
In 2013, singer Chen Hong's wealthy businessman husband Li Jun broke into the house of the beautiful host Shen Xing late at night, and when he saw a man lying on her bed, he immediately became angry and was taken by the police

author:Molon Armor

In 2013, singer Chen Hong's wealthy businessman husband Li Jun broke into the house of the beautiful host Shen Xing late at night, and when he saw a man lying on her bed, he immediately became angry, and when he was taken away by the police, he also pulled Shen Xing's hair and asked: I spent 10 million on you, why did you betray me?

On the night of 2013, the streets of Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, were unusually quiet under the neon lights. However, the hustle and bustle of a mansion shattered the tranquility. This mansion belongs to Shen Xing, a female host who used to have unlimited scenery on Phoenix Satellite TV. Her career has been booming, and the "Beautiful Woman's Private Cuisine" she hosted has made her a household name. However, it all started to take a turn for the worse after she was involved in a series of scandals.

As night fell, Li Jun, a successful wealthy businessman and singer Chen Hong's husband, found Shen Xing back to his mansion in Kowloon Tong. A rage burned inside him, as he had been rejected for his repeated attempts to get back together. Li Jun decided to go to Shen Xing in person to try to salvage this already broken relationship.

That night, he quietly came to Shen Xing's door. No matter how he rang the doorbell, Shen Xing didn't respond. He was not reconciled and decided to climb over the wall. He cautiously climbed onto the balcony, and through the window he saw a scene that made his blood run high: there was a man lying on Shen Xing's bed. At that moment, Li Jun lost his mind, angrily smashed the window glass and broke in.

"How can you do this to me!" Li Jun roared angrily and rushed towards Shen Xing. He grabbed Shen Xing's hair and dragged her off the bed. Shen Xing screamed in horror, and the man surnamed Wu immediately stepped forward to try to protect her, and the three of them immediately scuffled together. Fists and shouts filled the room, and blood stains and broken furniture witnessed the chaotic fight.

Soon, the neighbors heard the noise and called the police. When the police arrived, they saw a chaotic scene. When Li Jun was forcibly taken away, he still pulled Shen Xing's hair unwillingly and asked, "I spent 10 million on you, why did you betray me?" This scene was widely reported by the media, making the farce a hot topic at the time.

In 2012, Shen Xing met the wealthy Li Jun at a party. Although Li Jun already had a family, he launched a crazy pursuit of Shen Xing. Li Jun spent tens of millions of dollars for her, sending cars and jewelry, hoping to win her heart. Shen Xing was also attracted by these luxurious gifts at first, but soon after, she empathized with a wealthy man surnamed Wu and proposed to break up with Li Jun.

Li Jun found it difficult to accept this, and still kept begging for reunion. After being rejected many times, his behavior became more and more extreme, and he even went to Shen Xing's house at three o'clock in the middle of the night to knock on the door. Shen Xing had to call the police, and the police forcibly took Li Jun away. However, Li Jun's entanglement did not stop there, he continued to intimidate and threaten Shen Xing, and even broke into her residence, causing that farce.

In the end, Li Jun was sentenced to pay compensation for breaking into the house and beating people, and was forbidden to approach Shen Xing. However, this did not make him completely repentant, and Shen Xing had to take him to court, and Li Jun was eventually sentenced to six months in prison. After this incident was exposed, Chen Hong learned about her husband's marital cheating and quickly divorced him. Shen Xing issued a statement denying that Li Jun was her ex-boyfriend, and emphasized that she did not have a wealthy businessman boyfriend surnamed Wu, and all the money was earned by her own work.

After the farce, Shen Xing's public image plummeted. Although she has repeatedly denied ties to Li Jun and the wealthy man surnamed Wu, public trust has collapsed. Her name frequently appears in the headlines, but all of them are linked to scandals and controversies. Former supporters turned around, and accusations against her were everywhere. Faced with overwhelming negative news, Shen Xing fell into an unprecedented trough.

Shen Xing has tried to make a comeback, and she hopes to win the audience's love again with a new show. However, the entertainment industry is a cruel place, and the public's memory is very short. Every time she tried to get back on stage, she was dragged down by the past, and the audience and the media never forgot the scandal. In the end, Shen Xing had to admit that he was no longer able to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

After leaving Phoenix TV, Shen Xing decided to find a new direction in life. She chose a very different field than her previous one – food bloggers. Shen Xing gained some experience in hosting food shows in her early years, and she turned this interest into a new career. Through social media platforms, she began to share her food-making process and experience.

At first, her food blog didn't get a lot of attention. Many people still associate her with past scandals and are skeptical of her new attempts. However, Shen Xing did not give up because of this. She patiently updates her content, constantly improving her cooking skills and photography. She prepares each dish with care, records every step in detail, and interacts with fans in a light-hearted and pleasant language.

Gradually, Shen Xing's efforts began to pay off. Her food blog has attracted more and more attention, and the comment section has changed from cynicism to full of praise and support. Fans were moved by her persistence and professionalism and began to reacquaint themselves with the former host. Her cooking videos have been widely circulated on major platforms, and many housewives and food lovers have become her loyal viewers.

As time passed, Shen Xing gradually found a new world of his own. Her life is no longer shrouded in the shadows of the past, but is filled with new hopes and goals.

Despite leaving the entertainment industry, Shen Xing's influence is still not small. She is often invited to participate in various food festivals and charity activities to share her food experience and life experience. Although her name no longer appears frequently in the entertainment news, she has become a well-respected influencer in the world of food.

Nowadays, Shen Xing's pace of life has become slow and regular. She spends her days in the kitchen, exploring new recipes and trying out new cooking techniques. From time to time, she shares her food creations and life moments on social media to interact with fans. Her smile is still bright, and her eyes are full of love for life and anticipation for the future.


Singer Chen Hong divorced her ex-husband Li Jun, and the man broke into Shen Xing's house. China News Network

In 2013, singer Chen Hong's wealthy businessman husband Li Jun broke into the house of the beautiful host Shen Xing late at night, and when he saw a man lying on her bed, he immediately became angry and was taken by the police
In 2013, singer Chen Hong's wealthy businessman husband Li Jun broke into the house of the beautiful host Shen Xing late at night, and when he saw a man lying on her bed, he immediately became angry and was taken by the police
In 2013, singer Chen Hong's wealthy businessman husband Li Jun broke into the house of the beautiful host Shen Xing late at night, and when he saw a man lying on her bed, he immediately became angry and was taken by the police

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