
Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

author:Political State Think Tank

At the 2021 First Linru College Summit Forum jointly planned by Jiangxi Linru Academy and Zhengbang Think Tank, Gao Mingyong, chairman of Zhengbang Think Tank, made a speech entitled "What is a college, what is a college". Gao Mingyong believes that the fate of contemporary colleges will be affected by at least seven factors, including history, space, chance, reality, future, science and technology, and human nature. I would like to share the following content of Gao Mingyong's speech.

Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

Gao Mingyong spoke at the first Linru Academy Summit Theory in 2021

What is a college, what is a college

——Speech at the first Linru College Summit Forum in 2021

Gao Mingyong chairman of Zhengbang Think Tank

I saw that there were a lot of young people in today's forum, and some children, listening carefully and remembering seriously, this is a good thing, only if young people are willing to pay attention to the college, the college is more hopeful.

We are pleased to jointly hold the first Linru College Summit Forum 2021 with Linru College. The content I share with you is "what is a college, what is a college".

First of all, I would like to share two small stories with you: a few days ago, I was preparing to leave for Fuzhou, my daughter curiously asked me what I was doing on this business trip, and when she heard the word "academy", she asked: Dad, what is a college? Is it a library? Is it a training course? Is it a school? I said, it's all a bit like, but it's not. In the end, what is a college, I do not have a suitable answer to tell the child, but also want to bring this question to the forum, looking forward to the guests can have a more accurate explanation.

Just the day before yesterday, I went to visit the Wang Anshi Memorial Hall and the Tang Xianzu Memorial Hall. Although I graduated from the department of Chinese and know something about Tang Xianzu, there are still many inspirations and feelings in the Tang Xianzu Memorial Hall. Everyone knows that Tang Xianzu is a famous opera composer, but he has also made many outstanding achievements in the academy. One is that when he was degraded and heard the history of Xu Wendian, he felt that the local people were aggressive and everyone was born lightly, and advocated the establishment of Guisheng Academy. Tang Xianzu named the 12 classrooms of the academy as interrogation, erudition, prudent thinking, discernment, dedication, gewu, zhizhi, sincerity, righteousness, self-cultivation, qi family, and governance, and said in the article "Xu Wenliu Farewell Guisheng Academy": "Heaven and earth are precious, Qiankun is only this life, Haibo drums all day long, who knows your feelings." Publicize the philosophy of life that "gentlemen learn the Tao and love others" and "all the lives of the world should be precious". In the "Biography of Mr. YuMingtang", Cai Shiquan, a Qingqianlong jinshi, said that Tang Xianzu "set up a Guisheng Academy to give lectures, and morale suddenly shifted" in the academy.

Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

Photographed at the Tang Xianzu Memorial Hall in Fuzhou

Later, Tang Xianzu returned to his hometown in his later years and discussed the establishment of the "Chongru Academy", and after the completion of the academy, he put the sages of the county, such as Yan Tongshu, Wang Jinggong, Zeng Zigu, Lu Kunzhong, Lu Jiuyuan, Lu Jiushao, Lu Jiuling, and Li Qian, Wu Cheng, Wu Youbi, and others into the main sacrifice, and often went to the academy to teach Hongdao and cultivate Hou Xiu. It can be seen that the functions of different colleges are not exactly the same, and even if the same person is founded, it may not be the same.

Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

These two questions are very interesting, my daughter's question is actually the question of "what is the academy", which is the positioning problem of contemporary colleges, and it is also a basic question. Answering this question involves "who I am and where I come from." Tang Xianzu's story is actually the question of "what is the academy", which is the definition of the contemporary academy, and it is also a key question, and answering this question well involves "where to go and how to go".

The theme of this forum is "Empowering a New Pattern: The Responsibility and Strategy of Contemporary Colleges", and I think that what is a college and what is a college are popular expressions of this theme. Before the forum, when making posters, I hope that I will use a few simple words to point out my views on the college. What I wrote was: "The wind of the academy focuses on the elite of the group; the way of culture is noble in moisturizing things." "Because, contemporary colleges must fully learn from the spirit of the traditional college and the college system, invite the famous junxian to preach the scriptures, and form a unique atmosphere to attract young people to learn and communicate."

Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

Combined with "What is a college", I think it will be subject to at least seven important factors, such as historical, spatial, accidental, realistic, future, scientific and technological, and human.

1. Historical factors. Today can be a college, ten years ago can also be a college, ten years later can also be a college, different time nodes, the understanding of the college naturally has different times of color, the same content will also reflect the difference.

2. Spatial factors. Jiangxi can do academies, Henan can also do academies, Shandong can also do academies, different regional cultures, the understanding of colleges naturally has different regional characteristics, especially as Mo Lifeng said, if you want to study traditional Chinese culture, Jiangxi in the Song Dynasty is definitely one of the important plates. If we want to study the Jiangxi culture of the Song Dynasty, Fuzhou is definitely one of the important plates. Jiangxi is a unique representation of the academy culture.

3. Accidental factors. For example, Linru College can be presided over by Zhang Dandan (the cultural manager of Linru College), or by Mr. Liu Li (vice chairman of zhengbang think tank), or by me, but everyone's knowledge structure, social experience, life experience, and self-perception have their own characteristics, and the understanding of the positioning, definition, and function of the college, the mobilization of social resources, the grasp of operational thinking, and the thinking of business logic will vary greatly.

Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

4. Realistic factors. From a practical point of view, a college can be successfully established, not only involving government departments, but also involving related construction institutions, operating institutions, and cooperative institutions; not only involving education and indoctrination, but also involving ceremonies; not only involving investment and operation, but also involving commercial operations. Any link will affect the future development of the college.

5. Future factors. Contemporary colleges, standing on the basis of the profound foundation of the thousand-year-old college culture, must think about the problems based on the present and facing the future. On the one hand, it is necessary to be familiar with relevant policies and regulations, such as the 14th Five-Year Plan, such as the regional development outline, etc., on the other hand, it is necessary to seriously consider the development logic of the college and formulate a development strategy and plan for the future. How to survive and operate sustainably in the future is an important proposition affecting the development of contemporary colleges.

6. Scientific and technological factors. The theme of this event is "Millennium School, Wisdom respect for the future", and at the event site, I also noticed the figure of "Digital Wisdom", and the display of Fuzhou historical and cultural celebrities also combined with related technologies and vivid images. In the future, the traditional spirit of the academy will be further combined with modern scientific and technological means, and only in this way can more young people be attracted to learn, participate and interact.

7. Human sexual factors. The academy is not only the crystallization of traditional Chinese culture, but also has a very unique value at the level of "human knowledge" (Russell language). Now that the epidemic is not completely over, the college will inevitably also be an important platform for international cultural exchanges in the future.

Gao Mingyong, chairman of zhengbang think tank: Seven factors affecting the fate of contemporary colleges

The reconstructed Linru Academy Courtesy of Linru Academy

The combination, convergence and integration of these seven factors will inevitably bring about the answer to the basic question of "what is the academy", which is destined to have a unique meaning of the convergence of uncertainty and contingency factors, becoming "a combination of a series of contingencies." ”

Let's talk about "what is a college", this question is a matter of opinion, and I provide some ways of thinking to share with you.

1. Audience thinking. Today, we have relatively many options at the spiritual level, and the operation of the college needs to attach great importance to the needs and pain points of the audience. Combining "what I want to do" with "what the audience needs" is certainly not to cater to those low-level needs for no reason, or with some guiding functions. If it cannot attract the audience, especially the younger audience, the future development of the College may not be optimistic.

2. Product thinking. As an institution and a platform, the college ultimately uses "products" to dialogue and communicate with the audience, and what kind of products and services it provides can be said to be the lifeline of contemporary colleges. Some of these products may be pure public goods, and some are commodities with certain profits, but no matter what, they are spiritual products that conform to the specific positioning of the college and conform to the laws of the market.

3. Operational thinking. If it is said that "the wind of the academy focuses on the elite of the group", then the lifeblood of the contemporary academy may be its own operating model and operational ability, that is, it must be able to "applaud" and "applaud". If it is only "applauded", can not "applaud", may not be sustainable, at least there will be all kinds of difficulties in survival; if it is only "applauding", can not be "applauded", perhaps the college will become tainted, no different from commercial institutions.

I am not a professional research college or a professional operation of the college, combined with some of my own observations and thoughts, and share with you. Thank you.

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