
The four-flavor Chinese medicine, known as the vascular "scavenger", helps you sweep away vascular impurities and stay away from heart and brain diseases

author:Zhang Shiliang, Department of Cardiology

What is the reason why blood vessels are so fragile and prone to blockage? First, let's think about which organ controls the intricate network of blood vessels in our body? Obviously, the answer is the heart. As the "emperor" of the body, the heart not only controls the blood vessels, but also assumes the duties of a monarch and manages various affairs.

Blockages in blood vessels can usually be divided into two categories, one due to phlegm dampness and the other from congestion. For the latter, there is a recipe consisting of four herbs: Panax notoginseng, American ginseng, salvia, and gastrodia. These four drugs can effectively activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, unblock blood vessels, and their efficacy is remarkable.

The four-flavor Chinese medicine, known as the vascular "scavenger", helps you sweep away vascular impurities and stay away from heart and brain diseases

Take the four herbs and grind them to fineness, take 3-4 grams orally each time, twice a day, and take them with warm water. Among them, Panax notoginseng can replenish blood and invigorate blood, and its effect is outstanding. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" points out: "Ginseng is the best for qi replenishment, and Panax notoginseng is the best for blood replenishment, and the effects of the two are equal." "Medical Hearts and References to the West" also contains: "Panax notoginseng is good at dissolving congestion and stopping bleeding. "Whether it is blood deficiency or congestion, Panax notoginseng can effectively deal with it, especially in improving blood flow. Panax notoginseng also has the function of hemostasis, and if the patient is damaged due to trauma, Panax notoginseng can stop bleeding on its own.

The four-flavor Chinese medicine, known as the vascular "scavenger", helps you sweep away vascular impurities and stay away from heart and brain diseases

In ancient times, Panax notoginseng was regarded as a necessary medicine for war, used for the healing of soldiers' wounds and hemostasis, the famous pharmacist Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty had words of appreciation in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", the so-called "Panax notoginseng, gold does not change, it only appeared in recent years, and it is often used in the southern army to use gold sores to medicine, and it is rumored that it has a unique and miraculous effect. ”

The four-flavor Chinese medicine, known as the vascular "scavenger", helps you sweep away vascular impurities and stay away from heart and brain diseases

Nowadays, if you have suffered an accidental injury that causes bruising, pain and bleeding of the skin, looking for Panax notoginseng in time can relieve the pain and give the patient peace of mind. However, despite the remarkable health effect of Panax notoginseng, due to its medicinal properties of warm and dry, some people may have a fever all over the body, which is even more unbearable in the later stage. Here's how to help solve these problems: Add the right amount of American ginseng to your recipe. American ginseng is cold in nature and has the effect of replenishing qi. Zhang Xichun once commented: "Compared with Western ginseng, its temperature supplement is weaker, and it is suitable for people who are not tolerant of ginseng nourishment. "By introducing the cold nature of American ginseng, we can reconcile the discomfort caused by the heat of Panax notoginseng.

Next, we will introduce salvia. It is recorded in "Materia Medica": "Salvia miltiorrhiza only enters the blood, focusing on dredging and invigorating blood, and penetrating deep into the internal organs to dissolve stagnation." It can be seen that salvia can not only invigorate blood, but also have tonic effects. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" also says: "Salvia miltiorrhiza can break the old blood and generate new blood." "Whether it's weakness or blockage, fatigue or blood stagnation, salvia can be used as a cure. Regarding the last herb, gastrodia, the book says: "Gastrodia can dissolve phlegm, and modern research has revealed that it has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. ”

Congestive infarction involves a wide range of diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, varicose veins, etc., as well as accompanying diseases such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, etc. It can be used in patients with congestion blockade syndrome.

How do I know if I have blood stasis? Observing the shape of the two green tendons under the tongue can help distinguish it. Normal people's green muscles are pale blue, and it is even difficult to notice. If the blood stasis is severe, the green tendons under the tongue will turn black and thick, like angry corals, and this prescription can be tried for treatment.

The four-flavor Chinese medicine, known as the vascular "scavenger", helps you sweep away vascular impurities and stay away from heart and brain diseases

It is important to note that the above is for reference only. When such symptoms need to be regulated, it is important to consult a regular TCM practitioner and follow the doctor's instructions, and do not take it indiscriminately to avoid delaying the condition. #中医#

Reply to the number, and I will answer in detail when I see it

1. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood lipids

2. Asthma, diabetes

3. Coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction

4. Rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, etc. can be regulated

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