
Health tea added Chinese herbal medicines without safety assessment The pharmaceutical company was fined 260,000 yuan

author:Upstream News

A few days ago, Chongqing Doptai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was fined 260,000 yuan by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wansheng Economic and Technological Development Zone for adding Chinese herbal medicines to health foods such as ganmai jujube kernel tea and cistanche hemp seed tea without safety assessment.

The latest administrative penalty decision issued by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wansheng Economic and Technological Development Zone disclosed that on January 29, the bureau received a complaint that consumers had found illegal additions to baizi kernels, angelica, cistanche and other drugs in two health foods purchased by the Tmall platform Doptai Nourishing Health Flagship Store. On February 3, during an inspection of the business premises of Chongqing Duoputai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the bureau's law enforcement officers found the food products referred to by the complainant, and at the same time found baiziren, angelica, cistanche, astragalus, dogwood and other raw materials for the production of the food involved in the case in the company's raw material stacking room. After investigation, the company's production and operation of sweet wheat jujube kernel tea and cistanche hemp seed tea began to develop themselves in the first half of 2020, and began production in November 2020. Ingredients for jujube kernel tea (solid drink) include oysters, wheat, licorice, cypress kernel, jujube, sour jujube kernel, astragalus, poria sativa, ginseng, sagebrush meat, lily, pale bamboo leaf, tangerine peel, gardenia, and rose. Cistanche hemp seed tea (solid drink) ingredients include dandelion, purslane, cassia seeds, almonds, peach kernels, cypress kernels, plum kernels, tangerine peel, hemp seeds, angelica, bellflower, cistanche. The company produced a total of 1646 boxes of sweet wheat jujube kernel tea and 813 boxes of cistanche hemp seed tea.

Law enforcement officials confirmed that the above two foods added Bai Ziren, astragalus, mountain herb meat, angelica, cistanche, etc., and did not apply to the National Health commission for safety assessment in accordance with the requirements of the "Measures for the Safety Review and Administration of New Food Raw Materials", suspected of violating Article 38 of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.

Accordingly, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wansheng Economic and Technological Development Zone imposed a fine of 260,000 yuan on the company.

According to reports, Chongqing Duoputai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., formerly known as Chongqing Shizhenge Pusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is a pharmaceutical enterprise integrating drug research and development, production and sales, which was listed on the New Third Board (Innovation Layer) in 2014.

The reporter found that at present, the Doptai nourishment health flagship store on the Tmall platform has removed two products: sweet wheat jujube kernel tea and cistanche hemp seed tea

Upstream journalist Chen Fuyong /Wen Zhang Wenmin/Cover drawing

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Health tea added Chinese herbal medicines without safety assessment The pharmaceutical company was fined 260,000 yuan

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