
has been scolded for 20 years for acting as a "crazy critic of beauty", and her husband has become a mystery to have children in a hidden marriage, and her heart is even more beautiful when she is enthusiastic about public welfare

author:Ah, Kai-san

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In the TV series "Wishing You Ten Thousand Lights", Yang Tongshu's outstanding performance aroused the audience's enthusiastic attention. However, this powerful actress once played the terrifying villain "Xu Yingying" in the classic drama "Supreme Red Face" 20 years ago, which left a deep impression on the audience. In addition to the acting side, Yang Tongshu's married life is also highly envied. She married an outsider businessman and experienced a tumultuous marriage, but now her marriage is stable and her children are growing up healthy. This article will explore Yang Tongshu's acting career and married life, as well as the tenacity and courage she has shown in the face of challenges.

has been scolded for 20 years for acting as a "crazy critic of beauty", and her husband has become a mystery to have children in a hidden marriage, and her heart is even more beautiful when she is enthusiastic about public welfare

Yang Tongshu, a powerful actor with high comprehensive quality, once hosted the CCTV program "Film and Television Simultaneous Voice", but more people are familiar with her acting skills, especially her outstanding performance in "Supreme Red Face". The character she plays, Xu Yingying, is pure and beautiful on the outside, but distorted and evil on the inside, which is deeply remembered by the audience. The successful performance of this role made Yang Tongshu dare not go out for a long time, and suffered a lot of harassment and abuse. However, that didn't stop her from succeeding in show business.

Despite his outstanding career, Yang Tongshu's marriage has always been full of mysteries. Until 2009, during the filming of the TV series "Family with In-laws", she became pregnant due to physical discomfort, and the careful care of her husband and in-laws unveiled her marriage. Yang Tongshu's husband is an outsider businessman, and the two were originally friends, but in the process of nursing for an illness, their relationship gradually sublimated, and finally entered the palace of marriage. However, in order to protect her family's privacy, she has not made her relationship and marriage public.

has been scolded for 20 years for acting as a "crazy critic of beauty", and her husband has become a mystery to have children in a hidden marriage, and her heart is even more beautiful when she is enthusiastic about public welfare

Yang Tongshu's marriage road is not smooth. After becoming pregnant, she was at risk of premature birth, and doctors advised to give up the baby to save her life. However, she resolutely rejected this suggestion and decided to stick to the path of preserving the baby. Her husband and in-laws have been there to support her during this difficult time, and doctors have taken various measures to help her through this difficult time. The process was full of challenges, but Yang Tongshu's tenacity and courage allowed her to overcome all difficulties.

In the end, Yang Tongshu successfully saved the child and gave birth to a son who weighed only 2 pounds. This miracle happened thanks to the love and persistence of her and her whole family. After the child gradually grew up healthily, Yang Tongshu began to refocus on her career, returned to the set, and continued to chase her acting dream.

has been scolded for 20 years for acting as a "crazy critic of beauty", and her husband has become a mystery to have children in a hidden marriage, and her heart is even more beautiful when she is enthusiastic about public welfare

Yang Tongshu's story teaches us that no matter how big the challenge is, perseverance and love can overcome everything. Her acting career and married life are the result of her hard work and perseverance. This powerful actress inspires more people with her story, showing her mature and responsible side, which makes people look forward to her future. Both as an actress and as a wife and mother, she has shown great performances.

center, can not be rash, risk to work. This time, Yang Tongshu and her husband had a disagreement, and the atmosphere became tense for a while. At this time, her mother-in-law stood up, she persuaded her husband, thinking that her daughter's work was also very important, and since Yang Tongshu was determined to go back to filming, she should support her, and the family should work together to deal with it and help the child grow. The mother-in-law's words touched her husband, and he finally accepted her mother-in-law's point of view and agreed to Yang Tongshu's return to work. This disagreement within the family was finally resolved through rational communication and joint efforts, and the family worked together to overcome many difficulties. After Yang Tongshu returned to filming, her acting skills went to the next level, and she also contributed to the successful conclusion of the TV series "Family with In-laws". This family experience has taught Yang Tongshu and us that marriage and family are not only sweet love, but also need tolerance, understanding, and support from both parties, as well as the unity and cooperation of family members. 03 Mother-in-law spoils her and lives a happy life in a harmonious family In Yang Tongshu's married life, her mother-in-law plays an important role. The mother-in-law not only provided all-round care and support for Yang Tongshu when she was pregnant and gave birth, but also loved her grandson very much. Her mother-in-law often went to Yang Tongshu's house to help take care of the children, which reduced a lot of the burden of childcare for her. The mother-in-law will also help with housework and take care of the family, so that Yang Tongshu can concentrate more on work. This kind of family affection and warm family atmosphere allows Yang Tongshu's career to be successful and his family to be harmonious and happy. The mother-in-law's tolerance and support made her daughter-in-law Yang Tongshu feel warm and happy. Yang Tongshu once said in an interview that her mother-in-law and husband are the strongest backing in her career and life, and with their support and encouragement, she can overcome all kinds of difficulties along the way and finally realize her life dream. In the company of his mother-in-law, Yang Tongshu's son also grew up very healthy and cheerful. The mother-in-law is well-educated, not only caring about her grandson's daily life, but also focusing on cultivating his character and interests. She encourages her grandson to read more, participate in more sports activities, make more friends, and cultivate children's comprehensive quality. The mother-in-law will also play with her grandson, tell stories, teach him to do things, and impart life experience and wisdom. This kind of affection and love makes the grandson feel extremely happy and warm in the family. It can be said that the mother-in-law's love and support brought harmony and happiness to Yang Tongshu's family, and also made them a loving family. 04 From a star to a public welfare person, give back to the society with love In addition to his success in his acting career and family life, Yang Tongshu also actively participates in public welfare undertakings and gives back to the society with his love. She has participated in many charity activities, donated love funds and materials, paid attention to the disadvantaged groups, and cared about the education of children in poor areas. She is also the spokesperson of a public welfare fund, raising funds for the fund to help more people in need. Yang Tongshu's public welfare behavior has been well received by the society, and she is known as the "goddess of public welfare". This kind of behavior of using one's reputation and financial resources to help others not only reflects Yang Tongshu's sense of social responsibility, but also inspires more people to actively participate in public welfare undertakings and convey love and warmth. From Yang Tongshu's upbringing and family life, we can get some inspiration and lessons. First of all, Yang Tongshu's career success is not accidental, she has come to where she is today step by step with her excellent acting skills and tenacious character. She faced difficulties and setbacks in her acting career, but she never gave up, persevered in her efforts, and finally succeeded. This tells us that success requires unremitting efforts and dedication, and only by overcoming difficulties can we do so

has been scolded for 20 years for acting as a "crazy critic of beauty", and her husband has become a mystery to have children in a hidden marriage, and her heart is even more beautiful when she is enthusiastic about public welfare

Make a breakthrough and make your dreams come true. Whether in career or life, you need to have firm faith and perseverance in order to overcome difficulties and move towards success.

Secondly, Yang Tongshu's family life is full of love and warmth. Her mutual understanding, support and tolerance with her husband and mother-in-law have built a harmonious family environment. This teaches us that marriage and family require cooperation and understanding from both parties, and that the warmth of family affection and mutual support are the cornerstones of family happiness. The support and encouragement of family members is invaluable at all times, and they can help us face life's challenges more courageously.

In addition, Yang Tongshu's public welfare undertakings have also set an example for us. Not only has she succeeded in the entertainment industry, but she has also used her reputation and financial resources to give back to the community and help those in need. This shows her sense of social responsibility and concern for others. From this, we understand that no matter what our social status is, we can use our own strength to improve society and benefit more people. Philanthropy is not only an act, but also a spirit, and by passing on love and warmth, we can build a better society together.

has been scolded for 20 years for acting as a "crazy critic of beauty", and her husband has become a mystery to have children in a hidden marriage, and her heart is even more beautiful when she is enthusiastic about public welfare

To sum up, Yang Tongshu's upbringing and family life have provided us with many valuable inspirations. Through perseverance, family support, and positive public welfare actions, she has shown the multifaceted light of a successful woman. In her story, we see the power of resilience, inclusion, love, and responsibility, all virtues that we can learn and pursue. Yang Tongshu's story tells us that as long as we have dreams, have the courage to pursue, and have love to give back to the society, we can bloom our brilliance on the stage of life and create our own success and happiness.

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