
The delicate cultivation of vermilion red - how to make it thrive

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
The delicate cultivation of vermilion red - how to make it thrive

Vermilion is a perennial bulbous flower of the genus Vermilion of the Lycoris family, also known as safflower lotus, Chinese orchid, thread flower, stigma red, vermilion orchid, solitary flower, Chinese orchid, centifolia, centifolia, pair red, pair red, etc. The ornamental value of vermilion is extremely high, and there are varieties of vermilion red, white, red or white and red. Flowering period from May to June, Vermilion red, as an elegant and beautiful ornamental plant, is deeply loved by the majority of flower fans. In order for your vermilion to shine at its best, you need to master the right planting techniques. This article will comprehensively analyze the growth path of Vermilion from many aspects, such as the selection of pots, the preparation of potting soil, pot cultivation, daily management and overwintering management.

The delicate cultivation of vermilion red - how to make it thrive

First, the choice of pots: home planting vermilion is usually potted, first of all, to choose a ceramic pot with good ventilation and drainage performance to prevent the roots from stagnant water caused by rot. The size of the pot is determined according to the number of plants, with a diameter of 20 cm for large balls and 15-18 cm diameter pots for small balls.

2. Potting soil preparation: Choosing the right potting soil is the first step to successfully planting Vermilion. Potted plants should first be prepared with cultivation soil, the preparation of cultivation soil is more important, the pot is a special small environment, no matter which kind of soil is used alone, can not meet the needs of Vermilion red on all aspects of the soil, therefore, in the choice of soil, we should try to choose fertile, loose and slightly acidic sandy loam. To increase aeration and drainage, the soil can be mixed with an appropriate amount of river sand or perlite. Potted plants are commonly prepared with humus and garden soil. After the culture soil is prepared, it is best to use it after disinfection at high temperature (fry it in an iron pot), or it can be exposed to the sun for sterilization.

3. Potted cultivation: potted plants are generally carried out in spring or autumn, first at the bottom of the pot pad gravel or coarse sand to facilitate drainage, and then fill in 3-3 cm of coarse sand, and then put into the culture soil, when planting, the bulb should not be buried in the soil, to expose about one-third, and water once after planting. Then place the planted vermilion in a ventilated and cool place for about 10 days, avoid direct sunlight, and then move to a sunny place for maintenance after the vermilion recovers.

The delicate cultivation of vermilion red - how to make it thrive

Fourth, daily management

1. Watering management: master the principle of "no drying, no watering", and avoid water accumulation in the pot. Proper watering is essential for the growth of vermilion. In spring and autumn, the red is in the growing season, so it is necessary to keep it well hydrated, but not excessive, so as not to cause suffocation of the roots. When the plants enter the dormant period during the high temperature in summer, the amount of watering should be appropriately reduced and the leaves should not be washed directly by rain. In winter, you need to control the frequency of watering to keep the potting soil slightly dry, which will help the plants survive the cold season.

2. Fertilization management: Sufficient nutrient supply can promote the growth of Vermilion red more luxuriantly. When the new leaves germinate in spring, you can apply compound fertilizers with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to promote the healthy development of branches and leaves, and before and after flowering, you need to add fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate to help the flowers be full and gorgeous. Fertilization should be stopped after autumn leaves fall and early spring to allow the plants to rest well. After potting, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are applied once a month, and the principle of fertilization is thin and diligent application to promote flower bud differentiation and flowering. During the growing season, a thin layer of rotten cake fertilizer is applied every half month, and no fertilizer is applied after the flower buds are formed.

3. Repotting: Generally, a new potting soil is replaced every 2 years, which is conducive to renewing nutrients and improving the root environment. Usually the situation is to change the pot in early spring, in the pot change, change the soil, planting at the same time to apply base fertilizer, change the pot should pay attention to the gentle treatment, to avoid damage to the root system, and at the same time cut off the dead old roots and pests and diseases. After repotting, put it in a semi-shaded place with high air humidity for about a week, and then move to a sunny place for maintenance after the root system recovers.

4. Pruning: Regularly pruning the stems and leaves of Vermilion Red can make it more beautiful and concentrate nutrients on new growth points. In addition, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after the flowering to avoid consuming too many nutrients and affecting the flowering quality of the next year. Vermilion red grows fast, the leaves are long and dense, and the dead leaves, dead roots, and pests and diseases should be cut off at the same time as changing the pot, leaving vigorous leaves.

5. Light: Vermilion red is native to the South American tropics, likes warm but does not like high temperature, the growth temperature is 18~25 °C, does not like the heat, the sun should not be too strong, and it should be placed under the shade in the hot summer to maintain.

5. Overwintering management: In a low temperature environment, Vermilion is susceptible to frost damage. Therefore, it is necessary to move indoors before the cold dew festival in October and keep the room temperature no lower than 5°C to safely overwinter. The potting soil must be kept dry. If the potting soil is too wet, the plant will continue to grow, which will prevent it from dormant and affect the normal flowering of the following year. During the dormant period in winter, the aboveground leaves naturally dry up and should be cut off.

Through the fine management and care of the above five aspects, I believe that your vermilion will show a vibrant posture and bloom with dazzling brilliance. I hope that everyone who loves flowers can cultivate a heart-warming vermilion garden!

The delicate cultivation of vermilion red - how to make it thrive

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