
Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

author:Director Xu Health said

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In traditional Chinese culture, drinking tea after a meal is seen as a pleasant way of life.

However, some doctors have recently pointed out that drinking tea after meals is not suitable for everyone, and in some cases may even cause adverse health effects. This new perspective has broken the long-standing Xi of many people's lives and has sparked widespread attention and discussion.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

Mr. Zhao, a retired teacher, has a Xi of drinking tea after meals for many years. He always thought it was a healthy way to live until recently when he discovered some health problems during a medical check-up.

Mr. Zhao drank tea immediately after meals for a long time, which caused the body's absorption of certain nutrients to be affected. Especially for older people who need iron supplementation, drinking tea after meals may reduce the absorption rate of iron, which can affect health.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

On the advice of his doctor, he began to adjust his tea drinking Xi. He no longer drinks tea immediately after a meal, but chooses to do it about an hour after a meal, which not only maintains his favorite Xi habits, but also reduces the adverse effects on his body.

He has always been a lover of tea culture, and after retirement, he has made tea and tasting tea as a great pleasure in his daily life.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

Every day after dinner, he would make a good pot of tea and enjoy this peaceful and cozy moment. However, as he got older, he found his iron levels low during a health check-up.

The doctor told him that it might be related to his Xi of drinking tea immediately after meals. At first, Mr. Zhao was surprised by this, and even a little reluctant to accept it.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

But after learning more, he began to realize that a healthy lifestyle does need to be adjusted appropriately according to the individual's physical condition.

On the advice of his doctor, he began to change his tea drinking Xi. He started drinking tea about an hour after eating, so that it would not affect the absorption of iron and still enjoy the tea time he loved.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

Although Mr. Zhao's changes are small, they are like spring breeze and rain, imperceptibly affecting his life. He began to pay more attention to the balance between diet and Xi habits, rather than blindly following traditional Xi customs.

This subtle shift has not only improved his quality of life, but also given him a deeper understanding of health. After adjusting his tea drinking Xi, Mr. Zhao felt that his body had improved significantly.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

His iron levels gradually returned to normal and he was more energetic overall. This small change made him realize that even the most ingrained Xi needs to be adjusted appropriately according to the individual's health and the development of the times.

We should learn to start from our own health, combined with the advice of modern medicine, and make reasonable adjustments to traditional Xi. In this way, we can not only retain the essence of traditional culture, but also enjoy the benefits of scientific and healthy life.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

Let us be like Mr. Zhao, and treat every little detail of life with an open and rational attitude, so that our lives will be more colorful, healthy and happy.

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

What do you think about drinking tea after dinner? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Doctor: For these types of people, drinking tea after meals may cause serious problems in their bodies

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