
After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

author:Worry-free history

1. Elaborate on Ma Rong's current predicament and the abuse and criticism she has suffered in the online world, so as to draw attention to the reasons why she has fallen from the "school flower" of the past to the "joke of the world" today

"Ma Jinlian", "Jokes in the World"... These words appear frequently in the Internet world these days, and they are used to describe Ma Rong, who was once known as the "school flower of Northwest University".

fell from the peak of her life to the bottom, Ma Rong's fate trajectory is embarrassing. She has tried to earn income through live streaming many times, but every time she was ruthlessly criticized and spurned by netizens, and finally had no choice but to go offline.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

What is the reason why this former "school flower" has fallen here? Where did her graceful figure and delicate face go? Why was the bright future destroyed by her own hands? From a radiant beauty to such a disgusted appearance today, Ma Rong's life journey is undoubtedly worthy of our in-depth thinking.

2. Ma Rong and Wang Baoqiang's married life and the process of her betrayal of marriage

Wang Baoqiang's career and family have a bumper harvest, and he is obedient to Ma Rong

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

Soon after entering the marriage hall with Ma Rong, Wang Baoqiang gave birth to a son and a daughter for her. From an unknown "grassroots" in the past, to a happy life with a successful career and a happy family, this is simply a dream for Wang Baoqiang.

However, due to his busy work, Wang Baoqiang has very little time at home, and he is full of deep guilt for not being able to fully accompany Ma Rong and the children.

In order to make up for this regret, Wang Baoqiang did not hesitate to hand over the power of his family to Ma Rong, and even after he founded Baoyirong Film and Television Company, he also gave 90% of the equity to Ma Rong without reservation.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

Ma Rong gradually became dissatisfied with Wang Baoqiang, and secretly fell in love with her agent Song Zhe

Although Wang Baoqiang takes good care of Ma Rong, Ma Rong is still extremely dissatisfied with the current state of life. She thinks that Wang Baoqiang is short in stature and mediocre in appearance, and he is completely unable to meet her expectations for an ideal partner.

As time passed, Ma Rong's eyes began to turn to Wang Baoqiang's agent Song Zhe. Song Zhe is personable, sturdy, handsome and chic, which just fits the image of an ideal man in Ma Rong's heart.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

Although she knew that such thoughts were full of danger, Ma Rong still couldn't suppress the surging and fiery impulse in her heart. Song Zhe had insight into Ma Rong's inner world, and he began to visit frequently when Wang Baoqiang was not at home, "carefully appeased" Ma Rong's deep boredom, which seemed to be relieving her troubles on the surface, but in fact it was quietly conveying ambiguity, trying to break through her psychological defense.

Ma Rong and Song Zhe betrayed their marriage many times and secretly planned to transfer Wang Baoqiang's property

Under Song Zhe's continuous temptation, Ma Rong couldn't resist the temptation after all, and took the initiative to give her arms. The emotions between the two quickly heat up, burning like a flame, burning the last shred of sanity and shame, and soon after, an illicit intimacy takes place.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

Since then, they seem to have fallen into a whirlpool from which they cannot extricate themselves, taking advantage of Wang Baoqiang's absence from home to indulge in carnal pleasures while seeking that forbidden pleasure.

Ma Rong was afraid that she would lose everything after the East Window incident, so she began to secretly plan to transfer Wang Baoqiang's property to her own name with Song Zhe, leaving a guarantee for herself.

Wang Baoqiang noticed the derailment and resolutely decided to divorce

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

How could such an unscrupulous thing escape Wang Baoqiang's eyes? When he learned the news, he was in pain, but he still chose to give Ma Rong a warning first, hoping that she would be able to find her way back.

However, Ma Rong and Song Zhe were overconfident, believing that they had already mastered most of Wang Baoqiang's wealth, so they ignored Wang Baoqiang's warnings. Faced with this situation, Wang Baoqiang could only transfer all the company's property to his own name to prevent losses.

Immediately afterwards, he finally made up his mind and officially filed for divorce from Ma Rong. At that time, Ma Rong still naively thought that after the divorce, she could pursue her love without any worries, and she could also share Wang Baoqiang's huge property, so she agreed without hesitation.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

3. The outcome after divorce

Although Ma Rong got a share of the property, she quickly squandered it

However, what Ma Rong didn't expect was that Wang Baoqiang's rich property, which was originally controlled by her, was all returned to Wang Baoqiang at the time of the divorce.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

Although she eventually got a share of the property, it was exhausted in just two years due to Ma Rong's extravagant lifestyle and the high lawyer's fees generated by the conspiracy to transfer Wang Baoqiang's property.

The once brilliant and splendid future was wiped out in an instant, and Ma Rong unfortunately fell into the most difficult and difficult trough in her life. 3.2 Song Zhe was sentenced to prison time

Regarding Ma Rong's extramarital affair accomplice, Song Zhe, because he conspired with Ma Rong to secretly transfer Wang Baoqiang's property, which seriously violated the relevant laws and regulations of the crime of embezzlement, and in the end, the court sentenced him to serve six years in prison.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

After being released from prison at the end of his sentence, Song Zhe was already penniless, and could only lead a tired soul to survive with difficulty 3.3 Ma Rong repeatedly tried to make a comeback but was mercilessly ridiculed and ridiculed.

However, the heavy responsibility of paying the debt also made it impossible for Ma Rong to remain silent any longer. She carefully planned, directed and acted in several seemingly innocent and pure theatrical performances, undoubtedly to arouse the compassion of the majority of netizens, trying to obtain money in this way.

However, no matter how Ma Rong dressed herself up and how many delicate and clumsy techniques she used, she couldn't deceive anyone after all. Every time the live broadcast brought goods, netizens would scoff and ask her if she could be called "Ma Jinlian" or "human joke", and used all the vicious words to criticize all the immoral things she did back then.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

In the end, she could only put away her edge and leave in pain, which was embarrassing.

Fourth, trace Ma Rong's growth path

Born in Weinan, Shaanxi, as the only daughter in the family, she feels cared for

In the spring of 1986, Ma Rong was born in an ordinary family in Weinan, Shaanxi. Because she is the only child in the family, she has been regarded as the pearl of her parents since she was a child and has been given meticulous love.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

Ma Rong's parents always treated her gently and considerately, and never used her parents' authority to demand her. The classmates and friends around her were also full of praise and envy. Growing up in such a caring environment, Ma Rong gradually developed an arrogant and arrogant personality, believing that she was the most unique existence in the world, unmatched.

Even in the face of those who express their affection for her, she is always dismissive and indifferent. 4.2 Admitted to Northwestern University and feel good about themselves

In 2004, with her own excellent conditions, Ma Rong finally got her wish and stepped into the School of Journalism and Communication of Northwest University to study broadcasting and hosting. Because of her natural beauty and talent, she quickly became the center of attention at school.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

However, she was self-righteous and took her classmates' help and gifts for granted, and never expressed her gratitude. On the contrary, for these well-meaning classmates, she always treats them coldly and waves goodbye.

After a long time, her classmates avoided her, and after graduation, she entered Beijing TV for an internship and met Wang Baoqiang.

On the occasion of graduating from university, Ma Rong was fortunate to step into the internship stage of Beijing TV station as she wished, and since then she has started her long-awaited career. However, fate made her meet the world-renowned film and television superstar - Wang Baoqiang at this time.

After divorcing Wang Baoqiang for 6 years, I realized that Ma Rong's tragic life is inseparable from her growth experience

At that time, Wang Baoqiang was becoming famous for starring in the TV series "No Thieves in the World", and he was invited to Beijing TV to participate in a grand promotional event. And the reporter responsible for interviewing this popular star is Ma Rong.

In order to be able to complete this interview task perfectly, Ma Rong can be said to have made sufficient preparations.

As expected, under Ma Rong's witty and appropriate chairmanship, the interview was an unprecedented success. Facing the gentle and generous Ma Rong, Wang Baoqiang couldn't help but fall for it, and quickly began his passionate pursuit of this beautiful and moving female reporter.

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