
Lee Joon-gi has not eaten carbs for 7 years, replaces rice with tofu every day, and is still single at the age of 41

author:Highlights of the rice ball society

Since his debut in 2001 with a magazine cover photo, Lee Joon-gi's acting career has been full of opportunities and challenges. In 2005, he starred in the Korean costume film "The King's Man", in which he played the role of Kong Ji. The final box office of the film reached 12.3 million viewers, and he won more than 10 awards including the New Actor Award at the Baeksang Arts Awards in South Korea. In the same year, he starred in the SBS Mizuki romantic comedy "My Girl", which gained wide attention for his role as Xu Zhengyu. In the following years, he successively starred in the MBC Mizuki spy war drama "The Time of the Wolf and the Dog", the SBS Mizuki Theft Drama "Yizhimei" and the MBC Mizuki drama "Hero". With his excellent acting skills and superb performances, he has won the love of the audience and high recognition in the industry.

Lee Joon-gi has not eaten carbs for 7 years, replaces rice with tofu every day, and is still single at the age of 41

Seeker of healthy living

Lee Joon-gi has not eaten carbs for 7 years, replaces rice with tofu every day, and is still single at the age of 41

In addition to his dedication and love for acting, Lee Joon-gi is also a very health-conscious person. He has an amazing habit of not eating carbs for 7 years. In the past 7 years, he has not eaten any staple foods, including rice, noodles, etc. Instead, he consumes large amounts of tofu every day, using it as his main source of energy. This diet has made his body healthier and more energetic. In addition, he is very focused on exercising, doing some simple exercises every day, such as jogging, yoga, etc., to maintain his body shape and health. He also regularly goes to the gym for strength training to build his muscle strength and endurance. This consistent exercise habit allows him to maintain good physical condition and energy.

Active participant in public welfare

Lee Joon-gi has not eaten carbs for 7 years, replaces rice with tofu every day, and is still single at the age of 41

In addition to paying attention to his own health and career, Lee Joon-gi is also very concerned about social welfare undertakings. He often participates in some charity events and volunteer work to provide help and support to people in need. For example, he once participated in a campaign to donate supplies to poor children and personally went to the disaster area to provide assistance to the affected people. This spirit of actively participating in public welfare activities has also made him a role model in the minds of many people. His acts of kindness and care have been recognized and supported by the general public, and have also set an example and benchmark for society.

Future Plans and Prospects

Lee Joon-gi has not eaten carbs for 7 years, replaces rice with tofu every day, and is still single at the age of 41

Although a lot has been achieved, Lee Joon-gi has not stopped. He is full of confidence and passion for the future. He said that he will continue to work hard to bring more excellent works to the audience; At the same time, they will continue to pay attention to their health and lifestyle, and maintain a good attitude and body. In addition, he also hopes to spend more time with his family and friends and enjoy the beauty of life.


Lee Joon-gi has not eaten carbs for 7 years, replaces rice with tofu every day, and is still single at the age of 41

Lee Joon-gi is a very good actor and public figure, and his success stems from his love for acting and his pursuit of a healthy life. His persistence and hard work have set an example and benchmark for us. His success story will inspire more people to pursue their dreams and work hard to achieve them. Let's look forward to him continuing to create more brilliance in his future acting career!

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