
Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

author:Tianjin Traffic Police
Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children
Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children
Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

In order to further enhance the awareness of road traffic safety among teachers and students, effectively prevent and reduce traffic safety accidents for young children, and create a safe and smooth travel environment in winter, the traffic police have frequently carried out winter children's traffic safety lectures in the campus, sowing the "seeds" of traffic safety into the hearts of children.

"Students, today we have invited a few special teachers to talk about the precautions in winter travel. On the afternoon of November 21, in the classroom of the 13th kindergarten in Hongqiao District, the traffic police from the new Hongqiao Brigade of the Hongqiao Detachment of the traffic police were explaining common traffic signs to the children through cartoons in their hands.

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

The traffic police explained to the children the traffic safety knowledge such as obeying the traffic light when crossing the street, following the parents, not making noise when riding the vehicle, and not being a playground through cartoons and cartoons that are easy for the children to accept. In the subsequent interactive session, the traffic police also taught and guided the children to learn common traffic command gestures, so that they could memorize the traffic safety knowledge during play.

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

At the end of the event, the traffic police also advocated that the children be small traffic safety propagandists in the family, urging themselves and their parents to put an end to the occurrence of illegal and criminal behaviors such as drunk driving, and creating a safe, safe and smooth road to school in winter.

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

Accompanied by passionate and powerful music, on the playground of the fourth kindergarten in Heping District, the small flag-bearers of the kindergarten are majestic and high-spirited, and enter with neat steps. As the "March of the Volunteers" sounded loudly, the bright red national flag was raised, and everyone sang the national anthem in unison. On the morning of November 20, Gao Ya, the traffic police of the Safety Supervision Brigade of the Peace Detachment of the Traffic Police, was invited as a special flag bearer to participate in the flag-raising activity with the theme of "Traffic Police Sister Enters the Campus, Civilized Travel and Safety" in the Fourth Kindergarten of Heping District, and led the children to learn traffic safety knowledge in the game, and implant the seeds of the concept of civilized traffic into the child's heart.

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

"The green light is on, pay attention to courtesy, civilized and law-abiding and safe passage!" A kindergarten girl stood in the middle of the playground, raised the "yellow light" sign in her right hand, shook it three times and then put down her hand, as she held the "green light" sign in her left hand high, the children wearing the "car" headdress, walked past the girl one after another, and met the "pedestrian" who did not wear a headdress, so she took the initiative to stop and let the "pedestrian" go first, and the "pedestrian" smiled and gave a thumbs up, giving the "car" driver a big thumbs up!

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

"The age characteristics of young children are more suitable for integrating the explanation of traffic safety knowledge into the game, so that children can immerse themselves in the rules of law-abiding travel while playing games, and cultivate civilized and law-abiding travel habits. For many years, the traffic police who have been engaged in traffic safety propaganda work are elegant, and the children affectionately call her "Sister Xiaoya", according to the characteristics of children, around the knowledge of civilized walking, civilized cycling, civilized riding, etc., a variety of traffic safety immersive experience games have been designed for children.

At the end of the activity, "Sister Xiaoya" led the children to learn traffic command gesture exercises. The traffic police command gestures are strung together one by one, and the song "Courage Explosion" that everyone can sing and love to sing is used to stimulate children's interest in participating, so that they can understand the meaning of traffic police command gestures through personal learning experience, and can consciously abide by the relevant traffic regulations when traveling.

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

"This seed is about to germinate in my heart, and I work harder for it every day..."The rhythm of the song is cheerful, the children command the actions in a good way, and the seeds of the concept of "civilized transportation" travel are planted into the hearts of the children with the singing, taking root and germinating.

Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children
Edutainment: Planting the "seeds" of traffic safety in the hearts of children

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