
Story 1: A smart monkey grew up and a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. someday

author:You six hair, I six hair, we will be one piece two 71

Story 1: A clever monkey

From childhood, a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. One day, he decided to hold a concert in the forest and invite all the animals to enjoy his performance. At the beginning of the concert, the monkey sits at the piano, ready to play. However, when he gently touched the keys with his fingers, the piano made a rattling sound. The monkey looked at the piano in amazement and realized that it turned out to be an electric piano that needed electricity to make sound. All the animals laughed, and the monkeys were amused by their own foolish farce.

Story 2: The Lost Duck

A duck got lost while walking by the lake. It wanders around, hoping to find its way home. Finally, it saw a fox and decided to ask it for help. The duck asked the fox: "Excuse me, how do I get home?" The fox replied slyly: "It's simple, you just need to turn all the way to the right until you are back to the lake." The duck was so happy that he immediately turned to the right and found that he was still in the same place. It said to the fox a little angrily: "You lied to me! The fox laughed: "Of course, I am a fox, it is my nature to deceive people!" The duck understood, and it continued to look for its way home, this time no longer believing the fox's words.

Story 3: The dog who pulled the turnip

Farmer Jack has a very intelligent dog who helps Jack with all kinds of farm tasks. One day, Jack asked the dog to pluck the turnips in the field. The dog bites the turnip very hard and pulls it up desperately. However, no matter how hard it tried, the turnip did not move. Jack looked at the dog's efforts and said with a smile: "Silly dog, you forgot to remove the leaves of the turnip first!" The dog listened to Jack's words and immediately let go of its mouth, picked up the leaves of the turnips, and tossed them aside. Jack laughed, and the dog was amused by his confused behavior.

Story 4: The clumsy magician

A magician prepares to perform an amazing magic trick on stage. He pulled out an empty hat and said to the audience, "Now, I'm going to conjure a rabbit!" He put his hand into the hat, shook it a few times, and then took his hand out, and a pigeon appeared in the hat! The audience was stunned. The magician smiled awkwardly and said, "It seems that there is something wrong with my magic. But at least I managed to conjure a pigeon! The audience laughed and the magician was amused by his mistakes.

Story 5: The Lost Traveler

A traveler gets lost in the forest. He looked around for a way out, but the more he looked, the more confused he became. Suddenly, he sees a monkey sitting in a tree and decides to ask it for help. The traveler asked the monkey, "Excuse me, how do I go to find my way home?" The monkey looked at the traveler, then pointed to two roads and said, "You just need to choose one path and keep going to find your way home." Confused, the traveler asked the monkey, "But both roads look the same, how do I know which one is right?" The monkey smiled: "I don't know, I'm just a monkey." The traveler understood, and he decided to rely on his instincts to choose a path and eventually found his way home.

Story 6: An elephant who loves bananas

There is an elephant who loves to eat bananas very much. It eats several bananas every day and eats them with relish. One day, the elephant finished eating the last banana and suddenly found that there was still a little banana taste in his mouth. It licked its lips with its tongue, then sniffed with its nose, and finally found the problem: it turned out that its big nose was stained with the smell of bananas! The elephant couldn't help but laugh, and it wiped it with its nose before leaving satisfied.

Story 7: The Botched Painter

A painter is painting a landscape. He carefully paints every detail, hoping to paint a perfect work. However, when he finished his last stroke, he found himself forgetting to draw the sky! The painter was very embarrassed and he decided to solve the problem in a clever way. He turned the painting upside down, then painted the entire canvas with paint, and finally wrote a sentence on it: "The sky is in your imagination." When the audience saw the painting, they all laughed, and the painter was amused by his wit.

Story 8: Naughty dolphins

A mischievous dolphin loves to play with other animals in the ocean. One day, it decided to surprise a turtle. The dolphin swam to the turtle, suddenly jumped out of the water, and patted the turtle's back with its fin. The turtle was startled, then slowly raised its head, looked at the dolphin and said, "You are such a naughty guy!" The dolphin listened to the turtle and laughed happily, knowing that it had succeeded in bringing happiness to the turtle.

Story 9: The Bulky Penguin

A bulky penguin is dancing on the beach. It swayed awkwardly and swung its short wings, but it was never able to jump gracefully. The other animals couldn't help but laugh when they saw this scene. The penguin was a little embarrassed, but it wasn't discouraged. It decided to keep practicing until it was able to jump out of its own style. Finally, after continuous efforts, Penguin finally mastered the art of dancing and became an excellent dancer. The other animals applauded the penguin when they saw its progress.

Story 10: Naughty cats

A playful cat loves to tease its owner. One day, it decided to surprise its owner. The cat hides behind the door, waiting for the owner to come home. When the owner opened the door, the cat suddenly jumped out and startled the owner. The owner looked at the cat and said with a smile: "You are such a naughty guy!" The cat wagged its tail proudly, knowing that it had successfully tricked its owner.

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Story 1: A smart monkey grew up and a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. someday
Story 1: A smart monkey grew up and a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. someday
Story 1: A smart monkey grew up and a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. someday
Story 1: A smart monkey grew up and a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. someday
Story 1: A smart monkey grew up and a smart monkey dreamed of becoming a musician. He practiced playing various instruments until he became a good pianist. someday

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