
If there is disharmony in sexual life, can it only be solved through cheating and divorce?

author:Xiaoxiang famous doctor

*This article is adapted from a real case study of the Department of Privacy of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital

"Doctor, I'...... I want to consult, when I have sex, I feel that my intimate parts are very dry, and sometimes I even feel painful, what is the reason? Is there a way to improve? ”

One morning two months ago, a young female patient (pseudonym Ms. Meng) came to the intimate department of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital, looking depressed and absent-minded. However, unlike other patients, Ms. Meng was not shy and embarrassed, and as soon as she sat down, she went straight to the point with the doctor.

In order to understand the patient's situation more comprehensively, Yang Mengjie, director of the privacy department, did not say much, but guided Ms. Meng to talk about her situation in detail.

It turned out that Ms. Meng's dry and painful intercourse had been delayed for a long time, but because she was embarrassed, she had always chosen to avoid coping, and it was rare to have sex with her husband several times a year. Until recently, she unexpectedly discovered that her husband, who had been in love with her for many years, had been cheating for nearly a year, and when confronted, her husband actually kept saying that he was a kidney, not a heart, purely to satisfy sexual needs, and did not have feelings for others. What made Ms. Meng's self-esteem even more damaged was what her husband said: "I don't cook at home, I can only go out to eat fast food, if you don't always want to, you say it's uncomfortable when you touch it, I won't go out to find someone else'......"

If there is disharmony in sexual life, can it only be solved through cheating and divorce?

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This incident hit Ms. Meng deeply, so she hung up the private expert number overnight, wanting to seek help from a doctor.

Probably because she has been emotionally suppressed for too long, speaking of this, Ms. Meng even cried bitterly in the clinic: obviously she and her husband are very in love, and their relationship has been very good for many years after marriage, and they have always been a model couple in the mouths of friends, why did they come to such a situation because of a small dry problem of room?

She felt very aggrieved, since giving birth to a baby, every time she had sex with her husband, she felt that her intimate parts were not lubricated enough, and she was uncomfortable. For her, sex life is now more like a torture, so she is more and more repulsed and afraid of it, and every time her husband wants to make love, she will find all kinds of reasons to avoid it.

If there is disharmony in sexual life, can it only be solved through cheating and divorce?

"I know, because I've always avoided it, we've had very few intercourse sessions in the past year or so, maybe only three or four times. Is that why he wants to find someone else? Was it really me doing something wrong...... But I'm in pain too! ”

If there is disharmony in sexual life, can it only be solved through cheating and divorce?

99 special area for female intimate care

Director Yang didn't say much about the patient's private affairs, the only thing he could do was to be patient and appease, and after Ms. Meng's emotions calmed down a little, he would do his best to help her solve her private dry problem.

After some careful examination, Director Yang came to the conclusion that Ms. Meng's problem was actually due to the damage of the vaginal mucosa after childbirth, the elasticity of the mucosa decreased, and the loss of collagen, so the secretion was insufficient during intercourse, and she would feel dry and painful.

"Your problem is actually not serious, postpartum mothers have dry and painful intercourse, and the current technology can completely cure it, but the difficult thing is that many people would rather endure it, or say, they are embarrassed to come to the hospital to see a doctor.

In your case, we can improve your dryness problem by stimulating your own collagen regeneration and repair through some treatments, replenishing collagen.

I know you're sad, but you have to cooperate with the treatment, because intimate problems not only affect your life as a couple, but also affect your health! After seeing the consultation, Ms. Meng was prescribed a course of hydration improvement treatment, but Director Yang still couldn't hold back and told her again and again.

Two months later, Ms. Meng, who had completed a full course of hydration improvement treatment, came back for a follow-up visit, she said that her problem of dryness and pain in intercourse had been greatly improved, and the results of professional instrument testing also showed that Ms. Meng's overall privacy and youthfulness had reached 73.7 points.

If there is disharmony in sexual life, can it only be solved through cheating and divorce?

Ms. Meng's score chart before and after intimate treatment

Ms. Meng was very happy and said that she didn't have the same feeling of dryness and friction as before when she had sex with her, and she no longer had to be tortured by pain.

"However, you can't cure the physical discomfort only if you feel good physically, but you can't cure the psychological discomfort. I originally came to see the intimate department, because I thought that the problem in our marriage may be because I have been avoiding the same room, so he can't bear it and chooses to find someone else, and when I solve the problem of dryness, I can save him, after all, there are so many years of relationship, and the child is still young......

After the treatment, I tried to have sex with him, although the physical discomfort disappeared, but I felt even more uncomfortable, because I still felt very wronged, I had endured the pain for so long, his needs were not met, I didn't want to communicate with me to solve the problem, but I just wanted to go out and find someone else to cheat...... I can't accept this in my heart, every time I think about it, I feel uncomfortable for a long time, I can't persuade myself to reconcile with him, there is always a crack in my heart, today he cheated because of this, then he may also cheat because of other things in the future. So, I decided to get a divorce anyway.

Thank you for your help, I have also thought a lot through in the past two months, and in the future, I must put my health and feelings first! ”


Doctors' Popular Science:

A woman's vaginal dryness will make it difficult for the other party to enter, even if you are reluctant to enter, the strong friction will only make both parties feel pain and discomfort, and may even lead to vaginal bleeding in women. In the long run, the experience of both parties will deteriorate, and they may have rejection and resistance to "Papapa", which will then affect the relationship between partners.

In addition, vaginal dryness is also easy to cause various gynecological diseases - the liquid secreted by the vagina can play a role in protecting the vagina, and the lactobacilli contained in it have the effect of antagonizing pathogenic bacteria; contains lysozyme, which has the effect of dissolving bacteria and inactivating viruses; The antibodies contained in it act as a barrier to distinguish between bacteria and viruses, and when the fluid secretion is insufficient, their protective effect on the vagina becomes weak, and the germs are more likely to invade, which in turn causes various gynecological diseases.

Vaginal dryness can also affect the quality of daily life – when the vagina is too dry, the vagina may burn, ache, itch and other conditions, and if this condition continues for a long time, it will make people feel depressed, irritable, and reduce their quality of life.

In addition, the fluid secreted by the vagina also has a role in helping to conceive, and if the fluid secretion is insufficient, it may also have a certain effect on conception.

Therefore, if you encounter a problem of privacy and dryness, you must not delay it and remember to see a doctor. Health is far more important than face!

*This article is adapted from a real case study of the Department of Privacy of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital

Professional review: Chief Physician Yang Mengjie

If there is disharmony in sexual life, can it only be solved through cheating and divorce?

(Correspondents: Xie Xiaoxiao, Lu Shumei)

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