
Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

author:Uncle Luo Ying

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Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine
Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Text: Uncle Luo Ying

Edited by Uncle Luo Ying

All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article

In our country, sweet potatoes are a common vegetable, and there are large growers in all provinces and localities.

When autumn comes, the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafts through the streets and alleys, whetting people's appetites.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

However, there is a saying circulating on the Internet that sweet potatoes raise sugar and can also cause cancer.

This makes many people who love sweet potatoes hesitate, will they not be able to eat sweet potatoes in the future?

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

In the past, people used to say "sweet potato and ginseng", which is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients, and replenishes vital energy for working people.

Many people believe that sweet potatoes taste very sweet, so they are high in sugar and must not be eaten by diabetics.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

In fact, this statement is inaccurate, among the common nutritious foods in our lives, sweet potatoes are not high in sugar.

It should be said that sweet potatoes are a healthy food with low fat and high fiber.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

It is rich in carbohydrates and dietary fiber, and can also supplement micronutrients such as carotene and vitamins.

There's no denying that sweet potatoes do raise sugar because of the starch it contains.

During digestion, starch is broken down and converted into glucose, which affects blood sugar levels.

However, it has little effect, and sweet potatoes have limited effect on blood sugar fluctuations compared to other starchy foods.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

It is worth noting that the dietary fiber in sweet potatoes can slow down the absorption of glucose.

Therefore, sweet potatoes are not a "contraindication" for diabetics, and if they are reasonably matched with a diet, there will be no risk of sharp rise in blood sugar.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

But there is a way to eat that needs to be paid attention to, not only will it raise blood sugar after eating, but it also has the risk of causing cancer.

Before this, I believe many people have heard the saying that sweet potatoes fight cancer.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

In this regard, people have expressed doubts about why sweet potatoes are both anti-cancer and carcinogenic, and the two statements are obviously somewhat contradictory.

In fact, sweet potatoes are anti-cancer by a study by the National Institute for Cancer Prevention in Japan.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

According to the list of anti-cancer vegetables released by them, sweet potatoes ranked first, of which the cancer inhibition rate of cooked sweet potatoes reached 98.7%, and the cancer inhibition rate of raw sweet potatoes reached 94.4%.

Seeing this result, don't rush to buy sweet potatoes first, it is unscientific for human beings to rely on sweet potatoes to fight cancer.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Gu Chuanling, one of the first registered dietitians in China, said that sweet potatoes contain glycolipids, stored proteins and other components.

Studies have shown that these substances can defend against cancer in some animals.

However, there are few clinical trials in humans, and it is uncertain whether these nutrients can fight cancer in humans.

Since sweet potatoes cannot fight cancer, does it mean that the claim that sweet potatoes cause cancer is scientific?

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Now that the scientific community has confirmed that sweet potatoes may cause cancer, the key depends on the cooking method.

Generally speaking, sweet potatoes are steamed to minimize the loss of sugar and ensure the freshness of the food.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Steamed sweet potatoes taste soft and glutinous and sweet, and can be eaten by both the elderly and children.

There are also people who like to eat roasted sweet potatoes, and in the streets and alleys, they often see the stall master roasting sweet potatoes, and the aroma is charming.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Due to the loss of moisture from the roasted sweet potatoes, the texture tastes floury and sweet, and even the burnt skin exudes the taste of sweet potatoes.

However, during the roasting process of sweet potatoes, acrylamides, heterocyclic amines and benzopyrene substances are produced.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

These substances are harmful to the human body and may cause cells to become cancerous.

Acrylamides, heterocyclic amines and benzopyrene, are organic compounds.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Ordinary people don't have access to these things, and they don't have any concept about them, but they are very dangerous and carcinogenic.

Acrylamide organic compounds, for example, are often used as monomers in the synthesis of polymers.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

It is widely used in water treatment, pulp and paper, oil exploitation and other fields.

Heterocyclic amine is an organic compound with heterocyclic structure, which is more common in the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry and pesticide manufacturing.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Heterocyclic amine compounds

Benzopyrene in roasted sweet potatoes is usually highly environmentally stable and bioactive.

This substance can be found everywhere in nature, coke, oil, and even tobacco contain benzopyrene.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

It's hard to imagine that these things are contained in heated sweet potatoes.

But that doesn't mean roasted sweet potatoes are necessarily carcinogenic, and studies have shown that sweet potatoes only produce these carcinogens when the temperature exceeds 140 degrees Celsius.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

For diabetics, it's best not to eat fried, grilled sweet potatoes.

Fried sweet potatoes are rich in sugar and have more harmful substances, which may cause some damage to health.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

The harm is linked to the dose, and you don't have to worry too much about eating one occasionally when you are greedy.

That is, sweet potatoes can be eaten normally, but it is not recommended to eat roasted and fried sweet potatoes for a long time.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Some people also think that eating sweet potatoes in moderation can control blood sugar, which doesn't sound a bit counterintuitive.

However, this is not unfounded, and Japanese researchers have long done experiments to confirm this.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

The researchers placed mice with diabetes in an observation room, gave them glucose every day, and then gave them an extract of a sweet potato.

In the end, it was found that after the mice ate the sweet potato, their blood sugar did change, and the rate of blood sugar rise became lower.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

At the same time, the levels of triglycerides and free fatty acids also decrease, which is of great help to diabetics.

A similar experiment was conducted at the University of Vienna in Austria, and at first it was speculated that some substances in sweet potatoes could adjust insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar at the root.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Therefore, relevant experiments were carried out to verify, and the results of the experiments were in good agreement with the theoretical data, and the researchers found that patients with type 2 diabetes who took white-skinned sweet potato extract can have a scheduling effect on insulin.

In the past, diabetics often asked if sweet potatoes could be eaten, and when they saw this, the answer was actually very clear.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Sweet potatoes are nutritious, 100 grams of sweet potatoes have a sugar content of about 27.7% and calories of 99-119 kcal.

The sugar content of 100 grams of rice and white flour is about 75% and the calories are 350 kcal.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

What is this concept? Sweet potatoes have only one-third the calories of rice.

It does not have a high glycemic index and can be eaten in moderation with other foods.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Whether it is eaten raw or steamed, it is a good choice.

If you are a diabetic, it is generally recommended to steam it and let it cool before eating.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Hot sweet potatoes are more easily absorbed by the digestive tract with sugar, resulting in a high glycemic indicator.

Try not to puree it, it is also easy to absorb and cause a temporary effect on blood sugar.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Washed sweet potatoes are best eaten with the skin, and dietary fiber can slow down the digestion of sugar.

There are two situations in which it is best not to eat, the first is people with high blood sugar.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Different cooking methods will make sweet potatoes produce different glycemic indexes, and there are certain risks.

In addition, people with unstable blood sugar control should also try to avoid eating sweet potatoes, eat less or not eat, and give priority to blood sugar control.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

In the past, many people overlooked that there were great differences in the sugar content of different varieties of sweet potatoes.

There are three main types of sweet potatoes commonly found in the market, namely red sweet potatoes, white sweet potatoes and purple potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

The sweet potato taste is particularly sweet, and it is often seen that the uncle of the roasted sweet potato is juicy when it is baked.

It has almost the highest glycemic rate of the three types of potatoes, especially roasted sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

The sugar content of white potatoes is not so high, and it is rich in dietary fiber, which is suitable for diabetics.

Purple potatoes are generally made into pastries, and few people usually eat them, but it is low in sugar and rich in nutrients.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Therefore, it is more recommended for diabetics to eat purple potatoes, which taste dry and remember to replenish water.

Studies have shown that purple potatoes are rich in cyanin, which can protect the human body from free radical damage.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

At the same time, it has the effect of anti-cancer, prevention of cardiovascular disease and protection of the liver.

But these are people who are based on relatively stable blood sugar control, and for those with high blood sugar, it is better not to eat as much as possible.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, there are basically ways to deal with diseases that could not be treated before.

At the same time, people's diets are becoming more diversified, and various industrial food additives and genetically modified foods are invisibly threatening our health.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

All kinds of foodborne diseases came to the door, and in the past, only the elderly could get the disease, and now young people are also "hitting" one after another.

As early as 1991, the World Health Organization listed diabetes as one of the three major intractable diseases.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

And November 14 every year is designated as "World Diabetes Prevention and Control Day".

Around this day, people around the world organize events to educate about diabetes.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

The goal is to make the world have a correct understanding of diabetes and save more patients.

You know, every six seconds around the world, a diabetic dies from the disease.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Moreover, the number of diabetic patients in China remains high, ranking first in the world.

According to the data released by in 2020, the incidence of diabetes among Chinese adults is as high as 12.8%.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Doctors working on related diseases say diabetes is an "invisible killer".

It is devastationing the health of hundreds of millions of people around the world, and it also puts a heavy economic burden on people, many of whom need to take medication for a long time.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Just this summer, Yang Tianzhen, the strongest agent in China, caused controversy because of gastric surgery.

Many people advised him not to do this, but she had already made up her mind and walked onto the operating table.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

On August 21, she shared her surgical experience on the Internet, during which there was a detail that attracted attention.

She is not pursuing the so-called perfect body of those Internet celebrities, but wants to treat diabetes.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

Yang Tianzhen bluntly revealed to netizens that she was diagnosed with diabetes as early as 6 years ago, when she was only 29 years old.

Her symptoms were so insidious that if she hadn't spoken out, no one would have seen that she was diabetic.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

I hope everyone pays attention to a reasonable diet and rest to avoid diabetes.

Diabetics don't need to be discouraged, there are many similar patients around the world, just need to control their blood sugar reasonably.

Sweet potatoes are "harmful vegetables"? Glycemic and carcinogenic? The doctor bluntly said: Don't eat it like this, it's fine

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Resources:——"Where do the "sweet troubles" come from of nearly 130 million diabetic patients in China?"

[2] Correlation study between sweet potato intake and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults[D].Tianjin Medical University,2018.

[3] Lian Xiaofen, Lu Donghui, Lin Yuan, Zeng Qingxiang, Hong Lirong, Tan Xiaoxia, Zhang Fan.Efficacy analysis of dietary fiber supplements in patients with type 2 diabetes[J].Chinese Journal of Diabetes Mellitus,2021,13(12):1130-1134.


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