
Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

author:Reporter Li Man

"Brother, where are you going, I'll go with you!"

This is a sentence that Chen Qiao often said to his brother Chen Yannian when he was young, when he was a child, no matter where his brother went, he would follow. For Chen Qiaonian, his brother, who is four years older than himself, has always been an idol-like existence.

This sentence "I will go with you" runs through Chen Qiaonian's life, and the fact that he sacrificed a year after his brother's sacrifice also seems to be practicing this sentence in the dark.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Yannian urinated and liked this younger brother who was 4 years younger, not only because he was white and cute, but also because he always obeyed what he said to himself unconditionally.

Chen Qiaonian entered the private school very early, and at the age of five or six, he entered the private school in Huaining County, Anhui Province, in the urban and rural areas (present-day Anqing City). When he entered school, his brother was already a schoolmaster in the private school.

Chen Qiaonian has understood the importance of reading since he was a child, and he has understood the importance of learning as early as when his brother was holding the book. Therefore, when he was studying in a private school, he was always extra serious and studious. Back home, he often consulted with his learned uncle and brother.

Soon, Chen Qiaonian also became a student of the private school.

Compared with the new-style school that Chen Qiaonian's brothers later studied, the education of private schools was more traditional, and it was precisely because of this that they were able to read a lot of classics and historical classics in private schools, and thus laid a solid foundation for traditional Chinese studies.

Chen Qinian's brother's father, Chen Duxiu, rarely returned to his hometown, and when the two brothers were teenagers, he was busy studying abroad and revolutionizing. Occasionally when he came home, he was always busy with his own business, and he always had no time to spend with his brothers.

Chen Yannian was dissatisfied with his father's behavior, and this dissatisfaction also affected his younger brother Chen Qinian.

In 1909, his father, who returned from studying in Japan, lived with his aunt Gao Junman and married. It also means that the fathers abandoned their birth mother Gao Volkswagen. Because his mother was pregnant again at this time, Chen Yannian, who was 11 years old, became more and more dissatisfied with his father.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Yannian in film and television dramas

For Chen Qiaonian, who was only 7 years old at the time, he did not have a clear judgment of his father's behavior, and naturally he did not have too many emotions about his father. But in order to stand with his brother, he saw that his brother called his father by name, and in front of his brother, he always called his father "Chen Duxiu".

At the end of August of that year, four years after his father had set up another family, a group of bandits suddenly rushed into the home of Chen Qiaonian's uncle Chen Yanshu. After receiving the alarm, Chen Yannian immediately took the opportunity to climb the roof with his two younger brothers and fled to the neighbor's house.

That escape was really thrilling, Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian were older after all, so they went to the neighbor's house very smoothly to hide, but his brother Chen Songnian, who was only three or four years old, fell in the neighbor's house because he was panicked, and he just fell into the big bathtub in the courtyard of the neighbor's house. Fortunately, the neighbor's aunt was clever, she took the opportunity to shoot several times on Xiao Songnian's ass, making him cry, and she also took advantage of his clothes and pants to press him into the bathtub to take a bath, so that Songnian could avoid a disaster.

That night, Chen Yannian fled with Chen Qiaonian to the countryside of Huaining and hid in the home of his relative Chen Xiaowen.

Chen Qiaonian later learned that the reason why they would encounter great difficulties this time was all due to their father Chen Duxiu. His father, Chen Duxiu, fled into the wilderness after the failure of the "Yuan Revolution", and Yuan Shikai's minions Ni Sichong directly sealed his hometown in order to cut the grass and remove the roots, and snatched up the property. If they hadn't escaped quickly, they would probably have been killed.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Duxiu father and son

It was also from this time that Chen Qiaonian and his brother could not continue their studies in the local area. Therefore, on weekdays, they have to learn and learn knowledge by themselves. The more this happened, the stronger the brothers' thirst for knowledge became.

It was during this time that the Chen Yannian brothers learned the significance of their father's revolution: he wanted to use the revolutionary way to find a way out for the corrupt and backward China at that time.

It was only at this time that Chen Yannian did not understand the true meaning of revolution, and he only vaguely felt that revolution could change the poor and weak status quo in China and enable the people in deep trouble to live a good life.

In 1915, Chen Duxiu returned to Shanghai again. Chen Yannian immediately decided to go to Shanghai to study, and Chen Qiaonian packed his bags without even thinking about it. Before leaving, when they bid farewell to their grandmother and mother, neither of them thought that they would never come back again.

When he followed his brother to Shanghai, Chen Qiaonian did not understand what they would face next, but he was not afraid, after all: there was a brother.

When Chen Yannian went to Shanghai, he didn't know what the next road was going to take, he only knew that he and his brother had to do whatever it took to study. Only by reading books can they have a way out.

After arriving in Shanghai, they temporarily stayed at their father's and aunt's home at No. 21, Jiyiri, French Concession. Here, Chen Yannian felt uncomfortable all the time, he always felt that this home was not his home, he and his brother were "outsiders" in this family.

After arriving in Shanghai, the brothers re-entered the school to receive a new type of education as they wished.

It was also during their time in Shanghai that the brothers saw the real tragedy of China at that time: the country was corrupt and backward, and the people were immersed in suffering. The two brothers often saw foreigners bullying Chinese, and every time, they could feel the blood boiling in their bodies. But for them as students, they can't do anything.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian in film and television dramas (left)

When Chen Qiaonian and his brother arrived in Shanghai, they learned that the reason why his father returned to Shanghai was because he wanted to run a progressive newspaper here to enlighten the people's wisdom. Chen Qiaonian and his brother knew his father's thoughts: Only when the people's thinking progresses and the people unite as one can the country be saved.

It was also during the days when he lived in his father's new home that the "revolutionary seeds" in Chen Qiaonian and his brother's hearts began to slowly sprout.

In the same year that Chen Qiaonian and his brother arrived in Shanghai, the Youth Magazine (later renamed New Youth), edited by Chen Duxiu, shook the whole of China like a thunderclap. The magazine's publication words were written by Chen Duxiu himself, and Chen Qiaonian read this passage repeatedly. At that moment, he understood his father's intentions, and he felt that the key to China's revolution lies in the youth, and the key to the youth lies in ideological change, because it is the premise of political change.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Unlike his brother Chen Yannian, the more he learned about his father's thoughts, the more respectful he had for him. But Chen Yannian was different from him, and he looked more at his father with a critical eye.

Soon after the brothers arrived in Shanghai, Chen Qiaonian and his brother moved away from their father's new home. Aunt Gao Junman was very uneasy about this, but Chen Duxiu did not think so. It turned out that the real Chen Duxiu in history was a real "tiger father", who advocated "animal nature" education, and he was bent on changing the situation of Chinese youth who "have no power to bind chickens in their hands and no husband in their hearts; white-faced and slender waist, feminine as a virgin; afraid of cold and heat, weak as a sick man".

So, he desperately wanted his two sons to undergo real tempering. And the first step in tempering is self-reliance.

Because of his father's educational philosophy, after moving out, the Chen Qiaonian brothers only received very little living expenses from their father. In this way, the brothers' lives became extremely miserable.

During the day, they work and read half-time, and at night, they sleep on the floor. Because of the small amount of money, they usually eat burnt bread and drinking water is tap water. Because he could not afford to buy mosquito nets, Chen Qiaonian was often awakened by mosquito bites. Because they can't afford cotton clothes, they can only wear jackets in winter.

Chen Duxiu's good friend Pan Zanhua once described the Chen Yannian brothers he saw in the "cold and windy night", saying:

"A cold fog shrouded like a lamb in the desert." Touch the back of your shoulder with your hands, and still wear a robe (Note: single clothes)..."

Pan Zanhua would still feel pity for the two brothers after seeing them, let alone their relatives. Aunt Gao Junman often accused her husband of "treating" the two brothers badly, and their uncle and grandmother Xie Shi even said after seeing them that "Chen Duxiu did not take good care of his son."

Neither Pan Zanhua nor Xie Shi had seen them working hard for survival, so what they saw was even their "one or two in suffering". In order to be able to eat enough, the Chen Qiaonian brothers had to find their own ideas to do work.

But in Shanghai at that time, it was still difficult for ordinary elites to find suitable jobs, not to mention the Chen Qiaonian brothers who were still students.

Looking around, they can only find the dock to do the kind of hard work such as porting.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Qiao Nian brothers in film and television dramas

Chen Qiao Nian found that every time he did work, his brother always made a few more than others, and the work was always heavy. Therefore, he asked his brother with some puzzlement: "This will be exhausting, and you still have to read at night. ”

Chen Yannian listened but wiped his sweat while saying, "Are we still young without looking at it, many of them are elderly, they are all Chinese, let's help one is one." ”

Chen Qiaonian heard this and looked around at the helpers who were moving back and forth on the dock, and he realized that many of them were indeed old. After that, Chen Qiaonian always picked up heavier work.

When they were moving on the docks, their brothers could always see the capitalists bullying the people at the bottom. On one occasion, they were beaten up for giving a worker a head start.

After that beating, when they returned to the store hall of the "New Youth" magazine distribution office of the Yadong Library on the Fourth Road where they were staying, the two brothers understood one thing in pain: In such a China, if it wants to save the country and save the people, someone must sacrifice.

That night, after lying down, Chen Yannian suddenly asked his brother Chen Qiao Nian: "If one day, I take a road that will kill at any time, will you be together?" ”

After Chen Qiaonian listened, he didn't even think about it: "Brother, wherever you go, I will go, you are not afraid, I am not afraid!" After hearing his brother's words, Chen Yannian shed tears as if he had a premonition.

That night, Chen Qiaonian had a very long dream, in which he and his brother walked side by side in the crowd, their feet were full of blood, but there was no trace of fear on his and his brother's faces...

Chen Qiaonian did not know that the reason why his brother asked the question "Whether to be afraid" that night was because he was ready to sacrifice himself for China's political change.

However, Chen Yannian, like most young people of his time, has always been very confused about what China's "antidote" is. Initially, under the influence of his teacher Wu Zhihui, Chen Yannian was very much anarchist, and he even felt that this was likely to be a "good medicine" to save the country.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Wu Zhihui

Anarchism was proposed by the nineteenth-century French socialist Proudhon, who was the first to call himself anarchist. Wu Zhihui told them that to further study anarchism, they must study in advanced France. As a result, the Chen Yannian brothers began to desperately learn French. After entering the French tuition school in Shanghai, Chen Qiaonian held a French book with his brother every morning and evening to memorize French words.

True learning is never easy, but because they have their home country in their hearts, they learn very hard. When he was tired of studying, Chen Qiaonian talked to his brother about anarchism and the various doctrines of the time.

Just as the two brothers were studying anarchism, his father, Chen Duxiu, was invited by Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University, to peking university as a dean of liberal arts.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Duxiu

This time, the brothers did not follow their father to Beijing, they chose to stay in Shanghai. This separation from his father was the beginning of the two brothers' complete independence.

In the year of official independence, Chen Qiaonian and his brother were admitted to Aurora University (now Fudan University), and in this year, Chen Yannian was 21 years old and Chen Qiao was 17 years old.

In 1919, Chen Qiaonian and his brother Chen Yannian went to France to study for work-study. Before they left, they made up their minds: they would take a year to complete all the courses. They are so urgent because the situation at home has become more and more serious.

This year, because of the failure of Chinese diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, most Chinese disillusionment with the capitalist system, and the May Fourth Movement broke out.

Almost at the same time, the Soviet Union after the October Revolution began to undergo great changes, and a new country rose like a newborn sun. Mao Zedong, Chen Duxiu and other advanced intellectuals paid attention to Soviet Russia for the first time, while Chen Qiaonian and his brother paid little attention to Soviet Russia because they had always paid attention to anarchy.

As early as 1918, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao founded the Weekly Review to promote a new culture and promote Marxism. This means that Chen Duxiu has found a prescription to save the country and save the people.

But at this time, the Chen Qiaonian brothers still held their anarchism, and the brothers really understood the October Revolution and realized that communism was the real "good recipe" for saving the country and the people, after studying in France.

After arriving in France, the spirited Chen brothers rented a room on Bernie Street near the Arc de Triomphe. During the day, they had four hours of classes in Arians, and the rest of the time, they managed to do part-time jobs. In the evening, they prepare for the day's classes. Such a life is busy and fulfilling.

But soon, because the "Huafa Education Association" led by Wu Zhihui and others suddenly announced the suspension of financial support for work-study students, the brothers and other students studying in France had to interrupt their studies. In order to survive, the brothers worked as sand turners in a factory in Lyon.

Here, they can only make ends meet by doing hard work.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Duxiu and Chen Qiaonian brothers in film and television dramas

People think of change in pain, and only pain can really clear people's minds.

In 1921, Wu Zhihui and others joined forces with the French authorities to forcibly deport 104 students, including Cai Hesen, Chen Yi, and Li Lisan, back to China. This kind of thing made the Chen Qiaonian brothers see Wu Zhihui's face completely. At the same time, because of their contact with Zhou Enlai and other progressive youths, the Chen Brothers saw clearly the truth of so-called anarchism: they were essentially the same as capitalism.

With the help of Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan, and others, the Chen Qiaonian brothers began to devote themselves to the study and research of Marxism. At this point, they and their father Chen Duxiu came to a road, and this road is the real way out to save the country and save the people.

As long as you have come to the road to the truth, sooner or later it does not matter. After finding a way out, the Chen Brothers began to participate intensively in the activities of organizing a communist organization, and they also established the China Book Newspaper in Paris, which had the same function as the Weekly Review founded by their father: to promote Marxism and sell related books and periodicals.

In the autumn of the second year of the first session of the Communist Party of China, Chen Qiaonian's brothers, who had fully accepted the idea of communism, officially joined the Communist Party of China.

For the Chen Brothers, joining the Communist Party was undoubtedly a major turning point in their destiny. "Choice determines destiny" will be confirmed in them.

In 1923, the second year of joining the party, Chen Qiaonian's brothers, Wang Ruofei and 12 others left Paris and went to the Soviet Union via Belgium and Germany. Chen Qiaonian was later published in the column of his resume, and "Germany, passing by" appeared, which is derived from this.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Qiaonian's resume

Chen Qiaonian did not know, but also because of the choice of the Communist Party, soon, the brothers will go to different places with their respective missions to carry out revolutions, and the two brothers who have been dependent on each other for more than twenty years will be separated by the revolution from now on.

The time in Soviet Russia was the happiest time for the Chen Qiaonian brothers, because here they did not have to work and study, they could concentrate on studying. They decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity to solidify their theoretical studies and return to china to show their ambitions.

In addition to studying day and night, Chen Qiaonian also used his rest time to translate the "International Song", which was translated into Chinese by him and his classmate Xiao San, and was immediately sung, which became a revolutionary song that inspired the revolutionaries' struggle, and also became his and his brother's favorite song.

Chen Yannian likes the international songs translated by his brother, and he especially likes these sentences in the opening paragraph:

"Rise up, those who are insulted and cursed, rise up, the hungry slaves of the world, and the blood is boiling, and fight for the truth!" The old world is completely destroyed, the new society is created gloriously, and the slaves rise up! Mo Dao we are worth nothing, from now on to the world! (Note: This is the earliest version of the Internationale, and was later used as a translation of Qu Qiubai.) )

Chen Qiaonian's voice is very loud, and every time he sings this song, everyone can't help but sing with him.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

In the summer of the second year when the Chen Qiaonian brothers sang the "Internationale" and studied in the Soviet Union, because the domestic revolutionary situation was developing rapidly, the party urgently needed a large number of cadres to lead the revolution, and his brother Chen Yannian was urgently transferred back to China.

When Chen Yannian left, Chen Qiaonian habitually blurted out, "Brother, I will return to China with you!" Chen Yannian listened but patted his shoulder and said, "At any time, you must obey the organizational arrangements, and you must not be emotional, remember!" ”

After listening to his brother's instructions, he stopped talking after a "hmm" sound.

When sending his brother back to China, Chen Qiaonian felt very uncomfortable, he thought of the days when he and his brother went south and north together, and he was already used to the days when his brother was there. Only when his brother was around, he felt at ease.

But Chen Yannian felt that his younger brother already had the ability to spread his wings and fly high, and if he had been with him, because of his dependence, his younger brother would not be able to let go of his hands and feet because of this dependence. Therefore, Chen Yannian felt that the separation of the two brothers was extremely beneficial and "necessary" for the younger brother to grow into a true revolutionary.

At the station, Chen Yannian never took his eyes off his brother, as if he wanted to carve his brother's appearance into his mind. Strangely, the more he stared at his brother, the more he realized that his brother was different from the "younger brother" he had originally remembered: he was already tall and strong, his big eyes were shining, and his fair skin made him look as beautiful as when he was a child...

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Looking at him, Chen Yannian's eyes were moist, and he quickly turned his head to look away and said, "Seeing him, I will write to you!" Chen QiaoNian knew that the "he" in his brother's mouth was Chen Duxiu, their father, who had become their direct leader and comrade at this time.

When Chen Qiaonian heard this, he said in his heart, "Brother still won't call him, hey! He wanted to persuade his brother, but he felt that now was not the time. So, he only put his hand on his brother's shoulder and said, "Pay attention to safety, wait for me, I will come soon!" ”

That day, when he saw his brother get on the back of the car, Chen Qiaonian still cried without a fight. He didn't wipe his tears, he was afraid that the more he wiped them, the more he would not be able to stop them. At that time, Chen Qiaonian and Chen Yannian did not expect that this difference was actually the eternal trick of the brothers in this life!

For Chen Qiaonian, being separated from his brother is the beginning of his real independence, and the most important growth in his life is also after he is separated from his brother.

Less than half a year after Chen Yannian returned to China, Chen Qiaonian also followed his brother's footsteps and left Moscow to return to China.

After returning to China, Chen Qiaonian was sent to Beijing to work, and he served as the organization director of the Beijing Prefectural Committee. This year, at the age of 23, he became the youngest member of the Beijing regional party leadership.

Chen Yannian, who desperately wanted to serve his country, saw China almost worse than before he left. Due to the various perverse acts of imperialism and the Beiyang government, the common people suffered unspeakably.

Fortunately, at this time, the people had enlightened their minds, and they were eager to change the status quo, and the political struggle against imperialism and the traitorous government of the Beiyang warlords was increasingly high in beijing.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Qiaonian and Chen Yannian took a group photo

In November 1925, because guo Songling of the Fengzhi warlords defected, the Fengzhi warlords were forced to retreat to Guanwai, and Beijing was once in a "vacuum" of power.

For revolutionaries, this is a rare opportunity. At the crucial moment, Li Dazhao and Zhao Shiyan proposed to contact the National Revolutionary Army and organize the workers and peasants to launch the "Capital Revolution." Chen Qiaonian objected, because after a field investigation, he found that the Attitude of the National Revolutionary Army was not firm and was not suitable for a common revolution.

In the end, in order to obey the organization, Chen Qiaonian participated in the "capital revolution" that he believed was "doomed to failure". As he expected, in the revolution, the revolution failed because the generals of the National Revolutionary Army were shaken.

After that, Chen Qiaonian, together with Li Dazhao and Zhao Shiyan, led all the major struggles in Beijing. In the "March 18" massacre that shocked China and foreign countries, he insisted on directing the evacuation of the masses despite being seriously injured.

After this revolution, when his wounds were not healed, he quickly returned to the district committee to work day and night. When Chen Qiaonian was fighting, his father and brother also insisted on the revolution in their respective positions.

At this time, the father and son of the Chen family threw themselves wholeheartedly into the revolution in three places, and at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the father and son were elected as members of the Central Committee at the same time, and for a time, the good story of the Chen family's "one door and three members" was widely praised.

Such a result naturally made Chen Duxiu very pleased, but he also had distress, after all, there was always an inexplicable gap between him and his two sons due to different political views and previous family conflicts.

The brothers Chen Qiaonian and Chen Yannian have always been consistent in all aspects, and they are also surprisingly consistent in their political views.

The only difference with his brother is that he and his brother are diametrically opposed in their treatment of family love. Chen Yannian has always been reluctant to marry and have children because he has always complained about his father, and when others lobbied Chen Yannian for this, he only said: "In such a China, the family and the revolution can only choose one of the two, and both the choice is my father's end!" ”

Chen Yannian felt that his father, Chen Duxiu, who disregarded his family for the revolution, had hurt the two brothers. But Chen QiaoNian understands his father better than his brother, so when he sees his father in private, he will call "Dad".

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Qiao Nian

At this time, Chen Qiaonian was somewhat sandwiched between his brother and his father, because his father and brother Chen Yannian had many discord in political views. Their greatest "discord" was that Chen Duxiu advocated uniting with the Kuomintang, while Chen Yannian advocated the armed seizure of power because he had always seen the Kuomintang's conspiracy on the front line.

The workers' and peasants' movement led by his elder brother Chen Yannian in Guangzhou was angrily denounced by his father, Chen Duxiu, as a "rash move."

In a public conversation, Chen Yannian said: "I have a father-son relationship with the old man (Chen Duxiu), but I am a member of the Communist Party, and I resolutely oppose the right-leaning opportunist mistake of compromise and concession." ”

As before, Chen Qiaonian firmly sided with his brother, and he also realized that his father's right-leaning opportunist mistakes would bring great losses to the party, but he never publicly accused his father compared to his brother. After all, in the depths of his heart, he respected his father.

Chen Qiaonian and his brother also have great differences in their treatment of love. After meeting the beloved, Chen Qiaonian did not hesitate to combine with it. His partner is named Shi Jingyi, a woman who has been married and even had children, but he does not think so, he feels that love is more important than anything, including worldliness.

In the second half of 1926, Chen Qiaonian and Shi Jingyi publicly cohabited and married. The following year, Shi Jingyi gave birth to a son.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

The first on the left is Shi Jingyi

In the year that Chen Qiaonian's son was born, Chiang Kai-shek launched the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup, and Chen Yannian was arrested and heroically righteous, and he sacrificed this year at the age of 29.

At first, Chen Qiaonian did not know the news of his brother's death, but he got the news after a series of reports in the newspapers.

After learning the bad news, Chen QiaoNian was devastated, and for the first time, he had the feeling of the world falling apart. At that moment, the scene of him and his brother separating at the station was repeated over and over again in his mind. He cried bitterly and muttered, "You said you took me everywhere in the past, you lied to me!" ”

Chen Qiaonian couldn't accept it: before his brother left, he didn't say goodbye to him! This kind of suffering can only be understood by those who have lived and died. He had also thought that there would be such a day, but in his imagination: he always walked by himself, not his brother!

"You still have so many things to do, brother, you shouldn't die the last time!" After Chen QiaoNian shouted these words in his throat, he fainted in the residence. When he woke up, he fell seriously ill.

During his illness, he seemed to faintly hear his brother calling him, and at that moment, he suddenly understood: he and his brother still had a lot of things to do, and he had to do all these things for him and for himself.

After this, Chen Qinian was more dead than ever, and as long as he threw himself into revolutionary work, he would forget everything. Shi Jingyi found that her husband was more silent than before, but the light in his eyes was also more than before. Only Chen QiaoNian himself knew that the reason why he had greater hope than before was because his brother's death had revealed to him that the road was the right way.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Yannian

It was after his brother's death that his attitude toward his father also underwent a sudden reversal, and Chen Duxiu was surprised to find that his second son was so much like his brother.

Once, when he went to visit his father, he almost roared at his father, who had never said anything serious:

"Father, the line and policy you have carried out in the past are wrong, and your current view of the nature of Chinese society is also wrong; we cannot pin our revolutionary hopes on the bourgeoisie; the Party should have its own armed forces and take the road of seizing power by Soviet armed forces, so that the Chinese revolution can have hope."

Chen Duxiu was dumbfounded, and he could only smile bitterly and say to his friend Huang Jiuran: "You see, the son actually taught Lao Tzu a lesson." ”

At the 1987 conference, Chen Qiaonian publicly criticized his father's right-leaning opportunist mistakes. He said:

"The consequences of the erroneous line carried out by my father Comrade Chen Duxiu were serious, and not only did the Great Revolution fail and the Party suffer setbacks, but it also caused my brother Yannian and Li Dazhao, Zhao Shiyan, and a number of other Communists to be brutally killed by the enemy. There can only be a resolute struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries and there can be no illusions. ”

In the final analysis, Chen Duxiu admired his son's courage to express his own opinions. However, he also felt something in his son's resolute tone, and he realized that Qiao Nian was too much like his brother, and he would definitely die at any time.

Yes, he was ready to die after learning the news of his brother's sacrifice.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

On February 16, 1928, Chen Qiaonian and 11 other people were arrested for being betrayed by the traitor Tang Ruilin and holding a meeting of the organization ministers of various districts in the north of the British Concession.

After his arrest, Chen Qiaonian's identity was soon and completely exposed.

In order to obtain secrets from this CCP leader, the enemy repeatedly tortured him. When he was tortured to death and came back to life, he suddenly saw his dead brother Chen Yannian again.

Every time he returned to prison after his torture, he saw his distressed friend, and he said disapprovingly: "If there is anything here, just smoke a few whips!" ”

In the most difficult days of his life, Chen Qiaonian, who was suffering, did not forget to encourage his fellow prisoners, and he told them: If you can get out alive, you must not forget to persist in the revolution.

In the face of such Chen Qiao Nian, the enemy felt fear, and his execution was inevitable.

In prison, when his friends asked him if he could have a last word to the party and the family, he replied: "I have no concern for the family, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the party for doing its best to rescue him." ”

His last words to his fellow inmates were: "Let future generations enjoy the happiness of their predecessors!" ”

On June 6, 1928, the enemy escorted Chen Qiaonian, Xu Baihao, and Zheng Fu to the Shanghai Longhua Execution Ground, and when he walked step by step to the execution ground, he always held his head high, and he felt in a trance: His brother also walked to his side, and thousands of revolutionary volunteers who sacrificed their lives also came to his side.

Before the execution, Chen Qiaonian, who was only 26 years old, shouted with his last strength: "Long live communism!" Then, with a vicious gunshot, he fell down heroically! The enemy noticed that there was a smile on his face. Perhaps, the moment he died, he had predicted that after he and his brother fell, thousands of patriots would stand up!

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Chen Qiaonian in the film and television drama

It is extremely sad that because shi Jingyi was busy rescuing Chen Qiaonian in prison, Shi Jingyi neglected to take care of her son, and their young son fell ill and died, while his widowed daughter Chen Hong was fostered in a friend's house after birth.

In the last few decades of her life, Shi Jingyi had been searching for Chen Qiaonian's single seedling, but unfortunately, she had not been able to see her lost daughter until her death.

Li Xiangsheng, the daughter born later by Shi Jingyi, finally found Chen Hong's whereabouts after all kinds of difficulties in order to fulfill her mother's last wishes. At this time, the world knew that as a descendant of the revolution, she actually joined the New Fourth Army, and like her predecessors, she became a staunch revolutionary.

Because Chen Hong is a retired cadre of the New Fourth Army, she received special preferential treatment after retirement, and her life has always been happy and happy. Chen Hong's story is a continuation of Chen QiaoNian's story, and her existence can also be regarded as giving Chen Qiaonian a little comfort in the spirit of heaven.

Chen Qiaonian: Deeply influenced by his brother Chen Yannian, he left a message in prison before his sacrifice, and his widow became a revolutionary

Comparison of Chen Hong and his mother Shi Jingyi

What is more worth mentioning is that after seeing the four daughters and one son born to Chen Hong, people were surprised to find that among several children, two daughters looked exactly like Chen QiaoNian, and one son and one daughter looked like Chen Yannian. If Chen Qiaonian, who loved his brother deeply, knew this result, he would definitely be very pleased!

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