
How harmful is the lack of protein in the body? 4 kinds of high-quality protein foods, often alternate to eat

author:Benevolence 9194

A once energetic middle-aged man has gradually become frail and sickly due to long-term neglect of protein, a key nutrient in his diet. His story is a reality that many people are unwilling to face, but which they may experience. This is not only a warning, but also a health problem that we must face seriously. In today's discussion, we'll delve into a deceptively simple but crucial topic: how harmful is a lack of protein in the body, and we'll also take a look at which foods are considered "high-quality protein sources" and why we should change them frequently in our daily diets.

How harmful is the lack of protein in the body? 4 kinds of high-quality protein foods, often alternate to eat

When the body is in a hurry: unraveling the hidden crisis of protein deficiency

Protein, the building block of vital activity, is essential for the human body. However, when the protein supply is insufficient, the body sends a signal of crisis. Medical studies have shown that protein deficiency not only affects muscle strength and fitness, but can also lead to a decrease in immunity, making the body more susceptible to disease.

Let's focus on muscle health. Muscles are not only the performers of movement, but also the main sites of metabolic activity. Protein deficiency can directly affect muscle maintenance and repair, resulting in decreased muscle mass, decreased muscle strength, and even muscle atrophy. A study involving middle-aged and older adults found that persistent inadequate protein intake was significantly associated with physical weakness and reduced exercise capacity.

Damage to the immune system should also not be overlooked. Proteins are key elements in building antibodies and immune cells. When the protein supply is insufficient, the body's antibody production is affected and the activity of immune cells is reduced, making the body more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Experimental data show that individuals with protein deficiencies are more susceptible to infections and have a more severe course of illness.

Protein is also closely linked to bone health. The collagen in bones is responsible for maintaining the strength and flexibility of bones. Protein deficiency weakens this structure and increases the risk of fractures. Studies have shown that protein intake is positively correlated with bone mineral density, especially in menopausal women, and moderate protein intake has a significant effect on the prevention of osteoporosis.

How harmful is the lack of protein in the body? 4 kinds of high-quality protein foods, often alternate to eat

Treasures of the Sea: The Protein Secrets of Fish and Seafood

Explore the depths of the ocean with fish and seafood, a treasure trove of protein nutrition. Salmon, cod, shrimp and shellfish contain up to 20 grams of protein per 100 grams. Not only are these marine foods rich in protein, but they also provide essential omega-3 fatty acids that are great for heart health.

Eggs: Nature's perfect protein wrap

Eggs are known as nature's most perfect source of protein. A medium-sized egg contains about 6 grams of high-quality protein and contains all the essential amino acids your body needs. In addition, the protein in eggs is highly bioavailable, meaning that the body can use these proteins efficiently.

Legumes: The protein essence of the plant world

Beans and soy products, such as soybeans, lentils, tofu, are excellent sources of plant-based protein. Especially for vegetarians, legumes provide an indispensable protein. One cup of cooked black beans provides about 15 grams of protein. Legumes are also rich in fiber, iron, and potassium, making them an important part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

How harmful is the lack of protein in the body? 4 kinds of high-quality protein foods, often alternate to eat

Lean Meat: A booster for muscle growth

Lean meats, such as chicken breast, lean beef, are another big source of protein. 100 grams of lean beef provides up to 26 grams of protein. The protein in lean meat aids in muscle growth and repair, making it especially suitable for consumption after physical exercise. Lean meat is also rich in B vitamins and iron, which help to build stamina and energy.

How harmful is the lack of protein in the body? 4 kinds of high-quality protein foods, often alternate to eat

Dietary Advice: Optimize your protein intake for your health journey

Protein is essential for maintaining good health, but it's just as important to know how to consume it properly. In a balanced diet, protein should have a place, both in terms of quantity and quality.

The recommended daily intake of protein varies from person to person. Typically, adults need 0.8 grams of protein multiplied by kilograms of body weight per day. For example, a 70-kilogram adult needs about 56 grams of protein per day. However, this is only a basic need, and for people who exercise a lot or have special health conditions, this value needs to be adjusted accordingly.

How harmful is the lack of protein in the body? 4 kinds of high-quality protein foods, often alternate to eat

Different sources of protein have their own advantages. Fish and seafood are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids for heart health, eggs are a well-rounded protein source with all nine essential amino acids, beans and legumes provide high-quality plant-based protein for vegetarians, and lean meats provide iron and vitamin B12, especially for boosting muscle mass and energy levels.

For health, it is advisable to diversify protein sources in the diet. This not only guarantees the availability of different types of amino acids, but also helps in obtaining other nutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin B complex, etc. For example, fish can be eaten a few days during the week and soy products, eggs or lean meat on the other days to ensure a variety of protein sources.

Protein intake should not be considered in isolation. A reasonable diet should include carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to form a comprehensive nutritional balance. For example, pairing it with fiber-rich vegetables and whole grains can increase feelings of fullness while providing essential nutrients. Through such a dietary pattern, overall health can be effectively promoted and quality of life can be improved.

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