
Wenhai Lingyun Primary School held a series of New Year's Day activities to welcome the new year

author:Nine factions view the world

[Source: China Education Online Zhejiang Branch_Zhejiang Education Information]

China Education Online Zhejiang Station News (Editor: Qiu Binxin, Correspondent: Rong Roujia)

The rabbit leaves to stay blessed, and the dragon comes to send spring. At the beautiful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, Wenhai Lingyun Primary School held a series of colorful New Year's Day activities to celebrate traditional festivals and create a harmonious campus atmosphere, so that students with special talents can show, and creative students can sway, and parents and schools work together to spend a happy festival and leave a good memory.

"Rainbow Supermarket" brings an authentic consumer experience

On a jubilant day, the highly anticipated "Rainbow Dash Supermarket" officially opened. Xue Enping, a teacher from the Quality Education Department of Qiantang District Education Bureau, Cui Jiabin, Vice President of Xiasha Branch of Hangzhou Union Bank, and other guests attended the opening ceremony to witness this grand moment. The "junior staff" of "Rainbow Dash Supermarket" were honored to take up their posts, and from the moment they received the letter of appointment, their responsibilities also followed.

Wenhai Lingyun Primary School held a series of New Year's Day activities to welcome the new year
Wenhai Lingyun Primary School held a series of New Year's Day activities to welcome the new year

By creating a real consumption scene called "Rainbow Supermarket", the school allows children to gradually understand the importance of consumption in practice. At the same time, as an indispensable part of financial literacy education, the school specially created a "wealth tree" in front of Rainbow Dash Supermarket, and Grandpa Li Jinchang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, carved an inscription for the stone. Teacher Xue Enping and Principal Wu Bin jointly unveiled the ceremony, wishing the children to thrive on the road of pursuing wealth and morality.

The New Year's Day show shows talent and passion

The New Year's Day show kicked off with dynamic notes and beautiful melodies. The children vividly interpreted the wonderful programs with their full passion and enthusiastic movements. There was not only a feast of singing and dancing on the stage, but also a witness to the power of example. At the 2nd Dream Sports and Arts Festival, the students worked hard and forged ahead, drawing a successful end to 2023.

Wenhai Lingyun Primary School held a series of New Year's Day activities to welcome the new year
The class party was lively

Each class held a unique party, and the students showed themselves and their personalities in a festive atmosphere. Fun games are interspersed to fill the whole campus with laughter. The children were enthusiastic and shared food and happy time.

Say goodbye to 2023 and welcome 2024, all teachers and students of Wenhai Lingyun Primary School are looking forward to the new year.

(Editor-in-charge: Yu Xinhua, Zhao Honghe)

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