
The point screening exceeded 400 million, but the total box office was one billion, where did Wang Baoqiang's "In the Octagon Cage" go wrong?

author:Xiaoming-san 0127

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At 15:23 on July 5, the total box office of the movie "In the Octagon" exceeded 400 million, which is shocking. However, on July 6, this highly anticipated new work was released. Originally, people expected that the first day of release would inevitably set many records, but the reality was unexpected: the premiere day of "In the Octagon" ranked second, with only 255% of the films, far lower than the 423% of "Disappearing Her"! The single-day box office is only 59 million, which is even less than the 48 million of the Hong Kong film "Drug Sweep 3", which has only 118% of the films.

This situation raises people's questions, what happened to Wang Baoqiang's new film? Why is the performance so weak after the release? The origin of the matter has to be viewed from the two aspects of the movie's reputation and the duration of the screening. First of all, the word-of-mouth of a movie is crucial to the box office. In order to promote "In the Octagon Cage", Wang Baoqiang carried out a series of publicity activities, including participating in the live broadcast room of Crazy Little Yang Ge and many media interviews, trying to resonate with the audience through the rhetoric that "the life of children in mountain areas is not easy". However, despite his unremitting efforts, the film's reputation was not ideal. On Douban, among the tens of thousands of reviews, there are many bad reviews of two and three stars, how can such a reputation attract the audience into the theater?

The point screening exceeded 400 million, but the total box office was one billion, where did Wang Baoqiang's "In the Octagon Cage" go wrong?

Secondly, the length of screening has also become a problem. Usually, movies only need to be screened a week before their release, however, "In the Octagon" has a screening time of more than ten days. What's more surprising is that the film's on-demand screening rate was as high as 6% as soon as it was released, and it reached 215% at its peak! Such a scale of screening has consumed many viewers who would have purchased tickets at the official release in advance. If it weren't for such a long period of screening, perhaps the film's box office performance would have been better.

In terms of forecasting, the total box office predicted by Maoyan platform for Wang Baoqiang's new film is 108.4 billion. However, neither the arrangement nor the total box office forecast has met the expectations of the outside world. To sum up, although "In the Octagon Cage" has achieved a huge number of screenings and pre-sales box office, due to poor word-of-mouth and too long screening time, the data after release is not ideal.

The point screening exceeded 400 million, but the total box office was one billion, where did Wang Baoqiang's "In the Octagon Cage" go wrong?

The incident sparked widespread discussion among viewers and film critics. Some argue that the power of publicity and word-of-mouth is much greater than the pre-sale box office, while others point out that the appropriate timing of the release is also a key factor affecting the box office. Perhaps, for a movie, in addition to the early publicity, a good reputation and the right release timing are also crucial. It is hoped that future films can achieve better performance in all aspects and win the love and recognition of the audience.

The point screening exceeded 400 million, but the total box office was one billion, where did Wang Baoqiang's "In the Octagon Cage" go wrong?

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