
In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

author:Tang Huanzong

#Article Launch Challenge#In order to revitalize the countryside, can the collective economy, medical care, and education in rural areas be redeveloped?

In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

Since 1978, the Chinese have shouted the slogan of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and embarked on a nationwide road of reform and opening up. This was followed by the disappearance of town- and village-run enterprises, or sold to individuals. The land has also been changed from collective cultivation to household cultivation under the household responsibility system, which is divided into fields and cultivated by households, and is responsible for its own profits and losses.

At this point, there was no such thing as a collective economy in rural areas, and the rural medical cooperatives and rural primary school systems that were previously guaranteed by the state also withdrew from the stage of history, and the system of barefoot doctors became a charlatan.

In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

The countryside is like a "hot pot", and people in the countryside are like ants, leaving the countryside to work in the city, and "migrant workers" have officially become the backbone of urban construction since the 80s.

With the advancement of urbanization, a large number of permanent residents from rural areas have flowed into the cities, and the number of rural students has also decreased significantly.

In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

Not only migrant workers have moved to the cities, but also barefoot doctors from the rural areas, rural doctors with medical qualifications have entered the cities to work in the expanded hospitals of the cities, and some doctors with special expertise have also moved to the cities to open private clinics. There are very few doctors left in the village.

In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

In just over ten years, the rural medical system, education system, and village collective economy have withdrawn from the stage of history...

However, no matter how great urbanization is, it is impossible for all the rural people to move to the cities, and there will still be people who remain in the rural areas, and after these peasants who remain in the rural areas leave the rural areas in various systems, the problems of the rural peasants will become more and more exposed.

First of all, the small-scale peasant model of land division to households is only enough to maintain food and clothing, and farmers can not get rich by planting fields and growing grain, and even have to lose money, because after the fields are divided into households, the agricultural infrastructure in the previous village collective economy period is gone, and farmers will only return to traditional farming, with high labor costs, and the cost of various agricultural materials is also high, so farmers do not make money at all.

In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

The serious problem of rural peasants having no money is the root cause of rural decay. The pension system for the elderly in rural areas is not perfect, and village committees across the country basically have 2,30 singles. The marriage rate in rural areas is low, and the birth rate is also low. If a rural person wants to marry a daughter-in-law, it is best to go to the city and buy a commercial house as a bargaining chip. Even now it is difficult to marry a daughter-in-law if you have a house, unless it is a property bought in full, otherwise the woman is afraid of repaying the mortgage together after marriage, which is the mainstream value of today's society.

The No. 1 document of the central government has a policy on rural revitalization every year, and the central government has done a lot about rural revitalization, the most important thing is to repair the road. A lot of rural infrastructure construction has also been done.

In order to revitalize the countryside, can the village collective economy, medical care, and education be redeveloped?

But rural farmers are still not wealthy, and according to a 2023 government report, there are still 560 million people in China who earn less than 1,000 yuan a month. The peasants should account for the majority, and the peasants are still not rich.

Therefore, in order to revitalize the countryside, it is necessary to make the peasants truly rich, and it is necessary to re-develop the new rural village collective economy, develop the village-level education system, and the medical system, so that people can return to the countryside and let the money flow to the rural farmers. This is the real revitalization of the countryside and common prosperity.

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