taking Traditional Chinese Medicine should be accompanied by dietary therapy, and several dietary remedies are recommended below:

1. Fresh orange juice fresh oranges, peel to take orange petals, squeeze the juice. Take 1 cup 3 times a day.

2. Bitter melon seeds soaked in yellow wine 250 grams of bitter melon seeds, stir-fried and finely minced, immersed in 1500 ml of rice wine, covered and sealed, after 7 days can be drunk. Drink 100 ml twice daily.

3. Kumquat cake bergamot soup 30 grams of bergamot skin, put in the pot with water to decoct the soup to drink, while eating kumquat cake as appropriate.

4. Loach red date soup loach 400 grams, caesarean section to remove internal organs and wash; 10 red dates, denucleated and washed. Add water and two slices of ginger to the same pot and cook the soup twice daily.

5. Stir-fried fresh shrimp leeks with leeks 250 grams, washed and cut into sections; 400 grams of fresh shrimp, peeled and washed, if it is a small shrimp rice, there is no need to shell. Add ginger shreds to a hot oil pan and cook rice wine and eat it.

TCM treatment helps to improve visceral function, conditioning from the inside out, and at the same time, the appropriate medication should be taken according to the doctor's instructions to enhance the therapeutic effect. If the patient is not willing to go to the hospital, he can choose Baiyun mountain Jingo - erectile dysfunction medication treatment, but it is recommended to take it under the guidance of a doctor.

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