
Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Liao Yaoxiang's great-granddaughter took a group photo with Wang Baoqiang and Yingda

Hello everyone, I'm Lantai.

Today, Lantai would like to introduce to you the descendants of General Liao Yaoxiang, a famous anti-Japanese general.

Why do you want to introduce the descendants of General Liao Yaoxiang?

This is because the experience of General Liao Yaoxiang's great-granddaughter is very legendary.

She is a Chinese-American, but she chose to settle in Beijing;

She was a partner of Trump Real Estate and the rumored girlfriend of the famous domestic movie star Wang Baoqiang.

More importantly, she relies on personal struggle, and now she has assets of more than 100 million.

Such a legendary descendant, of course, I have to introduce it to everyone.

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Liao Yaoxiang


Liao Yaoxiang was born in 1906 in Brewing Creek Town, Beixiang, Shaoyang County, Hunan Province.

Liao Yaoxiang, like many famous anti-Japanese generals, was also born in a scholarly family in the countryside.

Liao Yaoxiang's grandfather is called Liao Guangeun, and he was admitted to show his fame, but for various reasons, Liao Guangeun did not choose to continue to seek fame, but chose to open a private school in his hometown.

Liao Guangeun originally pinned his hopes on his son, but soon, Liao Guangeun found that his son was not a material for studying, so he pinned all his hopes on his grandson Liao Yaoxiang.

Liao Guangeun named his grandson Yaoxiang, and he pinned on the expectations of the lintel of the light gate and the name of Yao Sanxiang.

Liao Yaoxiang also really lived up to expectations, he was talented and intelligent since he was a child, he began to receive his grandfather's traditional Chinese culture education at the age of 6, and was admitted to the county higher primary school at the age of 12 with the first place.

Two years later, 14-year-old Liao Yaoxiang was admitted to Changsha Private Yueyun Middle School as the first in the county.

In 1925, 19-year-old Liao Yaoxiang graduated from Yueyun Middle School, and at this time, the Liao family could no longer afford to pay for Liao Yaoxiang's studies, so although Liao Yaoxiang was a scholar, he could only consider those military schools or normal schools that did not require tuition.

Liao Yaoxiang was originally going to apply for the Whampoa Military Academy immediately, but because he couldn't get the entanglement, he could only be admitted to the teaching team of the 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Division of the Hunan Army to "mix" his salary for one year and make up enough money.

A year later, Liao Yaoxiang, who had saved enough entanglements, was admitted to the sixth cavalry section of the Whampoa Military Academy, and after graduating in 1928, he was admitted to the preparatory class for overseas officers. In May 1930, he went to France to study at public expense.

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

The site of the Whampoa Military Academy

It was also in France that Liao Yaoxiang met his first wife, Huang Borong.

Ms. Huang Borong's uncle is Huang Xing, who is as famous as Sun Yat-sen, and she was sent by her father to study in France because of her love for art.

Liao Yaoxiang and Huang Borong were introduced by a friend and finally registered their marriage in France.

And Liao Yaoxiang's son Liao Dingyi was also born in France.

Liao Yaoxiang and his wife, Huang Borong, lived in France for six years until 1936, when they returned to China.

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Liao Yaoxiang and his wife were buried together

According to General Liao Yaoxiang's great-granddaughter, after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Liao Yaoxiang was busy with the war, and he and his wife Huang Borong rarely met.

Not long after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Liao Yaoxiang was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to enter the civil war.

According to the Liao family, from returning to China in 1936 to Liao Yaoxiang's defeat and capture in 1948, in the whole 12 years, Liao Yaoxiang and his wife actually didn't spend much time together:

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek arranged his family in the German consulate in Shanghai because of the merits of his grandfather, and then the civil war began, and they never saw each other again. Later, my grandmother went to Hong Kong, then to Taiwan, and then to the United States from Taiwan with special permission, but in fact, I rarely had the opportunity to interact with my grandfather.
Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Liao Yaoxiang's great-granddaughter and her grandmother


After 1949, Huang Borong took his son Liao Dingyi to live in Taiwan via Hong Kong.

According to Liao Yaoxiang's great-granddaughter, Huang Borong had no income at that time, and only lived on a meager "pension".

Our family is actually miserable, and we have been displaced, but my grandmother turned her pain into a state of peace and ease, and my grandfather, although he rarely saw his father since he was a child, was also more optimistic, because he knew that he could feel his father's love for him.

Fortunately, Liao Dingyi inherited his father Liao Yaoxiang's academic tyrant attributes, and his academic performance has always been very good, and he has never let his mother worry about it.

Liao Dingyi and his wife Ouyang Yu were college classmates, and when the two fell in love, Ouyang Yu didn't know Liao Dingyi's life experience, and it was only after Ouyang Yu's repeated questioning that Liao Dingyi confessed his life experience.

According to Ouyang Yu, when she informed her father that she was going to marry Liao Dingyi, her father immediately agreed as soon as he heard that it was Liao Yaoxiang's son, saying that the character of a child from such a family must be fine:

My father quickly replied that yes, it should be good for a child from such a family.

After graduating from university, Liao Dingyi and his wife Ouyang Yu were admitted to the scholarship and both went to the United States to study, and then chose to stay in the United States to live.

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Liao Yaoxiang's great-granddaughter

After Liao Dingyi settled in the United States, he really wanted to bring his mother to live in the United States, but at that time, the Kuomintang was afraid that Huang Borong would transfer from the United States to Beijing to reunite with Liao Yaoxiang, so it never approved Liao Dingyi's application.

It was not until 1972, four years after Liao Yaoxiang's death, that Huang Borong was allowed to go to the United States to reunite with his son.

Huang Borong lived in the United States until his death in 2008 at the age of 103.

Among the descendants of General Liao Yaoxiang, the most outstanding one is Liao Zhiyu, the great-granddaughter of General Liao Yaoxiang.

She holds an MBA and a Master of Computer Science from Rochester Tech University and Columbia University, an Ivy League university.

Many people don't know that as early as 2008, 23-year-old Liao Zhiyu quietly went to Baidu as an intern.

The reason why Liao Zhiyu wanted to go to Baidu as an intern was that, according to her later statement, she discovered China's potential in the Internet field at that time, and she wanted to confirm this potential up close, so she chose to be an intern at Baidu.

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Liao Zhiyu and Trump pose for a photo

After returning to the United States, Liao Zhiyu felt that the most suitable job for her was to act as a "bridge" between China and the United States.

During this time, her most proud "work" was to promote the cooperation between the Lu Guanqiu family and the American Millstein family. In addition, during this time, she was also a partner of Trump Real Estate.

In 2012, Liao Zhiyu chose to join goetzpartners Germany as the president of goetzpartners China.

During her tenure at goetzpartners in Germany, she successfully assisted top financial institutions, industrial and automotive, retail, commercial real estate, hotels, pharmaceutical companies, and cultural media groups in numerous cross-border acquisitions and joint ventures.

In 2015, Liao Zhiyu, who felt that he had accumulated considerable contacts and wealth, chose to settle in Beijing and served as the president of Beijing Kunlun Hongxing Club.

In her role as president of the Kunlun Hongxing Club in Beijing, she formed the Chinese team of China's first professional ice hockey team, the Continental Hockey League (KHL).

Where are the descendants of the famous anti-Japanese general Liao Yaoxiang now: his great-granddaughter is a billionaire, and his rumored boyfriend is Wang Baoqiang

Wang Baoqiang and Liao Zhiyu

Over the years, her biggest achievement in China has been her investment in NIO.

By the way, she is also the rumored girlfriend of the famous Chinese movie star Wang Baoqiang.

In fact, as early as 2015, when a reporter asked Liao Zhiyu about his favorite object, Liao Zhiyu said that she preferred 100% Chinese.

When asked about lifelong events, she also admitted that "I still love 100% Chinese the most."


The above is the situation of General Liao Yaoxiang's descendants, if you have anything you want to discuss, please leave a message in the comment area.



"Liao Yaoxiang's Great-Granddaughter: Alone in Europe, Connecting the Chinese and Western Shopping Malls", Zhou Yiqing, Comprehensive;

"Dialogue with Liao Yaoxiang's Daughter-in-law and Great-Granddaughter", Zhou Ang;;

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