
Do you know? These foods can whiten teeth! Celery, strawberries, and cheese are foods that can help whiten teeth, and they are rich in vitamins and fiber, which can clean teeth and remove dirt

author:Ghost car sharing

Do you know? These foods can whiten teeth!

Celery, strawberries, and cheese are foods that can help whiten teeth, they are rich in vitamins and fiber, which can clean teeth, remove stains, and improve the shine and resistance of teeth. Apart from these three foods, there are plenty of other foods that can help whiten teeth, such as carrots, lemons, apples, etc. As long as you eat more of these foods and less foods that can stain, brush your teeth twice a day, and clean your teeth regularly, you can make your teeth whiter and healthier.

Do you know? These foods can whiten teeth! Celery, strawberries, and cheese are foods that can help whiten teeth, and they are rich in vitamins and fiber, which can clean teeth and remove dirt
Do you know? These foods can whiten teeth! Celery, strawberries, and cheese are foods that can help whiten teeth, and they are rich in vitamins and fiber, which can clean teeth and remove dirt
Do you know? These foods can whiten teeth! Celery, strawberries, and cheese are foods that can help whiten teeth, and they are rich in vitamins and fiber, which can clean teeth and remove dirt

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