
When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

author:Cute little entertainer

If she marries into a closed mountainous area, maybe no matter how advanced science and technology are, she will not be able to catch her!

If you have cosmetic surgery and go to a remote area, you will be fine, there is danger in a big city!

If she had been pregnant, she might have lived a few more years!

Lao Rongzhi was executed, but I died laughing in the comment area......

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

In this mesmerizing bar corner, Lo Wing-chi, under the nickname "Shirley", is like a cunning artist who weaves deception and beauty into haunting paintings. Her beauty shone in the dim lights of the bar, as if by magic, attracting every man who fell into her trap.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

The "customer service" job here is no longer just about selling drinks, but more like a well-choreographed mental game.

"Shirley" is not only a sales champion in the bar, but also a unique phantom, sneaking into the nightlife of middle-aged people.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

It's not a gathering place for energetic young people, but a calm ocean in which she dances.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

The bar exudes a somber vibe, with soft music wafting through the air, as if creating the perfect stage for "Shirley" to further sink her tricks into the heart.

Lo Rongzhi not only has extraordinary wisdom in her career, but also her personality and details of life are also interesting.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

Her WeChat profile picture shows a cartoon girl wearing a bow, and judging from the ghost mask in hand, it seems to reveal an unfathomable mystery. This detail adds a lively and uninhibited touch to her, in contrast to her grim image in the bar.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

In this unique world of bars, she shows up on time at 10 p.m. every night until 2 a.m., and she is the "customer service" who "comes early and goes late".

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

Compared to other colleagues, she doesn't simply wait for customers, but takes the initiative to look around for opportunities to promote drinks and chat with customers. Her positive attitude has made her stand out from her colleagues and become a leader in the field of bar sales.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

However, this is only the bright side of her. When night falls and the wine comes up, Shirley reveals a very different woman. Her eyes became merciless, and the corners of her mouth were sneering, as if she were a witch in control.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

She not only manipulates the men's money, but also twists their feelings into her own vertical and horizontal, becoming a pawn in her game. This woman, gentle on the surface, is actually cunning, which reminds people of the sentence "witches disguised as angels".

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

This story is not just about a female fugitive surviving on the fringes of society, but also a profound allegory that reminds us to keep a clear head in reality.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

Beauty may be a temptation, but the inner good and evil are what really determine a person. In this society full of traps and deceptions, everyone needs to learn to discern the real difference between the outside and the heart, and not be deceived by appearances.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

It is born from the heart, but sometimes, it takes some twists and turns to see the true face of a person. In this game full of lies and trickery, only by staying sober can you stay away from the clutches of a demon like Shirley and not fall prey to her.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

My biggest psychological feeling is: human nature is inherently selfish, she is very bad, not really bad, if people are not greedy and anything, will they fall into her trap? , don't comment if you don't have experience, who in this world is not selfish.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

On the 18th, the femme fatale ended his story, and the criminal Lao Rongzhi was executed, comforting the souls of those who died unjustly.

When Lo Rongzhi was working at a bar, she gave herself a beautiful name "Shirley"

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