
Strawberry Hospital has carried out HER-2 serological testing to bring precise measures to the evaluation of breast cancer treatment effect

author:Xiaoxiang famous doctor

When mentioning Lin Daiyu's actor Chen Xiaoxu and singer Yao Beina,

Everyone can't help but think of the "female killer" - breast cancer,

It ruthlessly took their lives.

In fact, breast cancer is also divided into a variety of subtypes according to its different biomarkers.

Among them, HER2-positive breast cancer is regarded as the most dangerous one.

This kind of breast cancer not only has a high recurrence rate and metastasis rate, but also has a very high mortality rate, which is the most problematic one!

Fortunately, with advances in medicine, there are now specific drugs for HER2-positive breast cancer.

These targeted therapies can not only significantly prolong the lives of patients, but may even lead to a cure.

For patients with advanced disease, this treatment can also help them live a long-term life with tumors.

However, accurate detection of HER-2 status is essential for personalized treatment.

At present, the determination of HER-2 status in Hunan Province and even in the whole country can only be measured once after surgery, and dynamic monitoring cannot be realized.

To overcome this limitation, Strawberry Hospital recently introduced HER-2 serological testing,

In order to provide patients with more precise treatment strategies.

Strawberry Hospital has carried out HER-2 serological testing to bring precise measures to the evaluation of breast cancer treatment effect

This initiative indicates that the breast cancer treatment of the Department of Breast Medicine of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital will enter a higher stage.

What is HER-2 serology?

HER-2,全称Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2(人类表皮生长因子受体-2),是人类表皮生长因子受体家族的一员,它是引起乳腺癌发病的主要癌基因。

HER-2 serology test is a method to evaluate the condition and monitor the effect of treatment by analyzing the level of HER-2 protein in the patient's blood, and to formulate treatment plans for different types of breast cancer patients by judging whether the expression of Her2 is positive.

Advantages of HER-2 serology testing

HER-2 serology offers the following advantages over traditional tissue biopsy:

1. Minimally invasive: serum testing does not require tissue biopsy, which reduces the physical burden and psychological pressure of patients.

Strawberry Hospital has carried out HER-2 serological testing to bring precise measures to the evaluation of breast cancer treatment effect

2. Convenience: The collection of blood samples is simple and convenient, and patients do not need to go through complex testing procedures.

Strawberry Hospital has carried out HER-2 serological testing to bring precise measures to the evaluation of breast cancer treatment effect

3. Dynamic monitoring: Serological testing can be repeated multiple times, which is convenient for real-time monitoring of disease changes and treatment effects.

Strawberry Hospital has carried out HER-2 serological testing to bring precise measures to the evaluation of breast cancer treatment effect

Which patients are recommended to test for HER-2?

1. When judging the HER-2 status of breast cancer patients;

2. After the diagnosis of puncture, before and after targeted therapy, during treatment and long-term follow-up in outpatient clinics of HER-2-positive breast cancer patients;

3. When HER-2-negative breast cancer patients recur or metastasize, the HER-2 status should be judged again;

HER-2 ECD的样本要求

Sample Type : Serum

Sample requirements: free of air bubbles, fibrin and particulate matter, etc

Sample placement: Placed at room temperature for no more than 8 hours, refrigerated at 2~8 °C for 24 hours, specimens for more than 24 hours need to be stored at -20 °C

HER-2 serological testing can not only provide more accurate diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer patients, but also achieve "twice the result with half the effort" in the treatment process.

As one of the first hospitals in Hunan to carry out HER-2 serological testing, we will continue to devote ourselves to the introduction and application of more cutting-edge medical technologies to escort the health of breast cancer patients and make unremitting efforts to improve the quality of life of women.

Department Introduction:

Under the leadership of Professor Mao Jie, a well-known expert in Xiangya breast disease, the leader of the Hunan Provincial Breast Nail Group, and the honorary chairman of the Breast Department, the Breast Department of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital has brought together a group of skilled doctors and introduced advanced medical equipment at home and abroad to create an expert breast department.

The scope of diagnosis and treatment covers all kinds of breast diseases, including granulomatous lobular mastitis, breast cancer ultra-early warning screening and diagnosis, comprehensive treatment of breast cancer, breast hyperplasia, mastitis, benign breast tumors, breast cysts, breast implant removal, etc......

Strawberry Hospital has carried out HER-2 serological testing to bring precise measures to the evaluation of breast cancer treatment effect

(Correspondent: Tian Jiahui)

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