
The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

author:Cool mushrooms


The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and mobile payment, the food delivery industry has gradually become an indispensable part of people's lives, which has greatly facilitated people's daily life. In the hustle and bustle of the city, the takeaway guys are like busy "bees", shuttling between the streets and alleys, delivering food to every customer, adding a touch of convenience and deliciousness to people's lives.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

However, behind these delicacies, there is the sweat and hard work of the takeaway guys. Their working environment is not easy, they need to ride and run for a long time, no matter the wind or rain or the heat and winter, they always stick to their posts, and use their legs to send warmth and beauty to customers.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other
The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

1. Hard and helpless work

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

1.1 Tremendous work pressure

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

As the "bee family" in the city, the takeaway brother assumes multiple roles such as courier, waiter, and salesman, and the work content is complex and needs to be completed efficiently. Especially during some holidays or extreme weather conditions, takeaway orders will increase dramatically, and takeaway guys need to face huge work pressure to ensure that orders are delivered in time so as not to affect the customer's dining experience.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

In addition, the takeaway brother has a long working time, often needs to work for several hours in a row, and long-term riding and standing are easy to cause physical fatigue and discomfort, which brings certain hidden dangers to their physical health.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

1.2 Economic pressures and injustices

Under the pressure of high housing prices and the cost of living in the city, many food delivery boys choose to come to an unfamiliar city, just to change the lives of themselves and their families through hard work. However, due to the instability of their jobs, it is difficult for some food delivery boys to have a regular source of income and face financial difficulties and life pressure.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

In addition, takeaway boys may also encounter some unfair and unreasonable treatment at work, such as the refusal of merchants, customer complaints, etc., which require them to bear certain psychological pressure and challenges, which also brings certain troubles to their work and life.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other
The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

Second, the selfless dedication of the takeaway brother

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

Although there are certain difficulties and challenges in the food delivery industry, we have seen tenacity and a positive attitude in the food delivery brother. They use their legs to bring food and warmth to customers, and touch everyone around them with their selfless dedication.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

2.1 "Retrogrades" during the pandemic

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

Especially during the new crown epidemic, the takeaway brothers have become the "retrogrades" in the city, and at the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control, they still stick to their jobs, deliver daily necessities to residents, ensure the living needs of residents, and have been highly praised and respected by all sectors of society.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

They are not afraid of hardships and dangers, silently dedicated, and practiced the title of "the most beautiful retrograde" with practical actions, which has become an indispensable scenery in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and has also set an excellent example for us and inspired more people to move forward bravely.

2.2 Be optimistic about life

The work of the delivery boys is not easy, but they always maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, and face all kinds of difficulties and challenges in life with a smile. In addition to work, they will also enrich their spare time life in various ways, such as learning knowledge, exercising, etc., constantly enriching and improving themselves, and working hard for a better future.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other

3. The story of the takeaway brother is enlightened

Although the story of the takeaway brother is full of bitterness and helplessness, it has also brought us many profound revelations and reflections.

3.1 Cherish life and be grateful

Through the story of the takeaway brother, we deeply realize that happiness in life does not come from material abundance, but from the love and dedication of others. In the hard work of the takeaway brother, we have seen the spirit of selfless dedication and great love, therefore, we should learn to cherish life, be grateful to all the people around us who have paid for us, and use a grateful heart to give back to the society and pass on love and warmth.

3.2 Respect labor and care for others

The story of the takeaway brother also reminds us of the hard work and the value of labor, they create a better life with their hands, and make important contributions to the development and progress of society, therefore, we should respect all labor, no matter what kind of occupation, should give enough understanding and respect, care for all workers around us, and jointly create a harmonious and inclusive social environment.

3.3 Firm belief and courage to move forward

In the growth story of the takeaway brother, we see the strength of firm belief and courage to move forward, they did not give up lightly in the face of difficulties and setbacks, but bravely faced them, continued to work hard, and finally reaped the success and growth of life.

Therefore, no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we encounter, we should maintain a firm belief, move forward bravely, believe that our efforts will eventually be rewarded, and use our own efforts and sweat to write a wonderful chapter in life.

The takeaway brother fainted on the side of the road many times, no one cared, netizens: No one has an easier life than the other


The story of the takeaway brother is like a cup of bitter coffee, with a hint of bitterness, but it exudes a strong aroma, touching everyone who tastes it. Through their stories, we see the greatness of labor and the true meaning of dedication, and also believe that only when everyone pays with their hearts, the society will become better, and the relationship between people will become more harmonious.

Therefore, in our busy life, we might as well stop, to feel all the good things around us, to pay attention to the people around us who pay silently, perhaps, a trace of warmth between you and me, can light up the way forward for others, so that the world is full of love and hope.

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