
Will not eating enough protein hinder fat loss and what should I do? Eat plenty of high-protein snacks

author:Liu Da's health logic

During this time, I found that there was a problem in the paid community, that is, many friends did not eat enough protein. This is especially noticeable in the morning.

So if you lose weight, if you can't eat protein, will it hinder the weight loss effect? Actually, to a lot of extent, yes. So how do we solve this problem? In my experience, it is more convenient to supplement with nutritional supplements and some on-the-go protein foods.

1. After eating enough protein, the weight loss effect is better

Will not eating enough protein hinder fat loss and what should I do? Eat plenty of high-protein snacks

Protein is the basis of life, and it is the raw material for many cell hormones. For us to lose weight, protein can improve satiety because it is more difficult to digest. It can keep us from being hungry for a longer period of time, so that we don't want to eat too many things, too many food calories.

And compared with carbohydrates and fats, it has a higher food effect, which means that it can consume more calories and promote weight loss.

So what is the food thermal effect? Many of my friends often listen to me, but sometimes they still don't understand. In fact, it is very simple, and the most direct understanding is the energy required to digest this food.

To use the simplest analogy, we can feel cold in winter. But at this time, if you eat lamb, you will feel very warm, and sometimes you will sweat. This is actually a manifestation of food heat.

Will not eating enough protein hinder fat loss and what should I do? Eat plenty of high-protein snacks

Because the human body consumes more calories when digesting lamb, a high-protein food, this heat is spread throughout the body, so you will feel hotter and your body temperature will rise. Indirectly, it will also improve basal metabolism and promote weight loss.

And it's also important to note that high protein inhibits muscle breakdown. In this way, the weight lost will not have too much muscle in it to a large extent, and it will be easy to replenish it in the future.

If weight loss is said to supplement enough protein, and even after the end of weight loss, the muscle content will increase, the body shape will be better, and the body will be slimmer.

So I let everyone eat enough protein, not only for the effect of weight loss, but also for everyone to really not lose too much muscle and really lose more fat.

2. What should I do if I don't eat enough protein?

Will not eating enough protein hinder fat loss and what should I do? Eat plenty of high-protein snacks

This problem can actually be solved, it depends on whether we want to solve it or not. One of the easiest ways is to buy some ready-to-eat chicken breasts back and eat them as a snack. Beef and lamb are more expensive, but chicken breast is much cheaper.

And if you really don't have enough protein for breakfast, you can eat some ready-to-eat chicken breast in the morning or afternoon, which can not only provide satiety, but also supplement more protein.

Of course, this is an analogy, some other aquatic products can be torn open and eaten, this is the most convenient, does not need to cook, suitable for supplementing protein anytime and anywhere, improve satiety.

Or maybe you say I don't like meat, or I'm a vegetarian, but I still want to get enough protein, what about that?

In this case, the only way to do this is to directly supplement protein powder or small molecule protein peptides. Protein powders can generally be screened according to the standard of 100 grams containing 80 grams of protein. As for protein peptides, we should not only look at the raw materials, but also what its molecular weight is, try to be below 1000 daltons.

However, compared with protein foods, protein powder protein peptides will feel less satiety. So sometimes it's more suitable to eat before meals, which can slightly increase a little bit of satiety.

Many friends like to eat snacks because sometimes they feel hungry or have this habit. As long as we change this habit to eat ready-to-eat chicken breast or some aquatic products, you will gradually find that you are losing weight better and better, and you don't feel hungry easily.

To sum up: it is definitely best to eat enough protein for weight loss, which can not only improve satiety, increase the food effect, and promote the effect of weight loss. If you really can't eat enough, you can buy some snacks with high-protein foods, or directly supplement protein peptides and protein powder.

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