
A handful of peppercorns can alleviate 8 kinds of diseases, drive away dampness, and there is no gray hair at the age of 80

author:Linyi Lingang release

Sichuan peppercorns, a common spice in this kitchen, in addition to adding flavor to our dishes, have many unexpected medical effects. This article will detail the miraculous effects of Sichuan pepper in relieving eight diseases and driving away moisture and preventing gray hair, and how to use Sichuan pepper to achieve these effects. Let's explore this treasure of natural medicine and food!

A handful of peppercorns can alleviate 8 kinds of diseases, drive away dampness, and there is no gray hair at the age of 80

First, the miraculous effect of Sichuan pepper

1. Relieve dysmenorrhea: Sichuan pepper plus ginger and red dates can be made into tea to relieve dysmenorrhea. Peppercorns, ginger and red dates are brewed with hot water and then drunk, which has the effect of dissipating cold and relieving pain in warmth. It is suitable for dysmenorrhea caused by cold condensation, which can reduce abdominal pain and improve blood circulation.

2. Relieve colds: Sichuan pepper and ginger boiled water can relieve colds. Put Sichuan pepper and ginger into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water and boil before drinking, it can sweat and relieve the surface, and has a good relieving effect on wind and cold. It is suitable for the early stage of a cold and can reduce symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose.

3. Relieve stomach pain: soaking Sichuan pepper in water can relieve stomach pain. Drinking Sichuan pepper after brewing with boiling water can dissipate cold in the warm and have a good relieving effect on stomach pain. It is suitable for stomach pain caused by spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, which can reduce stomach pain and improve appetite.

4. Alleviate hemorrhoids: Sichuan pepper soaked in salt and water can relieve hemorrhoids. Brew pepper and salt with boiling water and drink, which can reduce inflammation and relieve pain, promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis. It is suitable for hemorrhoids and swelling and pain, which can reduce symptoms such as bleeding and pain.

5. Relieve rheumatism and bone pain: soaking feet in Sichuan pepper and white wine can relieve rheumatism and bone pain. After soaking the pepper in white wine, dip the liquid medicine with a hot towel and apply it to the sore area, which has the effect of dissipating cold and relieving pain. It is suitable for joint pain, rheumatism and bone pain, which can improve local blood circulation and relieve pain.

6. Driving away dampness and preventing gray hair: Sichuan pepper and oriental cypress leaves are made into tea, which can drive away dampness and prevent gray hair. Brew pepper and arborvitae leaves with boiling water and drink, which has the effect of dispelling dampness and detoxification, and black hair. It is suitable for the symptoms of gray hair increase and hair loss caused by heavy moisture, and can promote hair growth and prevent gray hair.

7. Anti-itching and pain-relieving: soaking feet with pepper and alum can relieve itching and pain. Soak your feet after brewing pepper and alum with boiling water to reduce inflammation and relieve itching and relieve pain. It is suitable for skin itching, beriberi, etc., and can reduce itching and improve local inflammation.

8. Relieve insomnia: soaking hands with pepper and vinegar can relieve insomnia. Soaking your hands in boiling water and vinegar can promote blood circulation and help you fall asleep. It is suitable for insomnia and dreams, which can improve sleep quality and increase the time of deep sleep.

A handful of peppercorns can alleviate 8 kinds of diseases, drive away dampness, and there is no gray hair at the age of 80

Second, the use of pepper and precautions

How to use Sichuan pepper:

a. Tea: Brew peppercorns with boiling water and drink, pay attention to control the dosage, generally 3-5 grams of peppercorns to brew a cup of warm water.

b. Boiling soup: Cooking soup with Sichuan pepper and other ingredients, such as ginger and red dates, can enhance the effect of dispelling cold and relieving pain.

c. External hot compress: After soaking Sichuan pepper in white wine, apply the liquid medicine to the sore area with a hot towel, or soak the feet in decoction to treat rheumatism and bone pain.

Precautions for Sichuan pepper:

a. Moderate use: Zanthoxylum pepper should be used in moderation, excessive use may cause dry mouth, sore throat and other discomfort.

b. People with allergies should use with caution: Those who are allergic to peppercorns should use with caution or avoid using them.

c. Pregnant and lactating women should use with caution: Zanthoxylum pepper has a certain blood-invigorating effect, pregnant women and lactating women should use with caution or consult a doctor.

d. Dry storage: Sichuan pepper should be stored in a dry place to avoid moisture and mildew.

A handful of peppercorns can alleviate 8 kinds of diseases, drive away dampness, and there is no gray hair at the age of 80

As a common seasoning and medicinal herb, Sichuan pepper has a wide range of medical effects and uses. In daily life, we can use Sichuan pepper in moderation according to our own needs to alleviate the symptoms of various diseases and enhance physical health. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the use of peppercorns and precautions to ensure the safe and effective use of this natural treasure, let us play the miraculous effect of peppercorns together, and add color to a healthy life!

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