
The man forced the takeaway brother to kneel and shine his shoes in public, who gave him the guts?

author:Horn and big mouth

Nowadays, takeout has become the first choice for countless people to eat. In Dalian, thousands of food delivery workers are an integral part of the city every day. However, just a few days ago, an ordinary delivery man unexpectedly became the focus of social attention.

On this day, the delivery man accidentally bumped into a man while delivering food, causing his shoes to be soiled. Although the delivery man immediately apologized, the man insisted that he squat down with wet wipes to polish his shoes. This scene was filmed by passers-by and uploaded to the Internet, which quickly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions.

The man forced the takeaway brother to kneel and shine his shoes in public, who gave him the guts?


On the surface, this incident seems to be a simple accident, but behind it lies a deeper social problem.

As a member of the service industry, the labor of food delivery workers should be respected and understood by society. However, in this case, the dignity of the delivery man was ignored, and instead of receiving the apology he deserved, he was treated unfairly. This is not only a violation of the dignity of the individual, but also a reflection of the attitude of society towards workers in the service industry.

The man forced the takeaway brother to kneel and shine his shoes in public, who gave him the guts?

The delivery workers in this incident represent many ordinary workers who may encounter various accidents and challenges in their daily work. Although delivery workers are members of the service industry, they also have their own dignity and rights.

The man's demand, while not illegal, clearly goes beyond the bottom line of morality. This raises an important question: what kind of moral constraints should an individual's actions be subject to, within the limits of the law?


After the matter was posted on the Internet, it also caused heated discussions. Most netizens were indignant about this, thinking that the man was too arrogant and domineering. At the same time, in this case, the boundary between law and morality has also become the focus of discussion.

The man forced the takeaway brother to kneel and shine his shoes in public, who gave him the guts?

We invited legal experts to analyze the incident. Lawyer Fu Jian pointed out that although individuals have the right to ask others to restore soiled or damaged items to their original condition, such requests must be made in a reasonable and respectful manner. In this case, the man's actions did not violate the law, but they violated the personal rights and dignity of the delivery workers.

Although this event is small, it is like a mirror, reflecting the complex face of contemporary society. It is not only a discussion of individual dignity and rights, but also a reflection on the boundaries of social morality and law, and an in-depth analysis of public psychology and social attitudes.


It can be seen that this incident raises a key question: how can we judge whether an act has exceeded the boundaries of morality, within the scope of the law?

In modern society, the law provides us with the most basic norms of behavior, but morality is the deeper guiding principle. When an act is legally permissible but morally questionable, how should we judge and respond to it? This question is not only related to the individual's code of conduct, but also reflects the society's perception of morality and respect.

The man forced the takeaway brother to kneel and shine his shoes in public, who gave him the guts?

Through this incident, we see the complex and delicate relationship between law and morality, and the importance of maintaining a balance between the two in modern society.

Overall, through the analysis of this delivery man incident, we see an important lesson in modern society: respect for others is the cornerstone of building a harmonious society.

Everyone, regardless of profession, should be respected and understood. This is a small event, but it reflects a big problem in society and reminds us that we need to constantly find a balance between education, law, and personal morality.

In the end, I would like to say that each of us is a builder of social civilization. By learning Xi, understanding and respect, we can work together to create a more civilized, just and inclusive society. Let's learn from this small incident and work together to move society forward.

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