
Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

author:Seriously see the world on a rainy day

1. A chance encounter on the streets of Hong Kong reveals the cruel reality of being "abandoned".

Recently, Wang Baoqiang and his family were raided by paparazzi on the streets of Hong Kong, and the figure of a family of three was captured. At that time, they were strolling through the bustling commercial streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, enjoying a warm time together.

Wang Baoqiang was wearing fashionable clothes and hugged his 13-year-old son Wang Zihao tightly, his face was full of love and joy. Behind him, his girlfriend Feng Qing followed, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

The harmonious and beautiful picture of this family can't help but make people feel sincerely happy for their happy life.

However, this heartwarming scene evokes a subtle sense of irony. Not long ago, Wang Baoqiang attracted widespread attention and controversy on the Internet. At the end of February, a paparazzi photographed him and Feng Qing going out, and the way the two interacted was quite peculiar.

In the photo, Feng Qing actually held Wang Baoqiang's hand like a child, this scene was both weird and funny, which made the majority of netizens laugh, full of complicated emotions for this couple who have been in love for many years.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

In fact, since Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong divorced in 2018, his relationship with Feng Qing has been frequently exposed to the media spotlight. The relationship between the two has lasted for more than four years, and the relationship is as solid as a mountain.

Feng Qing and Wang Baoqiang's son get along very well and naturally, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before they enter the marriage hall.

However, all this does not seem to bring Wang Baoqiang much happiness. On the contrary, over the years, he seems to have been ruthlessly "abandoned" by the entire entertainment industry in his acting career, and his only remaining presence as an actor has become minimal.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

Aside from his occasional involvement in the filming of the "Detective Chinatown" series, Wang Baoqiang has produced few other eye-catching works in recent years, and even fewer impressive and well-received works.

2. In 2016, a turning point of fate quietly came

To trace the root cause of Wang Baoqiang's "abandonment", we have to go back to the decisive turning point of 2016. That year, two major events followed him that completely changed the course of his life.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

First of all, Wang Baoqiang personally wrote and publicly released a touching little essay, in which he bravely exposed the indecent scandal between his wife Ma Rong and his agent Song Zhe.

This is undoubtedly like a heavy hammer that shatters his once happy family life in an instant.

Since then, Wang Baoqiang and his ex-wife Ma Rong, raising two children, a boy and a girl, have had to go their separate ways, and each of them has followed their parents into a new life trajectory.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

The happy home that was once full of warm family affection was completely disintegrated and shattered, and the happy dreams of the past were like a mirror, and it was difficult to find them.

However, just as the wounds suffered by the family have not yet fully healed, another major blow follows. For a long time, Wang Baoqiang has been smooth in the entertainment industry, but he wants to challenge himself, he decided to transform into a high-profile new director, and put his first work "Havoc in Tianzhu" on the big screen.

However, to everyone's surprise, this new work, which was highly anticipated by the audience, only received a dismal 3.7 points in the end, which brought deep disappointment and blow to those viewers who were waiting for it.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

Many loyal fans of Wang Baoqiang have expressed that they have been deceived, and even mercilessly awarded him the "Golden Broom Award" on the Internet, an unspeakable honor.

In this way, Wang Baoqiang, who was originally known as a tough guy on the screen, fell from the peak of a first-line star to the bottom in an instant, and became a "broom star". This undoubtedly had a huge impact on his future career, and the cloudy days lasted for several years.

However, Wang Baoqiang, who has a strong heart, was not depressed because of this. Despite such a heavy blow, his inner steadfastness and humility remained the same. In the face of overwhelming ridicule and criticism on the Internet, he did not jump into a rage, but chose to accept this shameful "broom award" calmly.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

Many compared him to Bao Bell, who also suffered such humiliation back then, and praised Wang Baoqiang's integrity. Although the humiliation had come, he did not give up because of it.

On the contrary, he has always conceived a new film idea in his mind - a script idea about the struggle of small people.

3. The future is promising, and directing new films is full of challenges

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

Ironically, after the ill-fated 2016, Wang Baoqiang's private life finally ushered in a new dawn. Since 2018, Wang Baoqiang's relationship with his girlfriend Feng Qing has gradually surfaced, and the pictures of their sweet love have been frequently exposed in the public eye.

Excitingly, during this time, Wang Baoqiang has been working the creative concept of his first new masterpiece. He did his best to carefully craft the idea of that inspirational story of the little people who was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and gradually took shape.

Around 2020, the concept of this new film called "In the Octagon Cage" was finally perfected and began to take shape. Since then, Wang Baoqiang, a talented director, has once again embarked on a new journey in life.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

However, it is not easy for Wang Baoqiang to successfully reverse the dilemma of being "left out" with this new work and regain wide recognition from the industry and the audience. After all, his previous directorial debut had already sounded the alarm for him.

What's more critical is that among the actors who are also from the grassroots, there is a clear counterexample - that is the actor Huang Bo. In 2018, Huang Bo's film "A Good Show", which he directed for the first time, achieved an excellent box office score of 1.2 billion yuan, and the word-of-mouth score also reached the ideal level of 7.1 points.

However, before that, his frequent crossover attempts led to his identity as an actor gradually fading out of the audience's field of vision.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

Fortunately, Huang Bo has extraordinary wisdom, he chose to stop in moderation and did not devote himself to his directing career. On the contrary, with a calm and unhurried attitude, he explored many aspects such as variety shows, music creation and art, and finally won high praise from the industry and the audience.

In comparison, Wang Baoqiang is a little clumsy. As an actor, he has always focused on film and television works for many years, and adheres to the principle of treating people with sincerity.

Now, seeing the rapid rise of the new generation of actors such as Lei Jiayin and Zhang Yi, he has fallen into a trough and faced the dilemma of being "left out", he can only be helpless.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

4. Artists who have been "left out in the cold".

Looking at the entire entertainment industry, it is like a cruel purgatory, and the competition in it can be described as extremely fierce. Whether you are a hot actress or a rising star, as long as you make a slight mistake, you may be ruthlessly eliminated.

Wang Baoqiang's experiences in recent years vividly illustrate the poignant journey of an artist who has been "snubbed". He used to be in the limelight, but his current situation is really embarrassing.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

Although Wang Baoqiang once made his mark in the "Detective Chinatown" series of movies and showed extraordinary acting talent, in recent years, in addition to this classic series, his independent works have become increasingly scarce, which is undoubtedly regrettable! With the gradual cooling of the popularity of the series of movies, the promise of jaw-dropping reasoning and suspense stories has also been greatly reduced, and Wang Baoqiang's image in the minds of the majority of audiences has become more and more ambiguous.

However, what is even more worrying is that at the same time, a large number of new generation of powerful actors have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and their limelight is unmatched. For example, Lei Jiayin, who has been deeply involved in the whirlpool of doubts in the entertainment industry for a long time, has finally won wide acclaim in excellent film and television works such as "Winning the Championship"; Another example is Zhang Yi, who has directly become the new favorite of many well-known directors such as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, and has continuously received invitations for high-quality works.

In the face of such a grim situation, Wang Baoqiang naturally felt unprecedented pressure - as if in the entertainment industry that once gave him the honor of actor, he was gradually forgotten by people, and even ruthlessly abandoned.

Reality proves that like Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang was also "abandoned" by the entertainment industry

What's even more frustrating is that the rules of this industry are so cruel. Once the representative works are lost, they are easily replaced by newcomers and abandoned by the capital market. Even Huang Bo, the "king of the box office" who was as famous as Wang Baoqiang in the past, once faced the dilemma of being "abandoned" by the entertainment industry.

However, Huang Bo finally won the favor of the capital market again with his skillful control of variety shows and music, as well as the successful release of his directorial debut.

However, Wang Baoqiang did not get the same opportunity, he could only make a desperate bet and devote himself to the creation of the work "In the Octagon Cage".

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