
Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!

author:Qingyuan traffic police

In order to help Qingyuan's "Millions of Millions Project" and rural revitalization, enhance the awareness of the rule of law and safety precautions of the rural people along the national and provincial highways, especially the "old and young" groups, send legal knowledge to more people, and deeply implant the concept of security and rule of law in the hearts of the people. On May 14, sponsored by the Qingyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau, undertaken by the Yangshan County Public Security Bureau, and co-organized by the Qigong Town People's Government, the 2024 "Kapok Cup" series of legal popularization activities in Qingyuan City, the Qingyuan "Beautiful Countryside Tour" caravan law popularization into villages and towns was successfully held in Jikeng Village, Qigong Town, Yangshan County.

Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!

Before the start of the activity, the propaganda police combined with the needs of "knocking on the door" door-to-door propaganda and education, went into the homes of villagers, distributed all kinds of safety publicity materials, played road traffic safety publicity videos on the spot, and taught face-to-face all kinds of safety knowledge closely related to daily life, such as preventing telecommunication network fraud, drug awareness, drug prevention, drug rejection and drug control, road traffic safety laws and regulations, etc., bringing the concept of safety and rule of law to the majority of villagers and opening up the "last mile" of law popularization.

Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!

During the event, Yangshan County Provincial Security Office

The Anti-Fraud Office and the Office of Drug Control were brought respectively

The 20th Anniversary of the Promulgation and Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law

"Preventing Telecom Network Fraud"

"Anti-drug Classroom Understanding Etomidate" special lecture

and an interactive Q&A

The atmosphere of the audience was lively

They all raised their hands to answer

Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!
Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!
Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!


Cantonese opera singing and dancing performance at the Qigong Town Cultural Station

"Slow Voice"

The guitar of the Qingyuan City Public Security Bureau plays and sings

"Those Flowers"

Yangshan County Public Security Bureau's original song "Rule of Law in the Heart" and other programs


Won the warm applause of the audience

Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!
Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!

There are also 12 publicity booths at the scene, and each unit explains the law to the masses "zero distance" by hanging banners, placing publicity display boards, distributing publicity materials, etc. In the traffic safety publicity area, the slogan of the 20th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the "Road Traffic Safety Law" was widely promoted to encourage and guide the masses to learn and understand the relevant knowledge of the Road Traffic Law. In the simulated drug display area, the staff used easy-to-understand language to popularize the dangers of drugs, how to identify drugs and how to deal with the temptation of drugs.

Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!
Beautiful Countryside Tour丨Traffic safety "caravan" has departed again, come and take a look!

The "Beautiful Countryside Tour" activity, which integrates a wide variety of safety law popularization propaganda such as traffic safety, anti-fraud and anti-fraud, drug rejection, national security, and ecological protection, is an important starting point for Qingyuan Public Security to strengthen propaganda and education, and take publicity and education as an important starting point to promote the transformation of safety governance mode to active prevention and pre-prevention.

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