
Vermilion in full bloom: exploring the new favorite of Australian flowers and the fun of breeding

author:Beauty comes from praise

In the world of flowers, vermilion has become the new favorite of many flower lovers with its gorgeous color. Today, I would like to share with you this beautiful vermilion red. In Australia, there are many types of vermilion, including Anna, Anria, Angela, etc. Among these varieties, Anruiya has become the first choice for entry-level flower lovers with its high appearance and affordable price. In the next issue, we will focus on the single-petaled vermilion red, and their simple beauty is also exciting.

Vermilion in full bloom: exploring the new favorite of Australian flowers and the fun of breeding

Known as the "noble lady", the flowers are not only large and luxurious, but they can still remain beautiful even in a low-light environment. The flowers of the Anna variety are known for their large and bright colors, and they are very easy to cultivate. The spiral berry variety, with its fresh and elegant form, with moderate color and fragrance, gives people a beautiful enjoyment.

Vermilion in full bloom: exploring the new favorite of Australian flowers and the fun of breeding

Angela Vermilion has a variety of colors and is easy to remember. Cranberry vermilion is very reproductive, even in the cold northeast region, it can show excellent growth performance. The color of the flowers of the Rachel variety changes with the change of light, creating a strong visual impact.

Vermilion in full bloom: exploring the new favorite of Australian flowers and the fun of breeding

With the popularization of vermilion breeding technology and the increase of enthusiasts, the variety is also increasing rapidly. In the Netherlands, the number of varieties of vermilion has increased from one to fifty. This is not only a progress in flower planting technology, but also reflects the improvement of people's pursuit of quality of life.

Vermilion in full bloom: exploring the new favorite of Australian flowers and the fun of breeding

Vermilion, a beautiful flower that once belonged only to a specific region, has now entered the lives of more people. It not only brings fun to flower growers, but also makes more people feel the joy of being happy alone rather than being happy together. We who are deeply intoxicated in Zhukeng are willing to share this gift from nature with more people.

Vermilion in full bloom: exploring the new favorite of Australian flowers and the fun of breeding

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