
Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

author:Manyu Geiba
Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

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Dumplings are traditional Chinese noodles, dumplings are eaten every New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Beginning of Autumn, Beginning of Winter, Winter Solstice......

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

In the fast-paced modern life, quick-frozen dumplings have become a daily choice for many people and are very popular with everyone.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

We often see supermarkets with different prices of quick-frozen dumplings, the expensive is 9.9 yuan, a little cheaper quick-frozen dumplings are only 5 yuan a bag, and the kind of loose dumplings are even cheaper, about three or four yuan a catty, so cheap dumplings, what is in it?

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Frozen dumplings with varying prices

Food health has always been a concern for everyone, but due to the pressure of life, fast food products have become the first choice for young people, among which dumplings, as a traditional Chinese food, naturally also have fast food products.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Just as everyone is buying dumplings in the supermarket, some careful netizens have found a Xi phenomenon, that is, why are bulk dumplings in supermarkets so cheap?

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

You must know that it costs 70 yuan a bag to buy a bag of flour, a pound of flour costs about two or three yuan, and a pound of pork costs 20 yuan a pound, so it costs 40 yuan to make a delicious dumpling for the family.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

However, the quick-frozen dumplings with vegetables and meat in the supermarket are only 5 yuan a pack, while the loose dumplings are only 3 yuan a catty, and a supermarket dumpling is only 20 yuan.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Why are frozen dumplings so cheap, and aren't supermarkets making money with such cheap dumplings? What kind of secret is hidden behind this?

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Employees who have worked in supermarkets know that there are many brands in the frozen dumpling market, and the competition is also very fierce.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

But then again, the wool comes out of the sheep, and since the price is low, it will definitely be greatly discounted in the selection of raw materials and production processes.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Some attentive netizens found that the dumplings in the supermarket, whether they are beautifully packaged dumplings or bulk dumplings placed together, look almost identical, so they know at a glance that they are definitely not handmade dumplings.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

As the name suggests, handmade dumplings need to be wrapped manually, which requires cumbersome processes and time, so the cost will be 10% higher.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

In order to reduce costs, the production process of quick-frozen dumplings is very simple, and some large-scale dumpling factories can produce in large quantities in a short period of time through modern production equipment and technology, thereby reducing costs, and in this way, reducing the cost of dumplings.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

In this way, dumplings that look exactly the same are batch dumplings produced by large factories, and since dumplings can be produced in large quantities, supermarkets can buy them in large quantities.

As we all know, no matter what you buy, as long as it is purchased in large quantities, the price will be relatively low.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

The supermarket is to purchase directly from the manufacturer in large quantities, and there is no middleman to make the difference, so that the price of dumplings will drop by another layer, and the supermarket can not only buy cheap dumplings at a low price, they also have their own special methods.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

You have your own tricks

Some people can't help but wonder how the small dumplings can be cheated, and it is possible to put something in them.

In fact, supermarkets are not so stupid, like meat can be beaten with needles, but dumplings are made of noodles, and consumers can see at a glance that there are pinholes on them, so this method is definitely not possible.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Since there is no way to move hands and feet, some unscrupulous merchants will do their hands and feet from the surface, don't look at the weight of a dumpling, after a long time of freezing, there will be layers of thick frost on the dumplings, and some excessive merchants, will soak the dumplings in water, and then freeze them, add water and be frozen dumplings, so that the weight of dumplings must be heavier than before.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

And this is also a common trick in supermarkets, in the supermarket frozen shrimp, frozen chicken, frozen meat is a truth, it seems to be much cheaper than the price of fresh meat, but buy back all are ice ballast, the amount will be greatly reduced, it is simply fooled.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Now it seems that whether it is from the processing of dumplings or from the retailer's supermarket, there is a certain amount of space profit in every link, especially the manufacturers, who not only have low profits in production, but also move on the raw materials.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

raw material

I've heard a pork seller say before, looking at fresh meat may have been put for a few days, looking at stale meat, there are months to put it, in order to pursue low prices, some dumpling factories will buy some frozen pork from the freezing company.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

So what exactly is frozen pork, and how is it different from the meat we usually buy in the supermarket?

The frozen pork mentioned here is not the pork that we see in the supermarket and put in the freezer for consumers to choose to buy, but refers to the pig after being slaughtered, after the neck is cold and acidic, frozen, and then stored at a temperature of minus 18 degrees, but these meats are not the good meat we see in the supermarket, but the meat that is left unwanted, such as the position of the neck.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Some people can't help but wonder why the meat on the pig's neck is left, and it stands to reason that the meat on the neck should not be good.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

People who have fed pigs know that pigs and people are the same, they will also get sick, and they will be treated with medicine and injections when they are sick, among which the place where pigs are injected is the neck, so the neck looks like the meat is very thick, but there will be a little virus residue after a long time of injection.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

If you say that you don't want to eat some leftovers from others, it is reasonable to pick the remaining pork of poor quality, but some unscrupulous manufacturers will also buy back sick pigs at a low price, or pigs that die of stress, and the viruses carried by these pigs will eventually enter the dumpling filling.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

It's a shame to say that we don't see much pork in quick-frozen dumplings that are so uneasy, why is this?

Anyone who has eaten quick-frozen dumplings knows that quick-frozen dumplings are divided into many flavors, including the taste of mushroom meat and the taste of mutton.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

And one of the main reasons for this is that there is less meat, and there is very little meat that can be found in a quick-frozen dumpling, and there may not be as much meat as the instant noodle seasoning package.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Although there is little meat, the reason why the dumplings still look bulging and looking very full is not only due to the dishes inside, but also the soup.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

The machine will have another process when making dumplings, that is, adding soup, so that even if it is left for a long time, it still looks very full, which is also a way to reduce costs.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

The sick pork bought at such a low price, the low-priced pork, and then wrapped in dumplings in a ratio of 100 to 1, have to make people wonder how low the cost of dumplings is.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Now it seems that only the flour in the quick-frozen dumplings is qualified, because in addition to flour and meat, there are other ingredients in the dumplings.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

In fact, in addition to the normal seasoning ingredients, there is another important thing in quick-frozen dumplings, that is, additives.

Some netizens will encounter this situation, when making dumplings at home, sometimes they can't finish eating, so they will wrap the leftover stuffing into dumplings, put them in the refrigerator and freeze them, and wait for the next day to eat them.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

However, when the fresh dumplings are taken out of the refrigerator again, cracks will appear on the skin of some dumplings, and the phenomenon of skin soup will appear when the dumplings are cooked, but look at the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket, and the skin will still not break when you buy it home for ten days and half a month, what is going on?

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

The thickener in the dumpling wrapper will be very easy to disperse when it encounters water, and it will become a high-viscosity colloid, which can bond the gluten and starch particles together to form a dense and orderly three-dimensional space network structure, enhance the elasticity and toughness of the dough is still the skin, thereby reducing the freezing cracking rate.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

That is to say, why the quick-frozen dumplings are frozen in the supermarket for a few months, and why the skin does not crack when taken home to cook, I would like to state here that some netizens will also see cracks when buying quick-frozen dumplings, what is going on?

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

If the dumplings you bought have cracks, part of the reason is that they were thawed during transportation and then re-frozen.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

Because quick-frozen dumplings are different from ordinary frozen dumplings, the refrigeration process of ordinary dumplings is very long, while quick-frozen dumplings only need half an hour to make the dumplings drop to minus 18 degrees, so as to keep them fresh for a long time.

Why are the quick-frozen dumplings in the supermarket only 5 yuan a catty, netizens: I understand today

By the way, have you ever bought frozen dumplings?

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