
Raise vermilion red, master 4 key points, the root system is strong, the bulb is full, and it can bloom many times a year

author:Florist, Ah Bin

Vermilion is a common indoor flower. It is loved by flower lovers for its gorgeous flowers and easy cultivation. The bright flowers and rich colors of vermilion make it ideal for interior decoration and ornamentation. In this article, we'll take a closer look at vermilion and how to properly care for it so that its roots are stout, the bulbs are full, and it blooms multiple times a year.

Raise vermilion red, master 4 key points, the root system is strong, the bulb is full, and it can bloom many times a year

Features of Vermilion:

Vermilion usually has tall flower stems with bell-shaped flowers and plump and ornate petals that come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, orange, white, and more. The flowers of this flower stand tall and tall, and the shape is graceful, like a single vase, hence the name "vermilion red". Not only is it beautiful, but it also has an aromatic aroma that makes one intoxicated.

Key point 1: Light and temperature

For Vermilion to grow and bloom healthily, the right light and temperature are crucial. Vermilion prefers bright light, but avoid sun exposure, especially in the middle of the day. The suitable temperature range is 20 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius, so in winter, it can be kept indoors in a warm room, while in summer, shade and cooling are needed to avoid overheating.

Light and temperature are essential for the growth and flowering of vermilion. This flower needs plenty of light, but avoid exposure to the sun. The best light conditions are bright but avoid direct sunlight, especially during the hot summer months. During the winter months, make sure it gets enough sunlight to sustain its growth. In addition, the suitable temperature range is 20 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius, so avoid exposing it to extreme cold or high temperatures.

Key point two: watering and humidity

Maintaining moderate humidity is essential for the growth of vermilion. Watering in moderation and avoid too much or too little. In general, wait until the surface of the soil is dry before watering. It should be noted that vermilion needs more water during the growing season, especially during bud formation and flowering, so increase the frequency of watering. In addition, the plants can be sprayed regularly using a sprayer to increase the humidity in the surroundings. It is particularly noteworthy that during the dry winter months, to pay special attention to humidity, humidifiers can be used or water basins can be placed around the plants.

Key point three: fertilizer and fertilization

Vermilion needs plenty of nutrients during the growing season, so it should be fertilized regularly. In general, houseplant fertilizers containing phosphorus, potassium and trace elements can be chosen. During the growing period, fertilizer should be applied every 2 to 4 weeks. However, it should be noted that fertilizing vermilion during the dormant period should be avoided, as this may cause damage to the plant. During the dormant period, the frequency of watering and fertilization can be reduced to help the plants rest and accumulate nutrients.

Raise vermilion red, master 4 key points, the root system is strong, the bulb is full, and it can bloom many times a year

Key point four: propagation and repotting

Propagation of Vermilion can usually be done in two ways: balls and seeds. Splitting balls is the most commonly used method to separate the bulbs of the original plant and re-implant them in the soil. This is usually done during the dormant period of the plant. Another method is seed propagation, but this requires more time and patience.

Vermilion usually needs to be repotted every 2 to 3 years, which helps to refresh the soil and provide more room for growth. Choose a general-purpose soil that is suitable for houseplants or a mixed soil that contains humus and perlite. When repotting, make sure the bulbs are buried in the soil, but do not cover the buds. In addition, the size of the new pot should be slightly larger than the original pot.

Raise vermilion red, master 4 key points, the root system is strong, the bulb is full, and it can bloom many times a year


Vermilion is a beautiful indoor flower that is unique in its gorgeous flowers and easy to cultivate. With the right care, including the right light and temperature, moderate watering and humidity, proper fertilizer and fertilization, and regular propagation and repotting, you can enjoy its flowers and make your indoor space more colorful. The red flowers are not only beautiful, but also symbolize hope and happiness, so it is ideal for interior decoration and ornamentation. With these four key points, you can cultivate a healthy vermilion that will bloom multiple times a year, bringing beauty and joy to your home.

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